For the sleeved folks, can you describe the pain post OP?

on 5/5/16 9:26 am, edited 5/5/16 2:26 am
VSG on 03/07/16

The patch for nausea idea is great!!!  I was so nauseous that I had trouble swallowing and my daughter had to chop up my pill in several pieces for me to be able to take it...  THE PATCH IS A GREAT IDEA!!!  Wish I had it after my surgery!!!

on 5/5/16 9:17 am
VSG on 03/07/16

I agree with Sandra's post... the pain was tolerable... the nausea was not.  I highly recommend asking before surgery for an anti-nausea medication prescription, along with the pain meds.  Stay away from anything sugary, natural or not, and carbs... not just for the diet's sake, but for the nausea... My body would not tolerate anything other than protein for the first several weeks...  even in the tiniest of amounts.  Stick to the diet plan, follow the liquid food guidelines as long as possible... Give your body time to heal and adjust.  I'm almost two months post surgery now.  And my body still lets me know when I'm injesting something I shouldn't... haha... Thank God!  It's a reminder to keep on track.  Like I said, the pain is tolerable (and I have a very low pain threshold) but for me, the nausea was not... Also, get some gas strips for post surgery... they came in very handy to help rid of the gas pains... that was the most pain I felt... gas bubbles... EVERYWHERE.... even in my shoulders... The gas strips helped a lot!!!!  It's exciting that you are that close to your surgery date.  I remember when I was prepping for the big day!  I still can't get over how easily I'm dropping weight now...  :)  You'll be so happy when it's all done and over with.  Good luck on your weight loss journey!  Keep us posted!!!  :)

on 5/5/16 10:41 am

Hi Gabby...excited for you!

I had my surgery 5/ home yesterday.  My surgery day PO ...I really had no pain...just extremely tired....all I wanted to do is sleep...and swab my will feel like cotton.  Day 1 PO, however was probably my worst pain (and note that everyone experiences pain differently).  My incisions weren't my main source of was the gas/air and the new feeling in my new stomach.  It is now a tube....which is swollen and irritated with surgery.  I could feel every drop of water going down...and it was quite painful at times.  I tried to get up as much as I could to release the gas...naturally...can't really pu**** out now (incisions).  Laying on my left side also seemed to help get that gas moving out easier too.

As for pain meds....I know I got a patch for nausea before my surgery behind my left ear...I did not want to feel nauseated after this.  I had issues with the pain meds I got......they gave me a HUGE headache that went from my head to my neck and I did get nauseated.  The 2x I had the pain meds...this I just opted for the liquid tylenol..which seemed to work good and fast.  

So here I am..PO Day 3....doing better....only thing that really hurt was when I took a sip of water this morning and it tickled my throat...and I had to cough...YIKES.....then my incisions hurt.

Just remember that all experiences are different....only thing I wished I knew before was how differently my stomach would felt not right...but dr said it was a normal complaint from patients and it will go away.  Sleep as much as you the hospital.  I went to bed last night at 7:30 after getting home and did not get up until after 9 (thankful my hubby made lunches and the kids off to school).  First day to wake up and not feel out of it.

Best wishes!


on 5/9/16 8:05 am
VSG on 05/25/16

Thank you for sharing your experience and offering so many valuable tips!

on 5/5/16 4:35 pm

I am 2 weeks as of today post op and pain is not bad at all. My surgery was APR 21st and I went home on Fri APR 22nd..had a few complications but none that required readmission to the hospital..very minor very happy with my surgery of 2 weeks post op I have lost 32 lbs....not a bad start hu!!

on 5/9/16 5:30 am
VSG on 05/25/16

wow! congrats on your incredible weight loss so far!! 

on 5/6/16 12:56 pm
VSG on 05/02/16

I've never been sick from anesthesia but I was this time.  Only had the dry heaves with blood mixed in about 3 times in 2 days. I slept from the time I was wheeled into my room thru the next morning when at 530am they kicked me outta bed and into a chair for the day.  I slept a lot in the chair also but was so in pain I slept from being pain exhausted I believe.  Do not be a smarty push that pain med button every second you can.  Mine was every 6 minutes.  My nurse said to me on day two when I was practically in tears trying to get up for a walk that I wouldn't believe the difference I would feel on day 3 and she was right.  A big difference.  It's getting better everyday but I'm not gonna lie when I say it freakin hurts.  I came home with a liquid pain med and that helps magically in minutes so do what you feel is right.

Lynn D

 Age:52, Height 5'4", HW 299, SW 282.6, Current weight as of 02/22/17 159 lbs.

M1 30, M2 25, M3 30,  M4-9 M5 ? M-6,7,8 25lbs, M 9 1/2 ?

on 5/9/16 5:31 am
VSG on 05/25/16

great advice, thank you!! 

on 5/9/16 12:05 pm
VSG on 10/12/15

I was very lucky. I woke up in recovery and had no pain, I was very groggy until the next morning. I was afraid to get up and stand as I was a little dizzy but had no real pain. I experienced no nausea but was very tired the day and the day after I got home. I did not even take any of the paid medication I was given. I was more afraid to move for fear of pain that never came.


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