hey so when did you guys start working out once you were out? walking/ light cardio/real...
my surgeon suggested I start workout without emphasis on stomach region since last week (week 3 post op) so was wondering,
when did you all start your cardio? then how long did it take to progress to actual full fledged workout?
I was cleared for all exercise after week 2. I have been walking for an hour a day most days since about a week after surgery. I met with an exercise physiologist prior to my surgery who works with my surgeon's office. She recommended focusing on cardio for the first year to get the weight off and then adding in weights. She said pilates or yoga are good at this stage though.

For me, I have only done walking and pilates. I was cleared to do all cardio by two weeks, so I would assume that if I wanted to do bike or stepper or elliptical, that would be fine.

Guy this is the nutty troll again, look at what she had last night going.

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16
The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.
hey mister, this was posted for people who would support/answer, no one forced you to read, don't act superior because you've been fat the longest here ok? stop calling me names man or I'm really gonna be rude. and yeah, GET A LIFE! OK? cheers!
I was very active before surgery so I couldn't wait to start again after...
3 days out I was walking about a Half mile a day
and a week and a half I went back to spin but spoke to the instructor and let her know I was only going to sit .. No other positions (stand and climb.)
By 3 weeks I was doing everything cardio but waited till 6 weeks to add weights..
I am waiting to break 200 to start running again ...
Running is my one fear .. I don't want to start too soon and get discouraged
but all my movement is more for my mind then my body.. And unfortunatly that has not changed after surgery