Maintenance Sleevers! I have questions! Pretty Please..?

on 10/23/15 8:56 am

I can only assume based on logic that people who experience regain either 1) stop weighing themselves for long periods of time, or 2) weigh themselves still but ignore it. I'm guessing that most likely, the former is happening rather than the latter.

Frankly, the best way to avoid regain is to not ignore the scale and continue to weigh yourself. Even if you only doing it monthly because you don't want to obsess over it, check yourself! And if you find you've gained weight, maybe check more often until you get it back down. I weigh myself almost every morning. Not because I feel like I HAVE to (there are days I forget, or I travel or whatever and I don't care), but because I can monitor little fluctuations. I give myself a 5 pound window. So I usually hover around 168 but my lowest has been 165. If I ever hit 170, I know that I've either started letting crap back into my diet or I'm doing something else off track and I need to correct it.

I also don't track my food one bit. In fact, I basically haven't since I went on the pre-liquid diet and stopped having to report to the nutritionist. I HATE tracking with a passion and can never be consistent, nor did I want to be a slave to the tracker for the rest of my life and feel miserable. Keeping up with the scale means I don't have to track, I just need to know that if I gain a few pounds, I can think back over what I've been doing and realize... yeah, I had some junk food from office parties, or I bought stuff I shouldn't too many times recently, or I need to lay off the ice cream which is totally my kryptonite.

So yeah... don't want to regain? Never stop weighing yourself!

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