4 days post op - feeling weak
So Thursday, 4/28, was my surgery. All went well but I woke up in horrible pain...and I can tolerate a good amount of pain. I haven't really had to take my blood pressure meds but after surgery I was on them. The gas pain, is by far the worst and I just wanted to crawl into a little ball and stay there. The incisions are not bad, the tape/steri-strips are more bothersome I think. My tastes are definitely different - the jello I can't stand, the broth is yuck and water gives me gas pain. I am having really hard time getting all my liquids in but I am trying. I am so tempted to try a premier even before my full liquid stage just so I feel substance.
I get very winded and my heart beats really fast and hard after walking, especially up the stairs. Can anyone recommend anything? I don't like feeling this weak. I've tried to take my vitamins but after chewing and getting one down I vomited (TMI). I've been afraid to try one since, but I will again because I know I need them.
On the day of surgery I was 256 and today I am 243...I've been having really weird dreams, and about 1-2x a day I do get hunger pains which then turns to a gas pain either in my chest or upper back.
Any advice will help!
Remember you're healing. I still can't do the stairs all the time without getting winded. I think it just takes time. Take a nap, rest be good to yourself. You just had major surgery. As for the dreams. Those are normal - the gas will go away. Try water at different temps. I like it best at room temp. All my drinks I like at room temp. You need to keep trying to get your vitamins in. did the doc give you anti-nausea medicine? Take that, give it a few min. and then take your vitamins and then take a nap. just get them in. Each day will get better.

You can't take care of them, if you don't take care of you!!
Band 10/2006, removal 10/2010, VSG 02/08/2016
So Thursday, 4/28, was my surgery. All went well but I woke up in horrible pain...and I can tolerate a good amount of pain. I haven't really had to take my blood pressure meds but after surgery I was on them. The gas pain, is by far the worst and I just wanted to crawl into a little ball and stay there. The incisions are not bad, the tape/steri-strips are more bothersome I think. My tastes are definitely different - the jello I can't stand, the broth is yuck and water gives me gas pain. I am having really hard time getting all my liquids in but I am trying. I am so tempted to try a premier even before my full liquid stage just so I feel substance.
I get very winded and my heart beats really fast and hard after walking, especially up the stairs. Can anyone recommend anything? I don't like feeling this weak. I've tried to take my vitamins but after chewing and getting one down I vomited (TMI). I've been afraid to try one since, but I will again because I know I need them.
On the day of surgery I was 256 and today I am 243...I've been having really weird dreams, and about 1-2x a day I do get hunger pains which then turns to a gas pain either in my chest or upper back.
Any advice will help!
you have everything backwards. Forget the vitamins for now. It takes months to become deficient.
Focus on liquids. That is most important. If you can't drink plain water, use flavor drops. Even a squeeze of lemon but get liquid in. You don't have to like broth and jello, just eat them anyway.
It is normal to be weak right after surgery. Your body is recovering. There is nothing you can do but let it heal.
are you On a PPI?
I am just a few days ahead of you - my surgery was last Monday. Yesterday and today I am feeling soooo much better. Day 4 & 5 were the worst for me - light headed and feverish. Keep drinking something - sip sip sip.
Do I understand you are on clear liquids only? Are you getting any protein? You need som calories and protein to heal. Check in with your nutritionist to see if you can change anything up.
Good luck! You will soon be past this phase :)

Vsg April 25th 2016 with Benjamin Shadle.
Starting weight 351, surgery weight 331
M1 -22.2 M2 - 14.2 M3 -8.9 M4 - 12.1 M5 - 4.7
8/22/2016 Lost 60.1 since surgery. Lost 78.2 overall.
Goals: 1)Get under 300 - done! Yeah! 2) Get under 280 (Yeah met this on 8/10/16) 3)Get under 268 (stay tuned!)
Yes, for one week they want me on clear liquids only. Broth, flavored (but not carbonated) water, SF jello.
Thanks everyone...it's hard, as I am sure you all know. I feel a little better this evening and tried walking a bit more. I use to be able to just drink water all day long and it's so hard to do it right now. I love ice cold water, but I have a feeling room or warm water will be it for now...
Thanks for all the tips!