4 years post VSG and weight is creeping back

on 12/31/15 9:04 pm
FobiPouch on 08/04/14

Hello. I share your concern. I had surgery 1yr and 4 months ago. Started out at 275 and dropped to 209. Since this past Thanksgiving I have gained 7lbs. I was supposed to drop to 156lbs. I started eating things that I should not have and drinking sodas. I worry that I have ruined my

gastric sleeve and that it may be too late for me to undo my bad habits. I'm looking for some good and honest advice. Thanks for sharing your concern.


on 1/1/16 5:15 pm

I can't imagine at only a year and a half post op you have ruined anything! Forgive yourself and every day is a new day. My surgery day I weighed 269 and I got down to 138. It took me a year and half and some change to get that low. i exercised nearly every day and tracked my daily food intake diligently. I loved MyFitnessPal and intend to start tracking again. It really helped me make sure I was getting my 90+ grams of protein a day. You can do it! It took a lot of trial and error for me to discover an exercise that I loved and I learned that I don't do well in groups or, classes. I loved the solitude of running, hiking and walking. Try different things until you find something that you really connect with! 

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