RMR Test and Body Fat Analysis - Victory!

J Connel
on 12/17/15 4:03 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Yesterday I visited my surgeon's office and they performed two tests - RMR and Body Fat Analysis.  So in a nutshell, the RMR (resting metabolic rate) is the number of calories your body burns each day with no activity and makes up 65-75% of your total metabolism.  By understanding your RMR you can determine the best caloric budget to help with weight loss and maintenance.  The test was called WatchWT MedGem and consisted of me breathing (after fasting for at least 4 hours) into a tube while my nose was plugged (only mouth breathing measured) for 10 minutes.  My RMR came in at 1090 calories.  This budget does not include additional calories that I would naturally burn by exercising, taking short walks, riding a bike, yoga, etc.  It is my burn rate should I sit on the couch all day and do nothing.  Why is this helpful?  It's helpful because we need to have a true picture as to what our bodies are burning.  No online tool can really pinpoint that based on height/weight only.  After figuring in my activity and current lifestyle, I know that once I get to maintenance, I'll have to likely stay between 1200-1300 calories per day to avoid a loss or gain.  See what I mean?  Helpful information.

The best part though of this entire visit was getting the body fat analysis completed with calipers and all.  Nobody has really given me a goal weight, so I've just always went with the BMI Charts to determine my goal weight.  I realize those charts are covering the masses and not individualized but with the lack of a real goal by a medical professional, the non-overweight BMI became my goal.  Well today I can tell you my goal has changed - and here's why.

As of today my BMI according to the charts sits around 26.1 (under 24.9 is non-overweight).  Here I am in a SIZE 4 (and have 2 pair of size 2 that fit me) and yet I'm still overweight?  and overweight by like 10 lbs?What?  That's what the charts say anyway.  Well when I had my own individual results analyzed by calipers and by a professional vs. just entering in numbers in an online tool, I'm happy to report that my body fat percentage is 25.2% = LEANER THAN AVERAGE.  Now this my friends is what I'd expect to see when wearing a size 2-4 clothing!  See what I mean?  The BMI chart isn't the only way to measure health.  The scale isn't the only way to measure health.  The calipers and RMR test are not the only way to measure health.  You have to look at a combo of all these tools and then talk with professionals to determine YOUR health.  You have to look in the mirror too and see where you feel your best.  So what does that mean to my goal? Well first it means that each time I talked to my Mom on the phone today I said, "Hello...this is your leaner than average daughter...."  Goal accomplished there and I'm pretty sure she has enjoyed the excitement and humor of it all.  BUT!  It also means a very personalized conversation with my medical team in coming up with a goal weight for me that is based on ME, not charts, not one test, but based on valid scientific information and my own body.  So instead of 130, they have given me a goal weight of 145.  They said if I wanted "wiggle room" and I do, they would advise me to really not go any lower than 140.  So my new goal?  140 lbs.

So the stress about the BMI number and how low did I really need to be to hit that is getting tossed out the window.  I'm done exhausting energy on a goal meant for the masses.  I'm focused on this girl right here and she's SO close to goal.  Can I get a hell yeah?  :)

My stats to date:

  • Start Weight: 283.2
  • 10/1-4/13:  Supervised Weight Loss Phase + Pre-Op:  -60 lbs
  • Total Post-Op Weight Loss (4/13-present):  -74.6 (and counting)
  • Total weight loss:  -135.8 lbs
  • Current Weight:  147.2 lbs
  • Goal Weight:  140.0 lbs (7.2 lbs left to go!)


  • These tests I mentioned above were huge NSVs for me.  My insurance didn't cover these tests, but for $55.00 it was worth the investment for peace of mind.  I'd suggest others consider it - especially if you are a numbers gal like I am.
  • Food Find!  I am in love with this Organic Edamame Spaghetti I purchased at Costco.  I think it was like $6 for a 2 lb box and boy is it delicious.  I can only eat 1 oz of it at a time, but a normal serving is 2 oz and has 200 calories, 10 net carbs and 24 gms of protein, I'm digging it.  It's got such a neat texture just like pasta (and not as mushy as spaghetti squash and zucchini noodles can be).  It it really good with just some parm cheese sprinkled on and some salt/pepper but I can't wait to try it with spaghetti sauce too.  I could only eat a 1 oz serving so the calories and macros are cut in half for me when I eat it, but well worth it.  I miss pasta - but not anymore! And in case you are wondering, my 9 year old pasta loving boy tried it and agreed it was great - so if he likes it, you might like it!  


JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 12/17/15 5:24 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Calipers are wildly innacurrate for most people, and much worse for us because of the extra skin. Other tests are almost as bad, such as electrical impedance, like on those bodyfat scales.

Bodpod and water testing are much better, but are still off more for us than non WLS people, again because of once being morbidly obese. A full DEXA scan will give by far the most accurate indication of body composition.

I would have zero faith in the results of a caliper test.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

J Connel
on 12/17/15 5:28 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Nothing like bursting that victory!! ;) I will look into the other tests you mentioned down the road. I do understand the inaccuracy given our procedures too. That's why we have to look at everything we can vs. Just BMI or just the scale, etc. Thanks!!

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

Laura in Texas
on 12/17/15 7:21 am

Great job on your loss, but I agree with Grim on the caliper test. HERE is a good article on different ways to measure your body fat.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

J Connel
on 12/17/15 7:37 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Thanks Laura!

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

on 12/17/15 10:54 am

My nutritionist told me last week that they do RMR testing on all their patients at 9 months post-op.  I think that will be really interesting and great info to have!!  Congrats on your success thus far!!

J Connel
on 12/17/15 11:13 am
VSG on 04/13/15

Thank you! I'm 8 months out so that seems on with your timing too. Very helpful information especially when you look at everything as a whole.

JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

(deactivated member)
on 12/17/15 3:42 pm

Hey, hey! Congrats on the good news! 

I'm a BMI outlier myself. I was 12 pounds over "non-overweight" BMI at my very lowest, wore 30 inch waist Lucky Brand jeans and had 18% body fat as measured by a hydrostatic body composition test. If you are happy at your current weight and you are healthy, your labs (cholesterol, blood sugar,etc...) and your blood pressure are all good and you feel fit, it's your decision to call goal. Goal is very personal.

The body fat composition thing: Oh well, .... so the calipers aren't super accurate. so what! You've lost a boat load of weight, you feel great and you got some damn good information today. Knowing you body fat percentage is just that - you know it. Is knowing it going to change what you're doing? Probably not, unless you're goal is to become an athlete. So...

Bask in your glory!  

J Connel
on 12/17/15 5:13 pm
VSG on 04/13/15

Kairk - I could just hug you!  Thank you for your reply - I needed some positive things.  Here I was all excited to share some success and then felt like my wings had been clipped.  You are right, all of my tests have been great.  I'm in a very small size with very healthy measurements, etc.  I decided on a goal with my surgeon's office who supervised all of my testing (including the caliper testing) so I feel like an informed decision was made.  I think my point, which maybe I didn't get across so well, was that I was so focused on BMI that I really didn't consider all the other pieces.  Only when I had more information to be armed with and informed of was I able to say - yeah I may never get to a chart BMI, but that's okay because I'm healthy.  That's always been the goal - health.

So yes, maybe the calipers aren't super accurate, but honestly neither is any other test really.  Shoot even the scale can't be trusted with it's daily fluctuations at times, but when you see the whole picture, you can make decisions that are right for you.

Thank you for your post - I think I'll return to basking in that glory (and will even more so once I lose these final 7.2 lbs)!



JC 5'3" HW: 283.2 SW: 224.6 CW: 140.0  M1: -20.0 M2: -10.2 M3: -13.6 M4: -6.4 M5: -7.2 M6: -7.8 M7: -6.2  M8: -5.8 M9: -2.2 M10: -5


Follow my blog at: www.sleeveforme2014.wordpress.com

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