Changing the way I grocery shop?

on 2/7/16 9:57 am

Here is how it changed for my household:

  1. Immediately post-op, aboultely no junk food coming in and minimal processed food. I switched to shopping the perimeter of the grocery store. We still did Costco, but same idea.
  2. Trader Joes- started regularly going there due to so many posts back then about the easy proteins. Have not stopped since.
  3. Butcher- we do not have a true butcher near us. We do have one grocery store with a really great meat counter though. I never shopped there due to everything being pricey, but started buying meat there. Realized in the long run it was not more expensive protein wise because I could be exactly the amount needed. In the early days we had 5 people to feed, and most Meijer/grocery protein is sold for a family of 4. I used to waste a lot in other words. 
  4. Way more fresh veggies. 
  5. No crappy drinks except at holidays or larger family gatherings. So, pop free or any other junk food type drink free.
  6. Bones- started making my own broth so started purchasing bones for this purpose. 
  7. Beans- eat a lot more of that now then before. 
  8. Low glycemic choices- I shop for this now and never used to.

All changes for the better. Recently crap food/processed has rejoined the house- working on getting it back out again. 

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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(deactivated member)
on 2/7/16 1:01 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Happyteacher sounds like your house is like mine, no crap foods allowed. The worst thing I have on hand is some Special K chips which are lower carb count than crackers when you look at how many I would eat with a bit of cheese on them then most traditional crackers. But other than that it's protein, some healthy fats and not very many carbs at all. I gave up soda/energy drinks/liquid calories about 6 weeks before surgery, it was what helped me lose my first 12 pounds pre-op, and I have not looked back. I do sometimes get a Cascade Ice (no calories, carbs, caffeine or sodium) sparkling flavored water if I want something fizzy and just can't go without it. But that's rare. I am definitely spending way less on food now than before. :)

on 2/10/16 10:34 am
VSG on 08/14/14

I think I live at the grocery store some times, lol.  THere better not rearrange it because I can zip in and out in no time.

I must swing by three times a week.  The worst thing I think I get is some dark chocolate.  I look at what's in the basket now and just SMH: yogurts, eggs, Fairlife milk, baby spinach, avocado, berries, chicken, fish, almonds (another treat).

But it seems like I always need "something" and have to swing by for a "couple of things".  Yup...a few hit'n'runs a week!

We will order out once a week - and I'll get a sushi roll.  ONE.  How times have changed!


(deactivated member)
on 2/10/16 12:32 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Lisa, sounds like me (minus the chocolate) it's basically dairy, protein and a treat (wasabi and soy almonds for me). I don't know why but I'm super scared to try sushi again, I absolutely loved it before my surgery but I am freaked out about raw meat in my surgically altered tummy. Meanwhile a friend who had he VSG a month before me eats sushi with abandon and says she is fine. I don't know why I am worried about it other than my anxiety is insane haha.

on 2/10/16 12:53 pm
VSG on 08/14/14

Hey Kelly, I suppose it's like so many things post-op...if you're not comfortable, don't do it ;-)  But there's no reason not to have it (the raw fish) that I can think of.  If you're in the losing phase, I'd personally avoid the rice.  If you like sushi-mi, that's good, and a good source of protein without the simple carbs.

Now that I'm in maintenance, I live by "everything in moderation" long as it's not a trigger food!!  It gives me variety.  But I hardly ever have rice, or potato.  I eat gluten bread and pasta are almost never, and they have to be GF.  My diet really still consists of protein, veggies, fruits...then the extra's if there's room.  I still track and hit my protein and water goals every day.

If you're worried about raw fish, ask your NUT.  But I would think as long as you're chewing thoroughly (as we should be), there's no added risk to our little tummies. :-)

How is your friends progress eating sushi like that?  (Just curious)


(deactivated member)
on 2/10/16 1:55 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

That's the frustrating thing Lisa, she eats whatever she wants (doesn't track weigh or measure by her own admission other than protein) and is losing as much or often more than me on a weekly basis. I am super strict, like sometimes if I feel like I've had too many carbs in a week I won't even have almonds if I want them and I lose like 3lbs here, 5lbs there. She lost 35 in her first month, I lost 17.

I know we aren't supposed to compare our journeys (it's hard not to), but she and I weighted about the same she weighted maybe 10 lbs more than me to start but she has like 6 inches on me height wise. I'm 5'6 she is 6'. She drinks soda (diet) which we were told is a no-no, I just drink enhanced water (add mio or crystal lite to my water), she eats bread/crackers/tortilla/pitas like every day, I haven't had bread since surgery, she doesn't count carbs, I practically religiously count mine always staying under 40 a day very often under 20 a day.

I walk 5 days a week on my 45 minute lunch at work, she maybe walks on the treadmill 3 days a week she told me for about 30 minutes each time, so I am at a loss as to why we can have similar weight loss when I feel like I am putting in much more effort. I eat under 700 calls a day and always exceed my 60 gram protein goal, I have a protein shake every day to boost mine and she is basically just meeting that 60 gram goal and refuses to even drink protein shakes since she moved out of full liquid stage.

I was told by my dietitian (we went through the same surgery center but had different surgeons and dietitians) to drink one every day so I do, and those dang things might be cheap per serving but when I have to drop $60 to buy a bag of protein powder all at once it still hurts my wallet lol. I take my vitamins every day she forgets half the time to take hers.This is kind of pity party but it's like what planet am I living on? Or conversely why is the universe messing with me?

I've had a weight problem my whole life (I was the chubby girl in class at 7-8) and she didn't gain her weight until she had back surgery her junior year of high school, maybe that's the difference. She at one point was not super skinny but much smaller than I, more average sized, so maybe that's why it's been easier for her. I'm fighting 20 years of being overweight she is fighting like 7 years (she's younger than me).

I just keep hoping that my strictness will see me through maintaining a healthy weight for life where as other vets on the board have insinuated or told me that she will struggle to maintain down the line because she is so flippant with how she eats etc.

Not that I want her to struggle, I just want myself to succeed. I love her and want her to succeed too, but I would be lying if I didn't admit I was jealous. I just don't let the jealously take away my love or care for her. I always listen intently and offer my best advice if she asks for it, show I love her in numerous ways, compliment her weight loss, am never openly judgmental of her food choices (I can't always help thinking judgy things I just don't let them pass my lips). I want the best for her as my friend and coworker. I want to be a good person and not a horrible spiteful person, But it irks me some her journey seems so much easier. However I know that through adversity we gain strength, wisdom, and self reflection and grace so I am just taking this as another of God's lessons for me, this journey is about me no one else. Sorry for my rant haha.

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