Chest Pressure Question
on 10/28/15 5:25 pm
So, do any of you remember having a heavy pressure in your chest from the surgery? Back in May, I had my gallbladder removed by my future vsg surgeon. At the time, I found that pain meds made it easy for me to have a panic attack. I told my surgeon about it and asked what I could take that would also allow me to take my klonopin. My surgeon told me no, and then dropped me at my final appt stating that the pressure i would experience in my chest from the vsg surgery would trigger me into panic attacks.
I completely started over with a new surgeon and had to get a new 4 month nut preop diet and a new psych eval. I passed everything flying colors and have been approved by all parties and insurance for surgery. New surgeon knew about old surgeons concerns and doesnt see an issue. Surgery is set for Nov 20th.
I want to prepare myself mentally so I can recognise what is an issue vs panic attack/anxiety symptoms.
I had a ton of pressure on my chest when I woke up in recovery. Also prone to panic attacks, I was very worried. I had a wonderful nurse *****minded me to breathe deeply. Something that helped me was listening for the oxygen level alarm and being determined to make sure that it would stop going off.
on 10/28/15 6:04 pm
Are you taking an acid reducer or PPI drug? To me it sounds like the pain I'd get from acid reflux. I was prescribed omeprazole and it was gone the next day. I don't really know what panic attack feels like but if it is just your chest feeling heavy my guess would be acid washing back up. Are you coughing more than usual or having sore throats, those too can be acid. Good luck.
on 10/29/15 10:44 am
Oh sorry...I wouldn't worry too much about that if the psychiatrist gave their OK. I don't see it being a big issue. If pressure in chest set off panic attacks in past than they may happen but better knowing that in advance. Every surgeon is unique and do things differently. I think they try to weigh the benefit versus the risk. The pressure I experienced was uncomfortable but not that bad. Once you pass gas it is gone. I'm sure they will treat you well in hospital just let them know if you feel one coming on and they will probably give you something in your IV to relax you, if the pain drugs didn't already do that. Good luck
I can't believe your first doctor dropped you like that and the second doctor had no issues taking you on. Perhaps that was a good thing....
Before surgery I was offered something (since I couldn't take my Xanax) but oddly enough, I was pretty calm. Right out surgery I was so out of it I don't remember much of anything until they wheeled me to my room. I was then given something for anxiety once in my room (my BP was going up and after that drug, it was back to normal). As for the heavy pressure... yes and no. I know that doesn't help but I also had a hiatal hernia repaired - so there was a pressure but it wasn't much.
You'll be fine :) The nurses are there to help and WILL make you as comfortable as they can. Just remember to take your pain meds because it's easier to control pain when you're on top of it!