1 Week Post Op!

on 11/21/15 12:57 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I had my sleeve surgery last Wednesday, 11/11/15. My family has been incredibly supportive. One of my reasons for the surgery was that I can't lose weight. My doctor thinks I burn about half the calories that the average person does so frankly I needed a smaller stomach and a reset on how my calorie burning factory runs. lol According to my scale I've only lost 7 pounds since surgery. I've heard so many saying they've lost 10, 12 even 15 pounds at this point. But on a positive note, I'm losing! I may have to do it slowly but the numbers are moving so I'm going to be happy with that. I'm struggling to get in my protein and fluids at the moment. I'm working on it. My surgeon says I had a small stomach to begin with so I have a very small sleeve. I started walking at a very slow pace on my treadmill last night since any bouncing makes me crampy. I'm curious, how much did you lose your first week? How much were you able to get down? AND How long was your basic recovery? It's still painful for me to bounce down my long, gravel driveway!

If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/21/15 1:29 pm

"How much did you lose your first week?"

I didn't have a scale, so I don't know. I also didn't care because post-op swelling, IV fluid retention, and other factors make a one-week post-op scale reading pretty meaningless. Try not to compare your rate of loss with others -- sleevers lose at different rates, depending on a whole host of variables -- metabolism, food choice, diet adherence, exercise, etc. As long as you're losing, you're doing well.


"How much were you able to get down?"

I assume you mean liquids, and the answer is not much. I was very queasy post-op, could not drink anywhere near the recommended daily amount, and landed in the ER twice with dehydration. At the point you're at, liquids are more important than protein. If you find you can't drink enough because of nausea, call your surgeon for an anti-nausea medication. I can't stress enough how important adequate liquid intake is during recovery.


"How long was your recovery?"

It took 6 weeks until I felt human again, and another 6 weeks until I felt fully recovered, but then again, I'm in my mid-60s and don't heal as quickly as I once did. But even discounting age, everyone heals at their own rate. I've read posts from some sleevers who were back at work in a week, and some who took a month or more to feel well again. Again, comparisons with others will get you nowhere. Your recovery will take as long as it takes.



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 11/21/15 1:36 pm, edited 11/21/15 5:36 am
VSG on 11/11/15

Thanks. Comparing myself to others is definitely something I know I shouldn't do but it sneaks up on me anyway. I'm for sure working on that. I still am curious about the journey of others at my stage though. I mean, comparison or not, it's nice to know others have been where you stand. Also, my ticker is not updating correctly! Very annoying.

If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/21/15 1:45 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I thought I figured out the ticker thing but maybe not or maybe it just takes time to register. I have no idea. I used the new way of updating it but nothing happened. Time will tell I guess.

If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/21/15 3:43 pm

There's something wrong with the ticker function, which I hope OH is working on. Don't expect it to update any time soon.



on 11/22/15 4:42 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I used the little Mountain icon to update them but now I have 3 tickers showing! lol There's no option that I see anywhere to edit the old signature where the other two tickers are at that aren't updating. It also only gives you the option of showing one kind of ticker on your signature. It's truly annoying. lol

If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/22/15 5:47 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I figured it out! You can edit your signature under settings and message board. Same place it was before, it's just been a while. lol


If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/21/15 2:15 pm

I know what you mean about wanting to compare to others. I think it's just human nature and curiosity. I lost 9 pounds my first week and then stalled my second week. I think you having lost 7 is great!  Like you said it's a lose and when in the past have you lost that much in a little over a week? Take it as a success and celebrate it!  With some water or a protein drink of course!  My recovery as far as not feeling any pain or discomfort was about 2 and half weeks. It took a while longer to feel comfortable sitting without leaning back a bit and to be able to sleep on my side. As far as liquids go I was able to get about 60 ounces in daily along with my protein.  Is your trouble in getting it down or just remembering to constantly sip. I know you said you have a smaller sleeve than most did your surgeon say anything about that possibly making it harder for you?  

Best of luck to you and welcome to the losers bench!

Age- 35 | 5'4" | Surgery VSG - 9/21/15

Highest/Consult- 250 | Surgery- 235 | Current- 143 | Goal- 145 |

| M1-22 | M2-10 | M3-13 | M4-13 | M5-13 | M6-10| M7 - 8| M8- 3| Total Lost - 107|

Reached goal in 7 months 1 week and now maintaining!


on 11/22/15 5:19 pm
VSG on 11/11/15


She didn't say it would make it harder on me but it just starts to feel really tight. Not really even like fullness but more like a heavy, bloated feeling. I can eat 1/4 of a cup at a time as far as soups go and I can get down about a half of a protein shake at a time if I sip slowly but it's like having a whole meal each time. A cup is 8 fluid oz so 1/4 is only 2. At 3 meals a day that's only 6 for my meals. That's if I eat 3 meals in a day. I'm still recovering with 2 kids at home so sometimes a long morning nap knocks out a meal or my 1/2 shake. I can get down about 1.5 shakes in a day if I don't let up (which is uncomfortable) but that's still just 16.5 oz. So that comes to 22.5 if I'm up working on it all day. Sometimes if I try really hard I may be able to choke down a bottle of water throughout that but that's still no where near enough. A bottle of water is 16.9 oz which still doesn't even hit 40 oz! I could do better with my protein though and I will step it up on that for sure. I could be adding protein powder to my soups and things but I haven't been in all honesty. At the moment my shakes are my only source and that's only 45g. if I get down 1.5 shakes.

My vitamins are also an issue. My doctor says I have to have chewables from here out. They will be shipping my vitamins to me monthly. The sheer volume of how much I'm suppose to take & their taste just completely erases any desire to swallow anything. 2 multi vitamins that I hate the chalky, berry taste of, 3 iron, a B12 nasal spray and 4 freaking chalky calcium. It's really nasty. The chewable iron tablets don't bother me as badly. It's more the taste of the multi vitamins and that I have to take 4 calcium (2 twice a day) that's the issue. That's basically a reason to be nauseated at each meal. lol The only calcium I've found besides that are caked in sugar & 30 calories! I'm going to try to call the company one more time to see if they come in a different flavor. You never know, sometimes it comes down to who you talk to. After that I have one other bariatric vitamin company I'm going to try. After that I'm not sure what I'll do because at the moment, I'm just not choking down all those vitamins.

If you feel like quitting, think of why you started.


on 11/23/15 6:27 pm

For Vitamins I am using patchmd, Vitamins have always been rough on my stomach and I was very anxious about that being an issue.  Then someone on here mentioned patchmd (Dr. said it was fine) and it has all the vitamins I am required to take in a patch, probably more expensive than pills but worth it to me.  Good luck, I haven't had lab work done yet to check vitamin levels but others have said the patch worked.




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