Talking to your employer about leave of absence...and how long did you take?

(deactivated member)
on 2/7/16 1:26 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

I took 3 weeks, first week was on pto (which I had none of so I just didn't get paid that week ouch) and the next two on short term disability. I am going to go against the crowd and say even with a desk job (I work as an insurance agent in a call center) I needed the 3 weeks. Only about 9 days for pain and healing but the rest of it was to learn how to eat/drink properly and not get stressed out and make sure I wa****ting liquid goals and how to structure eating times etc. Yes physically I could have gone back after a week but mentally I needed the full 3 weeks. I was entirely (and still am) open with bosses/coworkers about my surgery. I am a pretty open person in general and I knew people would question my rapid-ish weight loss anyway. Besides I am not ashamed and I actually encouraged a coworker to look into it and the cards just happened to fall in her favor and she got to have her surgery 4 days after mine so we both got in before the end of the year when out of pocket max/deductibles were met and had minimal cost to us. We're surgery sisters her and I; same hospital/surgeon 4 days apart. She's followed me through food stages and we share advise between each other. This surgery really is a life saver and while of course it will not fix your problems (it's not magic of course) it has helped me gain new self love and acceptance I never had before. Instead of negative self thoughts I am amazed with myself and what my body can do, I am so very happy. Good luck!

on 2/7/16 4:17 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On February 7, 2016 at 2:30 PM Pacific Time, ejirish wrote:

Sorry if I'm "over posting"... just trying to get real life advice for these things!

So, my paperwork came yesterday and my "tentative" surgery will be in May! YAYYY!


I've pretty much already decided to tell my employer what surgery I'm having- they cant hold it against me right? I just dont want to seem like I'm trying to hide anything...and I'm perfectly OK with people knowing. I just dont want my HR department to think this isnt necessary or something...frivolous... 

Next, I want to be the one to tell my Boss- but he's a guy, and I'm afraid it could be awkward...but again- I just want to tell him what I'm need to make it a mystery or anything. Plus, I fully expect it to spread like a California wild fire. My HR department isnt exactly the most trustworthy...believe it or not.

Next- in my seminar- the Surgeon said it normally takes 2 but no more than 4 weeks to recover from sleeve (barring anything unexpected)... Please dont think I'm selfish, but I fully intend on taking the most allowable time ...but lets say I heal quickly like most...and the DR wants to send me back to work after a week or two- am I allowed to ask for more time? My short term leave benefit covers up to 6 months, the first week is my PTO (NOT saying I expect to take 6 months- but I would prefer to take 4 weeks if thats the longer average of "healing time"... )

I'm going on vacation in april, and plan to tell my company as soon as I get back (mid april)... coming up quickly!!

do you discuss  all your private medical issues with HR and everyone at work? 

If you do, then carry on. If you don't, then why would you feel obligatEd to explain all about this? All you need is a note from your surgeon saying he has scheduled you for surgery and you need x amount of time off. He doesn't even have to say what the surgery is.

this is your private medical history.




on 2/7/16 4:49 pm
VSG on 10/26/15

I personal took 4 weeks. Our surgeon said between 2-6 weeks. I planned to take the 4 from day one of knowing my surgery date. I could have went back sooner, but I had been with the company for 12 years with no real vacation time... So I was utilizing the time to heal properly, relax & take care of myself.

HW: 299   SW: 277.2   VSG: 10-26-2015  Dr. Brian Gluck
Dr Goal Weight : 182.5 Hit Dr Goal 7-23-16
New Goal Weight: 170

on 2/9/16 12:12 pm

Hi Jevelynne,

I'm new here and moving toward my surgery date (hopefully end of March-VSG).  You seem to be losing alot slower then others.  That's what I'm hoping for. Of all the people I've seen those that lost a little slower have better results with excess skin.  Is this just your body or are you doing something different.  I hope your not offended, to me this is a plus.  I'm not looking forward to losing 50-60 pounds in 3-4 months. Slow and Steady wins the race for me.

on 2/7/16 6:44 pm
VSG on 10/06/15

My doctor made me take six weeks off due to what I do for a living.....I am a nurse-constantly lifting, pushing pulling.  She was also concerned because I had to have incisions not in the normal areas due to having a hernia repair with mesh a few years ago and not being able to use that area.  My employers was great about it and understanding about what and why I was doing it.  Employers have to abide by the family and medical leave act.

on 2/7/16 8:30 pm
VSG on 10/06/15

I work for a bank. My boss new why I was having surgery, but she also had the surgery and as the person that recommend the doctor. She had my back and helped me with everything. I was out of work for two weeks. I was on light duty for four weeks once I returned. Meaning I wasn't allowed to bend or lift heavy things. I was perfectly fine going back to work. I spent one night in the hospital after surgery. I didn't tell HR or anyone else why I was having surgery. When I filled out my FMLA paperwork I just said I was having surgery on my stomache. They didn't ask me any more questions. I used PTO for the first week and short term disability covered my second week. My doctor offered to write me a note for an additional two weeks, but I felt fine and needed to get back into my work life. Sitting at home wasn't going to help me deal with my eating habits at work. I needed to learn to take my life out into the open.  You should do what's best for you though, not everyone has as smooth of an recovery, some people don't like pain, while others barely feel anything. We are all different in how we react and feel and recover. I wish you the best and hope everything goes wonderfully for you!! 


on 2/8/16 7:09 am

I took 2 weeks + 3 days off.  I made sure to take Monday off on my week coming back so I was walking into a short week (Tues - Fri).

I could have returned after a week or so but the extra time was nice as I was learning to live my new life, get organized, etc... I did find myself "spring cleaning" towards the end of the 2nd week though because I felt so good and got bored!  

Good luck to you!  

Age: 42 | Height: 5'9 | Surgery Date: 10/08/15 | Starting Weight: 279.2 | Surgery Weight: 266 | Goal Weight:165 | Current Weight: 224.8 | WL so far: 54.4 lbs

on 2/8/16 7:11 am

Oh, and my boss is also a man.  I simply told him I was having abdominal surgery.  The absolute truth!  Most co-workers just thought I was on vacation.  Some asked but just asked how I was specifics.  I didn't feel it was anyone else's business but my own.  

Age: 42 | Height: 5'9 | Surgery Date: 10/08/15 | Starting Weight: 279.2 | Surgery Weight: 266 | Goal Weight:165 | Current Weight: 224.8 | WL so far: 54.4 lbs

on 2/8/16 11:21 am
VSG on 10/12/15

I think the time you take off has a lot to do with your occupation. Earlier today I was talking to a woman that had the surgery and she was off for over 7 weeks, but she was a nurse and had to lift and move patients. I was back at work in less than a week, as it was my off season and my job consists of sitting in an office. So I would either have sat at home or at work.

on 2/8/16 6:51 pm
VSG on 01/19/16

When I spoke to my work about leaving all I said is I am having a surgery and they didnt ask a single question more into it. Before I went into my bosses office I was going to tell her what surgery I was having but as I walked in I changed my mind. Its awesome if you want to be open about it but its also totally fine if you dont want to give them too much info other than a note from your doctor.

About the amount of time off, I am a vet tech so I was worried about lifting or something kicking/scratching/pulling on my incisions and also amount of energy I would have, so I took 3 weeks off. I think I could have gone back after 2 weeks since my restrictions were lifted after a week and a half but I also am glad I did not only take off 2 weeks. I struggled with getting enough water and protein in (still am, I am 3 weeks out actually going back to work tomorrow). I do not know how I would have been able to handle having that little amount of food and being expected to exert the energy I had with such little protein. So I guess the amount of time to take off really depends on what your job is, I think if I had a desk job or something like that I would have defiantly gone back a week sooner.

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