What do I pack?

on 3/31/16 2:16 pm
VSG on 04/20/16

Thanks so much!!! I'll be digging out all of my loose fitting clothes and super comfy pjs! Lol

on 3/31/16 3:52 pm
VSG on 08/04/15

Have whoever is picking you up bring a pillow, to put over your stomach in the car, in case you go over bumps.  It is nice to have the pressure against your belly at unexpected potholes or dips.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




on 4/1/16 8:37 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Good call!!! Thank you! :)

on 3/31/16 3:55 pm - TN
VSG on 06/19/13

Keep in mind that an alternative to shorts or comfy PJ's for walking the halls modestly is to just put on a second hospital gown facing backwards. You may be dealing with any combination of IV poles, drains, and catheters -- hospital gowns are designed to accommodate all of that, your shorts and PJ's are not. Plus, if you end up getting blood or wound seepage on anything it will be hospital stuff, not your own clothing.

on 4/1/16 8:38 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Very true!! Thank you!

on 3/31/16 9:54 pm
VSG on 03/23/16

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!!  Two things that I read on here prior to mine that REALLY helped me was Gas X thin strips(not all places let you use them) and a front fastening bra with no wire. I didn't care to have one on during my stay, but it has definitely been a lifesaver afterwords considering one of the incisions is up a little higher and a wire would irritate it as well as having to turn the back fastener around. Good luck and keep us posted!!  

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 4/1/16 5:19 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I was also in for 2 days.  Packed and used: pillow, phone/charger, kindle, ipad (Netflix and 2 movies), Chapstick, toothbrush/toothpaste, 1 pair underwear for going home (wore the same clothes I came in), slip-on slippers (don't like slipper socks), water bottle (for going home), earplugs, hairbrush, deodorant.

Packed and didn't use: makeup (just in case but by the time I cared it was time to go home and I needed a shower badly to wash my hair - no point in the makeup), 2 pairs underwear (just wore Johnny - if opens in back, they will give you another one to use as a robe).  Also didn't wear a bra home (or yet at 4 days out) because a couple of my incisions are kind of high and I was afraid it would rub.

Good luck!

Liz 5'3" HW: 219 SW: 185 GW: 125 LW: 113 Desired maintenance range: 120-125 CW: 121

on 4/1/16 8:39 am
VSG on 04/20/16

Thank you so much!! :)

on 4/1/16 3:18 pm
VSG on 12/04/14

I wore some very comfortable clothes, something that would not be tight around the waist. I brought along chapstick which I didn't need and I had my husband bring me my favorite pillow. Glad I had that going home. I didn't have a problem with the gowns walking around. My nurse gave me a 2nd one for the back. The hospital will pretty much give you all you need. Good luck, its so exciting!!!



Sarah M.
on 4/3/16 6:08 am - San Francisco Bay Area, CA
VSG on 01/19/15

Agree on the pillow -- the hospital pillows are crap and I wish I had one for the ride home!  Lipbalm, ipad/ipod/kindle/whatever, face cleansing wipes, mouthwash, and shorts/sweatpants were all I needed.  That and the morphine drip and it wasn't a bad couple of days... :)

Good luck!  I'm so excited for you!!!

VSG 1/19/15 | HW: 262 | SW: 255 | CW: 146 (3/20/16)


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