How do I dress this body??

on 4/9/16 8:21 pm

I am totally frustrated. I have spent decades covering, disguising, tugging and pulling the clothes to cover my old body. How in the world do I dress this newer one?


100lbs gone with no more tight 26/28 pants and 3x shirts. I'm down to 16 and L/XL. I don't know how to dress me!!!. I'm frustrated and snapped at my husband when he suggested I go back to Lane Bryant since I could usually find something there. NEVER AGAIN I YELLED! Then I had to apologize for the rudeness. I looked in the stores with all the normal sized clothes and really felt like a panic attack was coming.


Ive bought things here and there out of pure necessity but only now can I even think about going to Gap or Old Navy or Talbots or .... Sigh.


i walked in a few stores and was immediately overwhelmed. Walked right back out. I wanted to yell help me!!! Help me , I don't know how to buy clothes and what looks good on this body. This newer smaller, more healthy body mind you, but yikes please tell me I'm not alone.


ideas? Advice? Help? 



on 4/9/16 9:19 pm
VSG on 03/31/15

No advice, just wanted to let you know that this is pretty much exactly how I feel. My wardrobe is basically a few pairs of jeans (bought in multiples, once I found a cut that fit and flattered) and a few shirts (again, bought in multiple colors, once I found one that I liked). Going into a regular department store is almost a guarantee that I will end up in a bad mood, feeling overwhelmed by the selection and not having any idea at all where to even begin. I'm still really new to this, having just passed my 1 year mark, so I'm hoping that I will get more comfortable in my own skin and figure out how to dress this new body I live in.

on 4/9/16 11:02 pm
VSG on 08/04/15

I have learned to love to shop, when I hated it during my obese years.  I buy all of my jeans from Costco for $14.99 a pair, so I don't mind giving them away when I get too small for them.  I live in jeans and t-shirts from Kohl's, Costco, LulaRoe and Ross or Marshall's.  When I've lost all the weight, I may spend more money, but for now I'm happy.

it will get fun to shop, you just have to learn to appreciate your new, smaller body.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




(deactivated member)
on 4/9/16 11:35 pm

I'd like to suggest you ask a trusted friend who has a sense of dressing style you admire to go shopping with you. Ask her (him) to help you find items of clothing in styles that will flatter your new body. It's really helpful to have someone with a good eye helping and guiding you to your new personal style. I'm guessing he person you ask will also be flattered that you think so highly of her/his personal style you would ask for her/his help. 

I took someone with me or worked with a personal shopper at Men's Wearhouse when I was newly thin. After a few times I knew what I liked and was able to go from there. 

on 4/10/16 4:10 am, edited 4/9/16 9:10 pm

I experienced the same sense of panic when shopping. I've learned not to shop when rushed and to have a lot of patience. I have to try on many things before finding one that fits right or that I like. I have learned though that my patience  is well rewarded when I find the right dress or top. It is a wonderful feeling getting dressed in the morning  knowing I look my best.



HW: 388 SW: 240 CW: 172      Surgery Date 11/07/2014     VSG with Dr. Chengelis

Rochelle R.
on 4/10/16 4:49 am
VSG on 05/24/16

Congratulations on your weight loss. I'm waiting for approval from my insurance carrier but wanted to offer a suggestion. I would try a local department store like Macys or JC Penny. They have such helpful salespeople people who can suggest some really nice pieces for you. I agree you should go when you are not rushed and take your time to try on several looks to see what feels good for you. I wish you all the best. 

on 4/10/16 5:48 am

Boy, Can I relate to your post!  I also had a tough time buying clothes for my smaller body.  It is so overwhelming to have so many options for buying clothes after being so limited for so long.   But it didn't take long to get used to it!  hehehe  I really overdid it and now I have plenty of clothes to last me for years! 

best wishes,



Surgery May 1, 2013. Starting Weight 385,  Surgery Weight 333,  Current Weight 160.  At GOAL!

Weight loss Pre-op 1-20 2-17 3-15 Post-op 1-20 2-18 3-15 4-14 5-16 6-11 7-12  8-8

                  9-11 10-7 11-7 12-7 13-8 14-6 15-3 16-7 17-3  18-3


on 4/10/16 7:10 am

Wow thanks for all the responses. I had to buy some jeans because my old ones were falling off.  Glad to know I'm not by myself.  


Whole new world of choices.



on 4/10/16 7:42 am

Several friends of mine have used Stitch Fix online.  You put in your sizes, preferences and price and a stylist sends you clothing to try.  Return what you don't like.  I've never done it but they say it's great- may be worth checking out.  May be more comfortable for you to shop at home. 

on 4/10/16 8:29 am - Farmington Hills, MI
VSG on 07/30/15

I would take my friend with me.  The one time she couldn't go and I had to go by myself, I was VERY overwhelmed.  I happened to be the only one in the store (they had just opened) and asked the sales clerk for her honest opinion.  After a few moments of conversation she told me she totally understood where I was coming from since she had just recently lost 175#!  Then the other clerk said she had lost 100# and was working on losing regain.  That shopping trip boosted my confidence soooooo much that they are now my go to store when I want a nicer piece to add to my resale shop buys.  (the store was Christopher & Banks or CJ Banks)

It will get better - and I still shop at Lane Bryant because I can get pants to fit my legs there 

(I started in 32 pants and 3x-4x shirts.  Now in pants anywhere from 22 to 18-20 and XL shirts)


Starting Weight 375  SW 375 Height 5'9" 

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