
on 1/28/16 9:08 am
VBG on 02/10/16

I've been reading this site for 6+months now...I've had my 6-month supervised weight-loss diet with the nutritionist at the surgeons office, required by insurance of course. I started at 261 BMI of 41, now I'm 230. I'm very nervous about the surgery after signing the super scary form acknowledging all the possible things that could happen. I want to be healthy and be able to do things that my husband and kids do! I'm a huge yo-yo dieter but have been more morbidity obese than not.  What an awful word by the way... could just say fluffy sheesh.  Anyway I'm hoping I find people that can make me CALM down! My husband supports whatever I decide but my mom says why should I do this surgery when I'm doing well now. My response is yes I've lost 70lbs BEFORE on another diet, 30 on another diet etc... and gained that and MORE back like most of my diets. I'm looking for a lifetime tool that will help me be healthy and be the person I think I am.  Are we allowed to share our surgeons or feedback on doctors? Surgery date 2/10/16, VS.

1st time poster and I'm a chicken! ty,  

on 1/28/16 10:03 am - Syracuse, NY
VSG on 09/23/14

I, like you, lost weight many times and it never stuck.  I finally reached the point of being afraid of my health and knowing I needed something to jump start the process.  I made a deal with myself that if I was successful at this, I would never be "fluffy" again.  I love, love, love my new life!  Off all medications, no sleep apnea, very active, not afraid of delicate chairs.  It has transformed my life.  It takes hard work and dedication.  Am I perfect, no.  Am I healthy and aware of everything I put in my mouth?  Yes!  Go look at the before and after pictures, you will be inspired. 







on 1/28/16 1:18 pm

dobermanleloo wrote: " Are we allowed to share our surgeons or feedback on doctors?" 


I've seen discussions about various surgeons on this site, so I would think it's okay.



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 1/29/16 5:32 am
VBG on 02/10/16

My surgery is with Dr. Dietrick in Tampa, Florida! Hoping to find some fello Dietrick folks.

on 1/29/16 7:04 am - Sunny Southern, CA

Here's his OH profile with patient reviews: n-dietrick/overview 

maybe PM some of his past patient/OH members and ask some Q's most people are cool with helping :)

P.S. Obesity is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in the US. (CDC) which is one of the reasons I decided I needed to take the step of WLS after-weight-loss-surgery-q-a_7.html Best wishes in your research and in your decision either way.


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

(deactivated member)
on 1/28/16 1:53 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Hi there. First let me say congratulations on choosing to take back your life and health! Secondly of course the surgeon has to tell you about all the scary stuff that can happen and have you sign a waiver to protect himself legally, but those are all "could happens" not "will happens" necessarily. Just like when you see an add for a prescription medication and they list off all the side affects that have happened to people but won't necessarily happen to you if you take the medication. I had my surgery 12/17/15 (so 6 weeks out as of today) and I have never been happier. I've lost 27lbs since surgery and 25lbs before I've never lost 52 lbs on a traditional diet before, even when I had a personal trainer. I never feel hungry other than head hunger which is like cravings but real physical hunger is not a thing for me. I eat mostly meat (which I always liked the most anyway) and cheese (ditto on loving cheese) and I drink a ton of water. My skin looks beautiful and I have stopped breaking out, I sleep better, I have more energy, I don't have pain like I used to (I used to have to get chiropractic adjustments 2 times a month), my mood is improved, and it's easier to wash all my bits in the shower, I can scratch my own back if it itches now which I couldn't reach before, I can bend over and tie my shoes without my head feeling like it is going to pop, I am more flexible, I could go on and on about what's changed in only 52lbs and I can't wait to see where  I am further down the line. It's normal to be nervous but don't let anxiety blur your vision of the future. Do what you have to do: pray, meditate, talk to a councilor/friend/family member to get out your anxiety and refocus on why you are doing this. Good luck! And keep posting! 

on 1/28/16 2:58 pm
VSG on 01/25/16

Congrats on the 31 lbs down. You have done the work, research, made the decision.,..that means you are NOT a chicken.  You are braver than you think you are (in the words of Winnie the Pooh). I lost 30,40,60 many times on many diets.  And I immediately gained the weight back plus more (nearly as fast as I lost it).  Lately the word "diet' was replaced by 'lifestyle change' but it still worked the same....restrict until I can't stand it and then rebound from the restriction.  I just had my surgery on Monday and already I can feel, deep in my bones, this is different....not easier....just absolutely truly possible!  I am liquid only right now and that's white knuckle...because I am not hungry.  Listen to your own wise counsel.  If I could have kept the weight off without VSG....I probably would have done it by now.  But I have chosen this tool for me. Nobody else gets a vote!

on 1/29/16 5:31 am
VBG on 02/10/16

everyone has really good support comments ty! I'm starting to feel a little better. I know the morning in the hospital I will be scared to death but than they will zonk me out so that will be great.  On a no. 1 to 10 how much does it hurt. I have a pretty good tolerance for pain I think... lol  thanks for all the comments this site really is pretty cool.  Welp back to drinking this yummy protein shake Unjury...


on 1/29/16 6:40 am

I think the amount of pain definitely varies from person to person.  I expected to wake up in pain, but I felt nothing.  I really can't say that I had much pain at all. I stopped taking the narcotics by day 3.  The worst part of it for me was nausea, which happened the night after surgery and the first night I was home.

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