The society of VSG....I want in!
I have been reading posts for a couple of months and my surgery date is set so I figured I should also post something and come out of the shadows. What I have observed is that there are people who are willing to share the benefit of their experience and in doing so you have created a sort of sisterhood/brotherhood of people courageous enough to take back their lives....and help others do the same. I used to be a wild woman...funny and irreverent, bawdy and a little too loud. Then I put on weight and became quieter and more serious. Stressed and not even fun to myself. I am ready to be wild again! Not promiscuous ...not my style. But funny and happy....ready to take the bull by the horns. Without was just too much. It felt hopeless. What I am feeling right now is ...hopeful! For the first time in a very long time. So first of all THANK YOU to all of you who share your experience! To Cappy & parrot and the hag....and the lady who asks "What are you eating VSGers?" I already love you all and can't wait to join you! Thanks, Wild Woman
I had an 'inner wild child' that was screaming to get out again too :-). There was a light hearted part of me that was buried deep within that has seen the light of day again and I hope you rediscover that wonderful part of yourself too.
I had surgery at 56 and while I'm now staring 60 in the face, I've never felt better about myself. I finally feel like my inside matches my outside, so to speak, which is incredibly freeing.
I look forward to following your journey!
Ht: 5'2" | HW 225, BMI 41.2 | CW 115, BMI 21.0
Hi Spencerella- I am 60 right now and had no idea that people our age ever had surgery. I am so glad to find that many people in their 50s and 60s have VSG. Thank you for your support. I look forward to my journey too! Wild Woman
Hi Wild...Just wanted to let you know I was 66 when I had my surgery...It was an easy surgery to have for such a major surgery. Try and lose as much as you can the first year..that is called the honeymoon and much easier to lose then..after that year you slow down and it gets a little harder, but hang in there and good luck on Jan 25!
Hi Wanda- thanks for the "first year" advice. I hadn't thought of that. Thx., Wild Woman
on 1/5/16 2:31 pm
I was 64 at the time of surgery. I feel so much more alive. It wasn't aging I was feeling it was the affects of dragging all the extra weight around with me all day every day. As long as you are healthy enough to do this I think it should be available to anyone of any age.
Yes! Dragging all the weight around! That is exactly what it feels like. I can't wait for that to be removed. Thanks! WW
on 1/4/16 9:30 pm
Welcome! There's always room on the losers' bench for one more. As you noted, excess weight drags down the spirit as well as the body. As you lose weight, I expect we'll hear a lot more from the "Wild Thang"!
When is your surgery date?

"Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."
Hi Psychotic Parrot- my surgery is scheduled for Jan 25th. I had almost accepted the slow down with weight and age as inevitable. So glad to see that it is NOT inevitable! You all give me such hope! Thanks! Wild Woman