Surgery Date 10/13 Feeling Nervous

on 10/10/15 9:16 pm

I have waited so long for this, now I am really nervous. I am afraid of something happening during surgery, am I going to be able to do the diet right, will I forget something? I am just looking for support from others that have had the surgery. I feel like I am ready, but after the surgery will I just be on my own? It just makes me nervous thinking about it.

Thank you in advance


Jessica T.
on 10/10/15 10:17 pm

To be nervous is to be expected. I did not sleep the night before surgery. Right before I was wheeled in I even had some lingering hesitation but everything went as well as could be expected and you will not be left on your own. You should leave the hospital with a lot of good informaion, some of which you may already have. Call you team if you need to and come here often, it will be okay.

on 10/12/15 7:07 am

Thank you for the encouragement, I needed that.

Billy D.
on 10/11/15 12:21 am

Hi Cindy...I had my surgery 10/7, a few days ago. I worried about same things. But I'm still here and doing just fine. I won't lie and say it was a fun time but it wasn't terrible. Yes there was pain but they really do everything to make sure you are at a comfortable level of pain. I too am on my own and had nobody to talk to about it. I'm a 50yr old man and wish I'd done this 10 years ago when I got fat. I can't tell you to stop thinking about it as I did the same but try not to worry and stress. Right now I am in very little pain and am still on painkillers and I think this 1st part of diet is easy for me so far. At first I was a little hungry but it was really just in my head. Now I am just bored with the liquids but not craving anything, no hunger. I have yet to have a bowel movement and it's been 4 days but no cramps, no gas pains. Just a little sore but not nearly what I had thought I'd be. I seem to want to walk around a lot, which is not like me at all, but it is a good thing. I'd say the most aggravating thing for me is the sore throat. Warm herbal tea helps. If you are nervous on your surgery day, tell them as they want you to be relaxed so you will heal better. I wasn't nervous on my day of surgery ..more relieved to get it over with. I had been through the mill before this with all sorts of tests over the past year. I am sure you will do fine and after a week almost be back to normal. Do you have pets? I think that my dogs company makes me feel better. They missed me when I was's nice to feel loved and they say people with pets heal faster. You might want to take some walks and get out after your surgery, that might help you feel better, it has for me. I also am having trouble sleeping but I had that problem before this. I wish I could be of more help but this is new to me too. Take care and try not to worry so much!

(deactivated member)
on 10/11/15 8:33 am

I was scared before my first surgery years ago. Always thought I would never wake up for some unknown reason, but all went fine and I have had several surgeries since. Being nervous is normal and in some ways marks the event in our mind. After all it is an important step. I am sure your team will make sure you get the best care and you will be fine. Will you just be alone after the surgery? No you have your Dr and his team and you have all of us here. We are here for each other. Good luck and we are waiting to hear how you did.

on 10/11/15 11:40 am

Hi Cindy,

I just had surgery on the 8th. While I have had 2 other surgeries in my lifetime (both ovary related), I can tell you I was still a little nervous. I think that is extremely common. When I was in pre-op they gave me something to relax me and it worked instantly! The pre-op and operating nurses know this is a nervous situation for most patients so don't hesitate to ask them for something before going into the OR.

The surgery itself doesn't even seem to have happened. Last thing I knew is I was joking around with the anesthesiologist and nurses while they were putting the oxygen mask on then I was in the recover room! That is absolutely no exaggeration! The most bothersome thing in recovery for me was wearing the oxygen mask but as soon as I was alert enough, the nurse took it off and put on just the nose oxygen thingy.

In the hospital, the nurses are really adamant about maintaining pain levels and keeping nausea at bay so you don't have to worry about that either. I did have a little bit of gas pains in my shoulders and chest but walking sure does help that! I cannot stress how much better you will feel overall if you just push yourself to walk. It hurts at first and you may only be able to make it to the door of your hospital room but the pain felt then is much better than dealing with the gas pains. I kept increasing the number of steps and before I left the hospital (10:00 am day after surgery), I was doing laps around the whole unit.

I am now 4 days out from surgery and I still have pain getting up from a chair or bed until I get upright and take a few steps but after that, hardly any pain at all and all gas pains are gone. So much so that I was able to SLEEP IN MY BED last night!!

As for being able to follow your eating plan after you get out. You will probably be sent home with a bunch of discharge instructions and my even be visited by the nutritionist and/or RN well versed in bariatrics. I received a ton of information when I left so there were really no questions about what I had to do. I've also found it easy to make up my plan for the day first thing in the morning. There is a lot of protein, water, vitamins, meds, etc... involved so having it all planned out at the beginning of the day then just following it takes away a lot of the "what am I supposed to be doing" worries.

I know this is easier said then done but just take it one day at a time. I'm still not perfectly on plan 4 days out but my goal each day is just to improve upon the previous day. As of my written plan today, I will actually get all of my water and protein in!

There are so many helpful people on this site, don't hesitate to ask your questions. Someone is always willing to help you out!

Best of luck to you!!

Age: 42 | Height: 5'9 | Surgery Date: 10/08/15 | Starting Weight: 279.2 | Surgery Weight: 266 | Goal Weight:165 | Current Weight: 224.8 | WL so far: 54.4 lbs

on 10/11/15 8:55 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

The week before surgery was very nerve-wracking.... before you know it you will be on the other side... After surgery, go to your appointments, go to support groups and come on here and read.... it will all help. Whatever question you have has probably been asked before. I learned a lot by just keeping on reading. Good Luck!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



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