I'm scheduled for surgery tomorrow, and I'm terrified. I don't know if I can do this.
on 1/3/16 3:47 pm
You are far from alone in feeling this way. Some people have said they are terrified till they are actually getting the anesthetic. Talk to your care team when you get to the hospital tomorrow. They can prescribe something to help you "chill" as you wait to get to the operating room. They can also help you decide if you need to postpone the surgery. I am sure you share your fears here that others will pop up and send you notes of support, empathy and tell you things that may help. Good luck.
One thing I can say...it will all be good. Once you are at the hospital and get to see your surgeon, a calm will come over you, because you know this is the beginning of your healthier life. The first week will be a bit of a struggle. Once you are home it will take a bit for your body to get back to somewhat of a normal feeling with anesthesia and gas, but try to walk as much as possible...even if it's just around the house. By day 6 you will be on top of the world. I am 3 months post op and down 53 pounds and feeling great. Congratulations and welcome to the journey to a healthier you.
on 1/3/16 4:36 pm
Sunny this is total normal, especially if you're like me and have never had surgery. I had panic attack pre-op while they were trying to get an IV in me, when my surgeon came in he calmed me down and took a pre-surgery selfie with me (my silly request) and they were able to get my IV in give me a chill pill type drug and surgery went fabulously. Just keep remembering why you did this in the first place. You are strong and you can do this! Think about everything you had to go through pre-op to get approved for surgery, you accomplished that, no one made you, you did it by being strong and making a choice. Make the choice to be strong and have surgery. We're waiting for you on the other side and saving a seat for you on the losers (weight losers that is) bench. Good luck!
Hi Sunny, first of all what you're feeling is completely normal. Just remember you are strong and you CAN get thru this. Just think, how much better you will feel and how much healthier you will be. My surgery is the 15th, I'm nervous too. I want to be able to play with my little girl, I want to be able houseclean without feeling like I just ran a marathon. Just keep reminding yourself of the reasons you chose. I know you can do this!

Betty Philpot
I wanted to bolt off that gurney all the way to the operating room. I found out many people on these forums felt the same way, after I had the surgery. I made myself a photo album of all the pictures which inspired me to want to have the surgery, whether I was large or small. The clincher for me, was looking at a picture of my sister on facebook, who is built just like me, as she was holding her newborn grandchild. I saw that and decided I HAD to go through with this. Although, it was still scary until they put whatever in my IV or the mask or whatever. I was out and didn't care at that point. I was worried that I would regret having had the surgery when I came out, but I haven't had a moment of that and it's been nearly three weeks for me. I am glad I followed through, even though I was fearful, and would do it again if I needed. Just wish I had done it years ago, so I could have been MANY years on the other side.
((Hugs)) I know exactly how you're feeling. I was afraid that this surgery was a mistake up until the point where the anesthesiologist said, "Ok. I'm going to give you the medicine to put you to sleep now." I'm thankful that the medicine took affect so quickly or I may have chickened out.
You're going to be ok. Just remember the reasons that you have for doing the surgery. You can do this!
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