Lying about surgery?

on 12/21/15 7:05 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I was private about my surgery and only told certain people. I decided I wasn't going to announce it to the world and only tell the people that i knew would be supportive. I, too, know how judgmental can be. When I had surgery, I had a lot of emotional eating issues AND cared way too much about what people think about me (even casual acquaintances), so I didn't want to put myself into a position where someone else could make me feel bad about the decision.

However, time has passed and for me, it isn't such a big deal anymore. I still don't come out and tell people; however, I have never lied about it in the sense that if someone directly asked me if I had surgery, I wouldn't have said no. But, I have never been asked directly. People will ask my mother in law, brother in law, etc.... but clearly they know it isn't any of their business because nobody has asked me directly when my mother in law has said, "That's not my business, you will have to ask her!" 

Beware, it does put people you DO tell in a weird situation. If someone approaches them and asks... they are put into a position where they may feel like they have to lie. I didn't think that was fair. SO, I just told these individuals "I'm being private about it... but please don't feel like you have to lie for me. Tell people that ask whatever you are comfortable saying and if that includes that I had surgery... that's ok"

When individuals that could qualify for surgery privately asked me what I did to lose weight, I always told them the truth. If I could have helped someone facing the same struggles I faced... it would have been worth the possible negative reaction to help someone.

All that being said, definitely your choice. I figured that if the worst thing I've done in my life was lie about my private health and medical procedures, I could certainly live with that!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 12/21/15 10:25 pm
VSG on 05/22/15

I have done exactly the same. I told no one at all. Ive lost 25 kilos and it is noticeable  but im now at a stand still. I havent lost  any weight for 6 weeks now. Im a bit worried that i will put it all back on especially  during  the festivities.  I feel so much better to know  that im not the only one who has kept this as a secret . Thanks for sharing. I was really ashamed  of myself but i can see now im not alone

(deactivated member)
on 12/21/15 10:40 pm
VSG on 12/17/15

You have to do what makes you happiest feel best. I won't judge you or tell you what to do (not that I think anyone on OH is doing that) but honesty is often the best policy. That being said, I told everyone: family, friends, coworkers,  strangers in the check out line who asked why I was buying certain products (ie "wow you're buying a lot of protein powder are you trying to build muscle?") in the store. But I am a very open person and I love how supportive so many people are. Most of my coworkers are super cool and supportive or neutral, no one has been negative, in fact a coworker just had her surgery today because of me talking about it and encouraging her to go to the seminar given by our surgery clinic. In the end it has to be your choice. Maybe down the road you can tell people and just say you didn't want to announce it until it for sure happened? I waited to tell people until I had the insurance approval so that is a viable reason someone could wait but then that is another white lie so that it builds back to what others have alluded to about lies building on lies. Either way congratulations on taking this step of fix your health!

on 12/21/15 10:46 pm - San Diego, CA

High school life is pretty tough with judgement, therefore I did lie about my surgery... When people asked me what I had, I said I had a gallbladder surgery and since I was in recovery and had issues with processing foods, that it was normal to lose weight. Eventually people stopped asking why I was getting thinner and they even got used to me being like this. Some even forgot how I looked before! I did feel guilty with lying, but no one else would understand and it would spread within seconds all over school, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't say nice stuff.. I guess sometime in the future I can tell them about it, but right now I am no longer questioned and I feel pretty comfortable with them not knowing.

Just a teenager who's finally enjoying the skinny feels <3 Thanks to my sleeve done by Dr. Wilhelmy.

on 12/22/15 9:18 am

I am blessed to be able to share my anticipation for surgery and my journey with my coworkers... I wish you could too.  There is so much support here...

Tracy D.
on 12/22/15 10:52 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

With the info you've shared about your workplace environment and colleagues, I would say you have done exactly the right thing.  It's the right thing for you at this point in time.  Maybe in time you'll feel like being more open and will be able to open some judgmental eyes...but for now it's perfectly OK to protect yourself. 

My boss knew why I was having surgery but that was it.  I told no one else and have never regretted it for a moment.  

Stop feeling guilt for something you did out of self-preservation.  It's a useless emotion and the energy is better used to focus on your fantastic future! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 12/22/15 7:28 pm
VSG on 12/15/15

I am a very private person, and, as such, didn't want my business out there for everyone. I told those people that needed to know (like my boss) that i was "having a procedure done" if they asked what, i followed up with "abdominal surgery." Let them draw what conclusions they will. I'm now a week post-op, and haven't returned to work yet. I suppose if people directly ask if i had WLS, I'll tell them, but I'm really hoping they don't ask. 

HW: 365; GW: 180

VSG: 12/15/15

(deactivated member)
on 12/23/15 10:14 am

Thank you everyone for your responses :) 

Ron R.
on 12/23/15 11:23 am

I lied to my coworkers about my WLS too and I wish I hadn't.  I told them I was having gender reassignment surgery.  Now I'm stuck wearing a wig and stockings everyday to work.  It's OK though because I needed to buy a new wardrobe anyway.  Good luck!

Je Suis Charlie

on 12/23/15 1:30 pm
VSG on 10/12/15

I had no intention of telling people. However in early October I was with a client, then she came back in last week. I had my surgery October 12 and have lost about 50 pounds. The client was looking at me and got very upset as she saw my appearance had changed in just over 2 months. She was starting to cry as she thought I was ill and that was the reason for the loss. I explained what the deal was and she calmed down. 

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