Nervous about my surgery...

Michelle B.
on 4/1/16 2:09 am, edited 4/2/16 6:53 am

My surgery is Monday and I'm starting to get nervous.  I've been fine throughout this whole process but as the surgery date gets closer the more nervous I get.  I have never had major surgery before and nrver been under anesthesia.  The whole anesthesia thing is what I'm most worried about.  Then after surgery I'm hoping I don't have a lot of pain or nausea.   I just need to find a way to relax and not over think what could go wrong and think about the positive ways this surgery is going to make my life better.  I'm open to any suggestions.  Thanks :-)

on 4/1/16 4:22 am
VSG on 01/19/15 with

It will be fine.  I understand your fear of anesthesia but this surgery is a short one.  I had day surgery in at 730 and on my way home at 4.   I had not pain say 1 tummy is numb.  Day 2-3 my pain was only when getting up out of bed using tummy muscles and 0 nausea.? But everyone is different.  For your anxiety I would get a good playlist plug in and go for a walk.

Best of luck 


Age: 58 Height 5'4" SW: 260 (1/4/15) CW 127.4 7/6/17)

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/1/16 4:58 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I'm on day 4 after surgery.  I was also nervous the last few days before surgery, but since I had major surgery previously I was more worried about the aftermath.  I have to say that it has been much easier than I expected.  I was lucky to not have any nausea though, as 2 women who had the same surgery earlier in the same day as me were struggling with it in the hospital, but they were being given anti-nausea drugs and improving.  I was able to walk each day, sip water or protein drinks all day, and to go home pretty comfortable.  Hopefully you will find that it will be easier for you than you fear!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 4/1/16 5:17 am
VSG on 01/26/16

Hi, I had my surgery Jan 26 and I had never even been in the hospital before so I was also really nervous, I prepared myself for like a 9 out of 10 on the discomfort scale after surgery and it was actually only about a 2 so I can honestly tell you its not anything like what you fear!

I was really careful to walk a lot after and drink my water. I don't even remember them putting me under one minute I was in the or.... the next I was waking up and not really in any pain. I remember asking if they had done anything lol. They keep you pretty comfy with medication so really don't worry so much.


Including my pre-op diet I'm down 99 pounds as of this am so I can say its the best decision I ever made and you will think so too I promise.


If you need someone to talk to feel free to message me anytime!

on 4/1/16 5:20 am
VBG on 02/10/16

Its normal everyone is super nervous/scared.  I was terrified! and I told my dr. this he said no problem thank you for letting me know we will give you something to relax. Than bam I was awake from surgery truly remarkable I don't even recall being wheeled anywhere or moved at all. It was AWESOME! Now I can tell you I had nausea but they have meds for that and after the 1st day I realized it was the pain meds so I stopped the morphin drip and I felt sooo much better! I was walking and sipping protein shakes and broth like a champ so careful with the pain meds they didn't help me at all. Truly the pain was minimal! I was thrilled when I went home its much more comfy there than the hospital but I can tell you YOU MUST WALK its hugely important and I walked circles in the hospital halls the nurses laughed at me it was fun!  and that broth was the BOMB so good. Good luck and Tell your Dr. your super nervous they will take good care of you.

on 4/1/16 5:22 am - MI

I think you're feeling are very common and we all went thru a little something like you are. I know it's easier said than done, but try and relax a little. You're going to be okay!!! Trust me!! Look at all of on here. We all survived it and you will too. My best advice to you is to walk and drink as soon as you can post surgery. If you're not sleeping in the hospital make sure you're walking and sipping!! This is the best thing I've ever did for myself and I hope you say the same for yourself post surgery! Good Luck!

Age: 40 Height: 5'8" Highest Weight: 325 Starting Weight: 291 Current Weight: 166 Goal Weight: 160

 VSG 10/24/14 with Dr. David Chengelis

on 4/1/16 6:59 am
VSG on 03/10/16

Hey there Shelly!

I was the exact same. Having my VSG was the first surgery I ever had. First time being under anesthesia I was a nervous wreck. It helped me to have someone supportive by my side. I just kept telling myself don't think about it just let them wheel you into the OR and let them put you OUT. The only thing I remember is the OR staff sliding me over to the operation table and waking up to a nurse asking me how my pain was. It was all over in a blink of an eye! Don't stress so much over the procedure it will be alright and just think of how your life will improve.

Darcy G.
on 4/1/16 10:25 am
VSG on 04/07/16

My surgery's Thursday, and I'm right there with you nerves-wise. This is NOT my first rodeo, but the last time I was under General Anesthesia was 2000, and that was a few years before my heart started being stupid(AFib). So now I'm even more nervous about the anesthesia than before.

I plan on asking for a shot of 'I DON'T CARE ANYMORE', whatever that's called.

Michelle B.
on 4/1/16 2:25 pm, edited 4/1/16 11:51 pm

Thank you all so much for the helpful advice.  It really does help me feel better after reading these posts.  :-)

on 4/1/16 10:52 pm
RNY on 04/22/16

Hi Shelly,

Try not to think about the surgery so much and put your trust in your surgeon and his staff. I actually think of the anesthesia as the best sleep of my life to be honest lol. I was under anesthesia today to have endoscopy done prior to my surgery and I woke up perfectly fine from it, no nausea or anything. 

Think about the benefits after the surgery and how your life is going to be all for the better. I wish you the best of luck on Monday and please keep us posted. 


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