Happy Three Months!! (with picture)

on 1/6/16 5:50 am
VSG on 10/06/15

Hello Everyone!!

Today I am officially three months post-op. I am feeling great! This last month has been a challenge for me. The holidays bring on so much food and bad for you things. I did pretty good, although I ate a few things that I know I shouldn't have. I didn't keep track of my food as I should, and I know I didn't get in my water intake. It's a new month though, the holidays are over and I am back into gear. I am glad that I didn't gain any weight, but I know what I did wrong and I have a much stronger commitment to myself now.

New Years Eve.. Had a big family party.. Lots of food everywhere. I ate a few meatballs, but didn't touch anything else. I didn't have any "drinks" oh how I miss my twisted teas. However; I had plenty of jello shots. My sister said, oh can you have these.. I said well.. jello is a sugar free, fat free food! My doctor said if I must drink, I need to stick to clear beverages. Since there is only vodka and water in jello shots, well yes, YES, I can have those. I not so sure he meant for me to have 20 of them.. but they were oh so good.

I had two Aunts and a cousin that were down from another state for the weekend, whom I have not seen in months, and did not know that I had my surgery. It's not that I am ashamed, or don't want to tell people, but I just don't think it's something that everyone in the world needs to know. That being said.. My aunt was so thrilled when she saw me. "OMG, you look wonderful, you have lost so much weight" Instead of me being able to say "Thank You, I feel great" My mother blurts out, "she had surgery to lose the weight", like it was no big deal. She made me feel like all my hard work, and dedication and determination, pain and struggle was for nothing. She made me feel smaller than small, and not in a good way. She just took the wind right out of my sails and left me there to rot. I was mad.. VERY VERY mad. I said, yes, I did have surgery, but I also lost 53 lbs. before I had surgery. I also changed my eating habits and my whole life style. It's not like I just do as I please and the weight falls off. I still have to work hard and make sure I am eating healthy. My Aunt went on to say "you look wonderful, and don't let anyone tell you differently".

My feelings were so hurt.. Why did my own mother treat me that way? If I wanted people to know what lengths I've taken to become healthier I would tell them. I just don't think everyone in the world needs to know my private business. Later that night I cried to my boyfriend. He said only jealous people will try to bring you down. Only jealous people will try to diminish your success, and only jealous people will belittle all that you have accomplished so far. You know what, he is 100% correct. It's a new year.. and I will no longer let her bring me down. I won't allow her to hurt my feelings, and make me feel like I didn't work hard to get to where I am so far. I won't allow her to belittle my choices. Sadly, I find that it's not only my mom that does these things, one of my sisters does as well. Making fun of me on Christmas day of my small portions of food. How I stayed away from the corn, rolls and stuffing. How I didn't have dessert. My mother and sister are both overweight as well. It's their choice to be bitter and hateful, but I will not let their crappy attitude get to me, and I will not fall. It's about me, not them. If they don't like the new me, oh well.. I honestly don't care anymore.

Anyway.. this post was going to be about new beginnings.. but it's okay. Sometimes new beginnings start when letting old things go. I am letting go of my anger and sadness. I am letting go of actually caring about what they think. If they don't want to support my choices and be happy for me, then I don't need their negativity in my life. Besides negativity makes one want to eat bad things.. and I don't want to eat bad things. LOL. I will not let food control me.. EVER EVER AGAIN!!

My Journey:

  • Highest Weight : 413 (2/2015)
  • Surgery Weight : 360 (10/2015) -53 lbs.
  • 1 Month Post-Op : 338.4 (11/2015) -21.6 lbs.
  • 2 Months Post-Op : 325.6 (12/2015) -12.8 lbs.
  • 3 Months Post-Op : 317.6 (1/2016) -8 lbs.

Total Loss to date : - 95.4 lbs.




on 1/6/16 6:20 am
VSG on 01/15/16

You look fantastic!! And keep up the great work regardless of what others say. I am in the same boat as you. I haven't made the decision to tell my mother that I am even having surgery because she is so judgemental. I don't even know that I will tell her after the fact. She doesn't live in the same state as me so it might be easy for me to get by without her knowing but she's always been very critical of my weight. She doesn't understand the struggle being it since she's never been more than 135 lbs her whole life. And your boyfriend is absolutely correct...people will be jealous and stay stupid things. I haven't even had the surgery yet and have experienced it from some of the few I have told. My best friend had told me the same thing as she had it done 2 years ago. With the exception of her husband, I am the only one who knows and she wants to keep it that way. She said that even without sharing that she lost all her weight by surgery, people were still jealous and making up rumors on it. So people are going to talk regardless...don't let it put a damper on your success. 50+ lbs even before the surgery is amazing on it's own and I commend you for your hard work and dedication! 

on 1/6/16 6:42 am
VSG on 10/06/15

Thank you so much! I move to another state in 18 weeks! I will no longer have to hear her judgemental comments again. I am completely okay with that!  Good luck to you and your journey! 


S. Stroud
on 1/6/16 6:26 am

OMG you look amazing.  This is definitely an inspiration.

on 1/6/16 6:43 am
VSG on 10/06/15

Thank you so much!! It truly means a lot! Best wishes to you always!! 


on 1/6/16 6:51 am - NC
VSG on 02/18/15

You look amazing!!! Keep up the good work.

Height: 5'5" HW: 278.2; SW: 268.2; CW: 175.6

on 1/6/16 7:08 am
VSG on 10/06/15

Thanks so much! Best wishes to you always! 


Tracy D.
on 1/6/16 6:59 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

Karen - you are looking great and doing a good job.  Have you told your mother and sister flat-out that you do NOT want them talking to anyone about your surgery? That you will do the talking about it if and when you want to?  If not, I would absolutely set that boundary with them now.  Whether or not they honor it will be another situation you have to handle later.  But you need to learn to set those boundaries with them - it'll be good practice for later because there will be lots of other comments coming your way as you continue on this journey. 

P.S. 20 Jello shots is never a good idea, whether you're post-op VSG or not.  Don't go there again, please :-( 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 1/6/16 7:14 am
VSG on 10/06/15

I have not, it is the first thing on my list to do. Sadly I feel that even if I set that boundary it won't be honored. Especially by my mother. She is sometimes a very bitter and resentful person and her mouth is like a leaking septic tank. Totally full of crap! She has no filter and never respects how's others feel. 

Thank you so much! Best wishes to you always! Yes, I will not have so many Jell-O shots again. Lol. It's the only thing I had all night besides water and they were spread out between 6pm and 2:30 am. I do agree though, never a good idea. 


on 1/6/16 9:23 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On January 6, 2016 at 3:14 PM Pacific Time, paflyersgal wrote:

I have not, it is the first thing on my list to do. Sadly I feel that even if I set that boundary it won't be honored. Especially by my mother. She is sometimes a very bitter and resentful person and her mouth is like a leaking septic tank. Totally full of crap! She has no filter and never respects how's others feel. 

Thank you so much! Best wishes to you always! Yes, I will not have so many Jell-O shots again. Lol. It's the only thing I had all night besides water and they were spread out between 6pm and 2:30 am. I do agree though, never a good idea. 

hello is not a sugar free food unless it is sugar free and I'm guessing the shots were not sugar free. Mholidys are going to come every year and all year round so working on a plan for them is necessary.




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