Not losing weight...what am I doing wrong ?

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 4/26/16 7:20 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

If there was any damage, you'd be in massive pain. If you're not ready to pass out and die, you should be ok ;)

I'd do 1oz yogurt a few times a day, in between drinking water and having protein shakes. I got little 3oz paper bathroom cups and I'd try to eat about half of one, but I usually didn't finish.

Granted, I had a really rough recovery (painkillers don't do jack for me, so it was Advil all the way) so I may have been able to eat less than most at first because I felt like crap :)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 4/26/16 3:31 pm
VSG on 12/29/15 with

You have not done anything wrong. This is normal. Your body is still adjusting to everything that has happened. This happened to me also and then all of a sudden the weight started coming off. Keep doing what you are doing and be patient.



on 4/26/16 5:59 pm
VSG on 08/11/14

I would do 1/4 cup of food. I was eating six times a day. Every 3 hours. Plus there is a 3 week stall that happens to eveyone.

on 4/27/16 10:23 am
VSG on 01/16/14
  1. stalls do not happen to everyone. Everyone is completely different. It is very easy for anyone to say "its a stall". If you find yourself saying that through the process, make sure you are really evaluating your actions before you deem it a "stall". - promise not being a meanie or a hater, just keeping it real with experience :)
  2. Yes! eating way too much. I defer to sparkle kitty's guidance. 1 oz of lets say greek yogurt or soup, or something of that consistency should take at least 1/2 hour to eat. Do not be a hero and do three meals. You should be doing 3-5 tiny meals of like 2-3 ounces at 6 weeks so 4-5oz of anything at three weeks is crazy. Your nerve endings are cut; you cannot feel a thing. During this time of slow eating, it is also teaching you to set a foundation for healthy eating habits going forward to be successful in your journey. I used baby spoons and literally set the timer. I would take 1 bite every minute in order to teach myself how to pace my eating and listen to the signs. Go back to your doctor and CHALLENGE THEM. Tell them you need some more guidance and resources. your wellness is their responsibility too! Even now, I can only eat about 4-6 oz of food per meal.
  3. You mentioned "I feel like" it a mental thing like you should be eating, or are you actually hungry? The hardest struggle is the mental challenge. In this case, let your stomach guide you vs. your mind. Ask yourself: am I really hungry? How hungry am I? If your answer is yes and I really want ice cream, you aren't really hungry LOL. If your answer is I really need a piece of chicken or yogurt, have a drink of water or protein shake and if still hungry move forward.
  4. Watch your carbs (especially with the protein shakes).
  5. DO NOT eat until your are full. Eat until you are satisfied or you notice your stomach is "good". Especially since you are so early out that next bite could be what makes you throw up. I told myself after going through surgery I would never eat so much during this that would make me throw up (b/c I really hate throwing up). In 2 1/4 years, I have not thrown up.

This whole thing - even two years out - is a struggle and very overwhelming. But you aren't alone. It does get better. People told me the same thing here when I started, so im paying it forward and I totally sympathize with you right now.

Recommendation (something I never did and should have): Once you get through the next few weeks, your next fixation will be on the scale. And that scale, she's a meanie. Im a weigh-once-a-day kind of girl, and when that scale moves up instead of down, I get mad LOL. Take your measurements. Take a picture in your pants today, and take one int he same pants/outfit every month out. You will visually see the difference too!

I know this is a rant totally off topic, but im very excited for you! I remember three weeks out, and I know me now. And I never want to go back to the three-weeks-out me. Start with healthy habits now. This is a new life and a new you!


on 4/27/16 10:56 am
VSG on 04/05/16

Thank you so much!  This has been very helpful to me.  I go back to the doctor this Friday hopefully it will be a good visit where I leave feeling more informed.  When you said to watch the carbs with protein shakes, I was not aware of that, i have been drinking the ready made Premier Protein shakes which are 11 ounces each, they have 5 grams of carbs, I have one for breakfast and one for dinner (sometimes), does the protein shake have to be a certain amount of ounces?

Another area where i am confused is this - i believe you are not supposed to drink 30min before eating and 30min after eating, now when you have lets say the protein shake, does that count as a "meal" and you will have to do the same?  meaning after my shake or before could i drink water whenver i want or i have to do the waiting rule as well?  Does the same apply to lets say having coffee or tea with a little milk, is that considered a meal because of the milk or could i drink that right after a have a shake lets say.

When i said i felt hungry there were times i know it was mental, but other times i feel i was really hungry for food, maybe I let too much time pass.  How often should you be consuming something?

So now i know why 2 nights i had a really nauseous feeling, i guess that was from the overeating!!!

I am just so worried of failing at this, I feel so lost right now, I def need more consult from my doctor's office, but I am very happy for the support I am getting on here.

Thank You for your knowledge and advice I truly appreciate it.

on 4/27/16 11:05 am
VSG on 01/16/14

Im reaching back to 2 years ago LOL:

5g of carbs are fine! Sometimes the protein shakes have a lot. Im not familiar with Premier, so just wanted to throw that out there.

I believe the answer is yes to the protein shake / drinking question. It is a liquid meal, and you want to ensure that you get all the protein in without the water filling you up before and after.

the water after piece - mainly this is to let the food digest in your stomach so that the water or fluid does not sit on top. It can make you sick.

Consumption - I would eat (at first) 1 ounce in 1/2 hour. And then usually eat every 3-4 hours. This does not include the protein shakes that I sipped on throughout the day. I also never made the protein shakes with milk or a milk substitute per se so they were more like my fluids.

YES! your mouth gets all foamy. You feel really sick. Then when you lay down it gets worse. Its one of the hardest things I had to mentally overcome was the knowing when to stop. Before you take that extra bite just think "last time the one extra made me sick". Try to walk away.

You are not failing. You are learning and this is what this time is for!



on 4/27/16 4:48 pm
VSG on 04/05/16

Premier Protein shakes are apparently the biggest hit with some VSG people I follow on Instagram, it was also on display at the nutritionist office, one ready to go shake is 11oz and contains 30grams of protein, if you like coffee some of the girls do an iced coffee with their vanilla shake, tried it once wasn't bad.

thank you again for your help! 

on 4/27/16 5:09 pm
VSG on 01/16/14

No problem. The whole process is an ongoing evolution where you continue to lean on others who have been on your journey and continue to support and learn from one another.

on 5/2/16 12:26 pm
VSG on 04/05/16

This was an incredibly helpful post to read.  Particularly with the replies.  I've been telling myself that I have hit the '3 week stall' but reading the replies made me realize that I can't fall back on that and there's probably a lot that I should be doing right now, that I'm not.  I need to start tracking my macronutrients, as I think that getting to the pureed stage (and now soft food) has had me reaching for waaay too many carbs.  I definitely notice a difference between how much I can eat when it's a dense protein like a soft fish and how much I can eat when it's something like mashed potatoes or even yogurt. 

It's really odd, learning how to eat again.  I feel like a toddler almost.  And I agree with you, Olive, on being terrified that you're messing something up since your hunger signals are still all messed up.  I'm right there with you.  I'm going to start tracking my macro's, and continue the job of making sure I get enough water each day and I bet I'll see a difference soon...hopefully you will too!  Hang in there!

on 5/2/16 4:45 pm
VSG on 04/05/16

Hi how far out are you? I'm happy to say once I made a few changes the scale started moving. I wasn't drinking enough water, wasn't getting enough protein in and was def overeating! Doc told me water is what will help me the most. May 5 will be my one month post op and I'm determined to get the 10% off my doc advised. Right now I'm still only allowed liquids, 2 protein shakes and one "meal" up to 3oz of puréed baby food, cottage cheese, fine oatmeal or mashed potatoes and soup I can have maybe 4 to 5oz they told me


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