Not losing weight...what am I doing wrong ?

on 4/25/16 7:11 pm
VSG on 04/05/16

hello. Tomorrow is my 3 weeks post op of VSG. I am feeling so overwhelmed and scared because I have not lost any weight since my 1st doc visit which was 12 days ago. I also find that I feel like eating every 2 to 3 hours. My normal day consists of water, roughly 34ounces on a bad day and maybe 50 ounces on a good day, one or two protein shakes (premier protein 11oz ready made), light cottage cheese(5oz individual cups), usually one for lunch and one for dinner, sometimes I may also have some sugar free pudding. I was told by a fellow VSG person that they could only do 4oz of food or protein at one time? Could I be overeating? 

How often should one be eating?

Darcy G.
on 4/25/16 8:12 pm
VSG on 04/07/16

After surgery, I weighed more until about 10 days in when they started giving me diuretics to get the swelling down. It's entirely possible that you're losing but still too swollen/bloated to see it on the scale.

I have no menu advice, don't get to start pureed food until the 27th... But the vets will have ideas. I don't think it's actually possible for you to not lose weight in the first three weeks,but it could be hiding!

Hang in there!

on 4/26/16 3:53 am
VSG on 04/05/16

Thank you. I made an appt to go back and see the doctor and nutritionist this Friday. My friends doctor was totally different and extremely informative and her plan is totally different for her VSG, she had worksheets with clear instructions, I don't.

on 4/25/16 8:41 pm
VSG on 01/11/16

it's really important to get at least 64 oz of fluids.. if it's difficult to drink water, try flavor enhancers.. try warm/hot broths, tea or decaf coffee (if allowed)

Are you measuring and tracking what you are eating? Did you get paperwork from your Dr.? how much does it say to measure out? 





on 4/26/16 3:50 am
VSG on 04/05/16

I didn't get any paperwork from them telling me how mu*****alories or measurements, they just told me to get my water in, two protein shakes and then if I wanted to try to add baby food, fine oatmeal, low fat yogurt/milk, cottage cheese, soups etc, but they didn't tell me how much or how often I could eat it.


on 4/26/16 9:14 am

I hope your doc's office will be able to give you more specifics.  For me, and I think for many of us, the third week was pureed food, the fourth week was soft food, and then start working in "normal" food as tolerated after that.  I wouldn't worry about the weight loss quite yet - your body has been thrown for a loop, so it takes a while to sort everything out.  However, start getting used to weighing and tracking everything you consume using myfitnesspal or a similar app.

My plan called for eating every 3-4 four hours.  No water for about 30 min before eating, then eat some protein, and then no water/fluids for about an hour after eating.  In terms of amounts, it will vary by person, but I don't think I could eat more than 1 oz of anything at a time, which is why the protein shakes are so critical for getting your protein in.  The person who told you 4 oz must have been many months out from surgery (or exaggerating) - I'm over 2 yrs out and could not possibly eat 4 oz at a time of dense protein like chicken.  My max is 2-3 oz and a few bites of veggies.

Getting enough water can be hard, but keep at it! I think the general guidelines I've seen on this board are around 80-100 oz per day, but that is once you're fully healed.  If you're getting 50 oz water plus the two protein shakes, then I would think you're doing pretty well.  But again, I would defer to what you doc's office says first and foremost.

Good luck!

on 4/26/16 10:40 am
VSG on 04/06/16

Tomorrow is also my 3 week post op of VSG.  From reading lots of other posts, there is apparently a 3 week stall where you lose little to no weight for anywhere from 5-10 days.  It is a period of adjustment while your body tries to restore its glycogen.  Just knowing that it is a plateau that most have experienced gave me peace of mind - and I just keep "following the plan" knowing it WILL come off.  

I have watched TONS of YouTube videos from people who have been successful in their VSG weight loss journey and one thing I noticed is that people who have been successful track their calories, protein, carbs, and water.  So, I track my calories, protein, water, carbs, and weight every day.  I make sure my protein is at at least 70, my calories 600-800, water minimum 60 oz. and carbs I have just started tracking but definitely under 100 - and even then they are good carbs (veggies, milk, etc).  And they exercise.  I'm struggling with a back issue right now so for me that means walking.  Walking boosts your metabolism.

This was a drastic step to take and I want to make sure I do everything I can to make the most of it.  I am trusting in the thousands of people that have been successful and learning from their journeys.

on 4/26/16 1:53 pm
VSG on 12/29/15 with

You have not done anything wrong. This is normal. Your body is still adjusting to everything that has happened. This happened to me also and then all of a sudden the weight started coming off. Keep doing what you are doing and be patient.



Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 4/26/16 2:08 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

5oz is ABSOLUTELY too much, especially at 3 weeks post-op, and is potentially dangerous for a single sitting.

The nerves in your stomach have been cut and you won't have any sort of "full" feeling for at least a month. You cannot rely on that to tell you how much you can eat. Eating too much can cause serious damage, such as if your sleeve is overfull and you rupture your staple line.

At 2+ years post op, I cannot eat 4oz of dense protein, such as chicken breast. I could eat 5oz of sugarfree pudding, since that slides right through the stomach, but not meat. At 3 weeks post op, I could do MAYBE an ounce of yogurt and my surgeon suggested doing no more.

You may want to contact your doctor to see if s/he has more specifics about your post-op eating.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 4/26/16 2:46 pm
VSG on 04/05/16

Oh wow I guess that's why I never felt that FULL feeling. I'm so worried now, how would I know if I have caused any damage???

the ounce of yogurt you would do, was that for the day plus your protein shakes or how often did you eat?

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