Pre-Surgery Emotional Roller Coaster

Starry Eyed
on 4/2/16 4:57 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

I am scheduled for surgery on 4/20 and start my 2-week pre-op diet on 4/6.  It becomes real in just another 3-4 days and my emotions are all over the place!  One minute I'm excited and thinking of all the reasons I wanted to do this and the next I'm thinking about how my life will never be the same and doubting if I can do this.  I am terrified and excited at the same time.  Today I bought a bag of jelly beans thinking "I won't be able to have anything like this for a long, long time, if ever."  I know this is destructive thinking and I might just start the pre-op diet tomorrow just to stop myself from going down this slippery slope.  Thoughts?

High Weight: 307 Start Weight: 297 (11/5/15) Surgery Weight: 278 (4/20/16) Pre-Op: (-19) M1: (-24) M2: (-8) M3: (-10) M4: (-9) M5: (-7) M6: (-6) M7: (-7) M8: (-5) M9: (-4) M10: (-3) M11: (-5) CW: 185

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."

on 4/2/16 5:07 pm
VSG on 04/12/16 with

I don't have any great advice because I'm just 5 days into the pre-op diet myself and (see previous post) struggling a bit emotionally, but I will share my experience from the past few weeks.

Between moving into our first home that we own two weeks ago and getting ready to go on the pre-op diet, I will admit I took a "devil-may-care" approach to my eating and had associated weight gain with that. The ARNP told me that the 15 # I'm  required to lose pre-surgery is for my initial consultation weight, not my current weight.  So, I now am looking at trying to shed over 20# in two weeks and there is a risk my surgeon won't operate if I don't do that.


on 4/2/16 5:37 pm

I had to smile a bit when I read the original post and your reply because you two are so NORMAL!!! :)  I remember feeling the same way, and I'll bet the vast majority of people on this board did as well.  Crazy emotions and mixed feelings leading up to surgery, but I have yet to hear of someone *****gretted it and most of us wish we had done it way sooner.

My little bit of advice for BetsyM is to have a couple of jelly beans and try to give away the rest. You will be able to have jelly beans again, but you may not want to because of the sugar hit. 

I don't know what you both have as pre-op diets, but try to white-knuckle your way through it, being really strict and sticking to it.  Remember that one of the goals of the pre-op, maybe the most important, is to shrink your liver to make the surgery safer and healthier for you, so think of the pre-op diet as being non-negotiable.  I know it's really hard and will make you crazy, but it's only for a couple of weeks, and then your eating life will change forever in the most amazing way.  You can do it!!

on 4/2/16 8:19 pm
VSG on 04/26/16

I am having my surgery on 4-26 and am feeling the exact same way you are Betsy. I am really really nervous. I have never wished away time before but 4-26 can't get here fast enough. I start my pre op diet in 10 days. I will follow it exactly to avoid complications but I am so worried about how difficult it will be. I am nervous about the recovery and what a long haul it will be. I truly wish you all the best and some peace during this emotional time. I also feel like I will be very moody while on a liquid diet. Feeling sorry for my husband and 3 children already! I can barely concentrate at work and I am a counselor! Ugh!!! Can't wait until I am 2 months post surgery!

All the best to you! Not much longer!  

on 4/4/16 9:39 am

I'm scheduled for 4-25 and I feel the same way, I can't wait to be through the surgery and on the path for health, I'm not usually one to wish the time away but I can't wait for it to be JUNE 25th - after surgery and on the path. 


Good luck with your surgery!



on 4/3/16 12:17 pm
VSG on 04/04/16

I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow and I have been all over the place too. Excited, determined and then looking for a reason not to do it!!!  All I have to do is look in the mirror and my reason stares right back at me....been struggling for a decade to get to a healthy weight so if I don't do this I still won't be happy with the reflection.  

Hang in there, you are not alone!


It's not about losing's about gaining confidence too.  It's not about shrinking in size, it's about growing in strength

on 4/5/16 8:07 am
VSG on 04/20/16

I am scheduled too for surgery on 4/20 and it's a constant back and forth emotional battle every single day....I know the reasons why I want and NEED to do this but I'm soooo nervous. I've never had any kind of surgery before. I know how you feel exactly. We should keep in contact and see how we both progress! Good luck to you! :)

on 4/5/16 8:47 am
VSG on 04/21/16

Do not do the jelly beans...I am on 4/21 and start pre op tomorrow.    All my feelings alike yours!  You - we have to do this and see it through.....for all the years that I put in thinking I was going to be happier and eating food - I am not - This gives us the chance to do what we finally wanted to do and now I am sure what we need to do!  I was thinking the same way about my last day etc.....but you know what I made that day already up.....I am ready to move on - scared of change and scared if I fail.....I won't - I cant - WE CAN DO THIS! 



Starry Eyed
on 4/5/16 3:42 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Thanks for the support everyone!  This is not an easy path, but it is a little easier knowing others are going through the same thing or have gone through it before.  I start my pre-op diet tomorrow and even though I am moody and have anxiety, I am so EXCITED for a better quality of life that I know is within reach!!  Good luck to everyone on their journeys, we CAN do this!!

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