Heyyy girls!!! this is my 5th day post-op!
Heyyy!!! so this is my 5th day after my sleeve gastrectomy and I'm full of questions! bear me and my BIGGG HELLLOOOOO!!!!!! CHEERS!!!!
congrats i hope you are doing well, my surgery is 5/12 I am so excited and curious to hear all about your experience
oh yes yes yes!! have fun! keep doing spirometry and ley off carbs and sugar and you have not a care until post op! good luck!!!
oh hey congrats!! yes that'll be far less scary for me esp! howz your week? although my doc says I could go to work, my mom is so particular I stay home for the next week atleast so going outta my mind a bit! feel like pouncing on something every time someone eats next to me! It'll be nice if you share your weights as you progress and good luck!!
Hello! Congrats on your surgery! I had my VSG on April 11th. Get rest, walk around, and get those fluids in (it's hard, but do your best)