Personal blame/shame

(deactivated member)
on 1/13/16 7:34 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

Carol, I know you're right 100% this is just how my crazy brain works. Blaming myself is always first and foremost for everything always. I know it's the end goal, but I get scared that if I can't get a lot off at first when the weight loss slows down eventually I will be even worse off. I appreciate your reply and I am working on not being crazy about it, which is why I put the scale up. 

on 1/13/16 9:23 am - MI

Look at your have lost 17 lbs! Would you have lost 17lbs in a month before surgery? When I started this journey I vowed to myself I wouldn't compare my weight loss to anyone else. I lost more than some and not as much as others. I was never tethered to my scale and I only weighed myself at Doctors appointments. I never knew if I stalled....what I do know is that my body changed, my clothes got bigger, my endurance increased on the treadmill and all of a sudden I was running one day. Steer the course, don't get discouraged! You will have amazing results! Pick your head up and think about all the new clothes you'll soon be buying.

Age: 40 Height: 5'8" Highest Weight: 325 Starting Weight: 291 Current Weight: 166 Goal Weight: 160

 VSG 10/24/14 with Dr. David Chengelis

(deactivated member)
on 1/13/16 7:38 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

GoBluegirl, you're right absolutely, you  really are. I know it's wrong but a lot of my worth has been tied to the number on the scale; that stupid number, that I refused to look at during doctor appointment weigh ins for years while I was in denial, that my mom and dad kept track off through high school and gave me disapproving looks when it was higher than the year before, when I lost weight in the past. That stupid number was the difference between happy and sad, triumphant and defeated. Stupid scale.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 1/13/16 9:46 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Oh goodness girl stop being so hard on yourself! It's a good thing that you put the scale away, especially since its driving you crazy! Taking measurements is a really good idea, the scale is just 1 indicator of weight loss.

A lot of people here try to go low carb so I'm not sure that eating re fried beans is a good idea. I don't shy away from fat. Fat gives food flavor! I noticed whenever something is low fat/fat free usually it ends up being high in carbs/sugar. Maybe the bouncing back and forth with 60 carbs 1 day to 20 something another is something your body is not used to.

What you describe as a stall, I describe as my body taking a break. You've just had major surgery, & your body is in healing mode. Eventually as you move thru the stages you won't have to depend so much on the shakes to get your protein.

Hang in there! This is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't obsess over what you are/aren't losing from day to day/week to week. Use the scale as a guide, if you're staying on plan, don't sweat it, the weight will come off. You might have to adjust your numbers as you work your way down. Good luck to you.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

(deactivated member)
on 1/13/16 8:47 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

I'm taking heavy advisement and advice from what Kairk posted to lower carbs and fat, I can't completely give up cheese because I love it, I will cut it back severely to maybe once or twice a week. I suppose my body is still upset/confused even though I feel fine. I did let a doctor cut a big chunk out of it.  Like I said when replying to Carol I know it's long term I'm just scared that if I don't get a bunch off during the fast losing stage that when my weight loss slows I will be stuck with a ton to lose and not enough time left of the honeymoon phase to lose it. I have anxiety and that makes me think crazy things I do try and be nice to me but I feel like when I am too nice I slip up and if I am strict I am too strict there is no in between with me, but I am trying. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Also good to see your replies always on my post.

on 1/13/16 8:56 pm, edited 1/13/16 1:00 pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

Many of the prepackaged string cheeses are suitable for snacks during the weight loss phase. What makes them suitable is that they contain about 10 grams of protein per 100 calories.  Actually, this "10 to 100" rule is a great one to use in choosing foods.  If you start reading labels with that in mind and you keep your calories low, the fat and carbs will fall into place without you actively counting them. Best of luck to you!



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

diane S.
on 1/13/16 12:54 pm

put that stick away that you are beating yourself up with. Some of us are slow losers. after the first couple of months i only lost 4 or 5 pounds a month and my surgeon told me i would end up at 156 or 169. i told him that was not acceptable. he said increase protein and exercise which i did but only for a couple of months.  I blew right past my goad of 135 and got as low as 117.  too low. moved up to 122 for a long time. now at 129.  so you can get there .   the only thing i would do differently is skip the beans and find a less carb protein item. I take those single serving pouches of tuna often.  they come in lemon pepper and such and are good and easy.   gl.   you can do this.   diane s. 

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(deactivated member)
on 1/13/16 8:50 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

I will try an put the stick away Diana, but I am very self blaming always have been. But I did go get a ton of thin shaved deli turkey today to replace my more carby protein options. I need to wait to get paid to go big grocery shopping for lots of staples. I would like my maintenance range to be 140-150 when I get to that point so I hope it is achievable. Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.  

diane S.
on 1/13/16 10:01 pm

You might find that your grocery shopping habits change as you lose weight. I used to go for the big mother lode of groceries every 10 days or so. Now I find myself going to the store (different ones) every few days because sleeves hubby and me eat smaller amounts of fresh things instead of pasta and pot roast. You may have a family to shop for which makes it complicated but no need to buy loads of anything. A little at a time is a good new habit.   good luck and ditch that stick - i mean it!!!!   diane s.  

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on 1/13/16 5:32 pm
VSG on 12/03/15

I am not getting into diet, as someone else already did that but let me tell you this; take a deep breather and relax. Everyone is different, everyone gained differently and everyone will lose differently. People have different starting weights, metabolisms and digestive systems. Stop comparing yourself to others and put the scale away and do not weigh yourself but once a week. I have had weight stalls but was still losing inches. 17 lbs in a month is awesome. We all gained weight once we started eating more "normal food" and moved away from the liquids. We all have to find our balance and figure out what the "new normal" is. It's different for everyone. There is no set schedule for how much we "should" lose and when. Comparing yourself to others all the time is going to drive you crazy so instead, focus on yourself, focus on feeling better, eating well, and taking good care of yourself. You did not make a wrong choice, you have nothing to be ashamed of, but please stop weighing yourself all the time and comparing yourself to others, and mostly, beating yourself up over nothing is not going to help you on your journey. Be positive! This is YOUR journey!

Judith, 46, surgery date  12/3/15

SW: 317 CW: 210 GW: 180


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