When will my energy increase?

on 3/6/16 7:36 am - Stockton, CA

Hi Sammy! Other than a few struggles it sounds like your doing well. Your calorie intake is pretty low too! I'm an OG and had RNY 12 years ago! Woohoo! Happy to say I still  have most of my weight off! Lost 124 lbs and gained 45 back after a double knee replacement! I've now lost 20 of that and determined to get back there!  I know 2004 was a long time ago but they had us use sippy cups so that we weren't gulping the water but still getting it in...an easy way (believe it or not) to get more protein down is refried beans. It was always my go to protein because back then the Dr. who is still doing all kinds of weightloss surgeries did not want us using replacement shakes or products to get our protein in, he wanted us to eat REAL food!  I think I was lucky and didn't get the low energy or much hair loss but some friends go the low energy for about 3 months. Are you doing any exercise? Walking at least...if not do that and definitely increase your water...if you can't drink plain water...add some MIO or MEO can't remember how it's spelled. it's a little container that you squirt into your water for a little added sugar free flavor. Or crystal lite...just a thought. However I am not your doctor so his orders come first! I wish you the best and hope that you can get that dizziness and low energy under control. However, do remember it is normal and we are ALL DIFFERENT! You never know how your body will react.  Just like even after all these years...I can not eat more than 3 bites of ice cream without getting sick or nauseated but I can eat a whole dam candy bar! The best thing is...after 12 years...I can STILL only eat 1/2 of anything that has bread on it....sometimes only 1/4.  We had BAT's (Bacon, avocado, tomato) sandwiches the other night (sorry if I'm making you hungry...that time will come....but I cut it in 4's because 2 slices of multigrain bread...I ate 1/4 and was full, waited awhile then ate another quarter.  Saved the other half for the next day. So it's great to know my pouch STILL works after all these years! Alot of it is in our head...past habits etc. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY and reaching out for help is the BEST THING FOR YOU! Obesity help was just beginning when I had my RNY and thanks to Kaye Bailey and her site.....I am still friends with many wonderful people around the globe! I'm known as SUNSHINE and Kaye will know who that is!  

I wish you the best and a renewed life! GO GIRL! YOU CAN DO THIS! :)

Julie :) aka: Sunshine

~~ Julie ~~

on 3/6/16 3:37 pm - Canada
VSG on 01/19/16

Thank you for all the useful tips, Julie! I haven't had refried beans since my pureed stage but maybe I should try them again. I do walk everyday but only for about 30-40 minutes because that's all I have the energy for right now. Hopefully I'll be able to increase my exercise soon though. I'm doing better today with my water so that's a positive. I know some people say no straws but using a straw makes the water go down much easier. I made sure to ask my doctor and he said it was fine to use one as long as it didn't cause me discomfort, which it doesn't. Congratulations on your success! It's great to see someone as far out as you that is still working their pouch. This forum has become so valuable to me for support and information. I don't think I would have had surgery without reading the success stories on this site. Thanks again for your response and best wishes to you too!

Steph Meat Hag
on 3/7/16 12:03 pm, edited 3/7/16 4:03 am - Dallas , TX
VSG on 03/14/16 with

Maybe your vitamins are off?  I was having a real sluggish end of week last week (pre-op liquids) and took a full day of my recommended vitamins (not all at once) my doc has listed out for post opp.  The next day I felt much better.  I'm leaning on drink as much water as you can and be sure you take the vitamins your doc ask your too, the multi, B, iron, and calcium for example. 

I know drinking water is hard.  Before this last 2 weeks I didn't drink water hardly ever.  If I did a work out or was offered it at work as part of a meeting I would drink it, other wise it was coffee, pop, or something else with sugar like tea.  My Nut told me if I kept drinking water, I would eventually crave water.  I thought... "what crap, no way" but I am here to tell you now that I've pushed up to 60oz my body dropped it's extra water weight and now I WANT the water.  I was just telling my husband that I estimated I have drank more this past week than I had for an entire month in my past.  

Here are a few tips: find a cup that you love and can travel with you and sit on the couch with you, find something to flavor it with that you like such as a lemon or orange wedge, I am not a fan of sugar free additives but there are a million of those that can be added to your drink too.  

Try this with me and just try real hard drink 60+oz for a week and see if you don't get more thirsty and wan****er more.  Let me know how it goes. 

Age:40|Height: 5'9"|Lap Band 2/11/08 |Revision VSG 3/14/16

The cake is a lie, but Starbucks is not.


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