1 year Surgiversary!! My Journey

on 5/11/16 6:51 am

As of today it's been 1 year since I had my VSG.  My goal was 175 pounds and I'm at 176.4 today.  I've been amazed at the changes that have happened over this past year.  I no longer have joint pain, I'm off my Blood Pressure meds, I can move so much easier and enjoy being active.  I'm buying clothes "off the rack" and love how I look.

It's been a journey of self discovery.  I did a lot of research before I had my surgery and decided on the VSG.  I'm on Medicare, so one of their requirements was to be on a doctor supervised diet for 6 months.  I used Fitness Pal and lost 17 pounds.  I still use Fitness Pal to track my food, exercise and weight loss.  It's important to track everything you put into your mouth.  Some days I made poor choices, but it's a learning experience and now my choices are much healthier. 

In general, this has been a positive experience.  There have been stalls, but knowing that they're a normal occurrence and being patient is the key to get through them.  You have to look forward to your goal and then remind yourself that you're doing this for your health.  At first exercise was an effort and I had to make a conscious decision that I "had" to do it.  It would have been easy to just sit on the couch and not do it, but once I started and got to moving every day it got easier.  Change it up to keep from getting bored.

I have loose skin and it's taken me a while to accept it, but it is a part of losing weight.  Clothes cover a lot of it and there are support garments that help. Thank goodness!  But I like that I can comfortably wear smaller clothes and feel better about the way I look.

Now a thank you to all of you on this forum.  Many questions were answered, encouragement and support were offered.  I hope I can inspire one person to make this journey for themselves.  You are worth it.  I've gained my self confidence back, I've found that "thinner me"  I knew was inside me. 


Kris R.
on 5/11/16 7:21 am - Walworth, NY

Your success and honesty inspire me.  Congrads on everything.  Being healthy is a wonderful feeling - I can't wait to be there.

You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of you!!
Band 10/2006, removal 10/2010, VSG 02/08/2016

on 5/11/16 10:50 am

Congratulations on your yearly accomplishments.   Way to go!

Judy  5'5"  HW 298  SW 270

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