First day home...

on 10/31/15 9:31 am

Stayed overnight in the hospital, after surgery. Figures that on our way home last night, we got a flat tire right on the freeway. Had to wait for the tow truck to come fix it, as I would not let my husband do it with traffic racing by!

I feel ok, except of course, for the gas. Been trying for over an hr now to get a cup of tea in me. Sip, sip,'s going in.....just not very quickly. Plan to get dressed shortly and start a little walk around my property. We'll see how that goes. Kind of tempted to go to WalMart with my husband to get his tire fixed and walk around there...but I think I would rather stay close to home in case I get very tired, quickly. I am finding the breathing know plastic thing they give you to inhale into and lift the other little plastic thing inside it.....hard to do. I am sure this will get better.


on 10/31/15 11:09 am

so glad that part is over for you! For some odd reason, I didn't have the gas problem I read alot of others have, but that will pass (ha) soon......Smart to stay home, you would get tired since some of the knock out gas is still in you, plus your intake for energy has gone to zero. I didn't have the breather exerciser you have, must have been your dr- as I read about others, none of us are the same with this surgery. But, we are all striving and achieving the same goal!! hang in there, each day gets better and better! Dee

on 10/31/15 12:38 pm

Good to know you're doing well so soon after surgery. You're correct -- give yourself lots of rest time between those walks.


  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 11/7/15 8:13 am

I had surgery Tuesday ad was kept for two nights due to some severe nausea after day one. Was glad to stay but also very glad to be home, not getting woke up constantly for all the stuff they needed to do... Today I am in pain, chest hurts a little, and I have lost all the water weight they put in me due to pretty bad dehydration so now i am concerned that i am getting dehydrated again. Sip sip sip, protein shake at my side, water too...sleeping good for the most part... hoping my energy level improves quickly!!!

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