How often you weigh & Your fave foods on each part of your diet?

on 10/4/15 7:46 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I am currently waiting on insurance to reevaluate my case. If approved my surgery should be just around the corner. I'm trying to get some things together for my new diet. What were your favorite foods on each faze of your diet? Maybe I'll hear some things that I'll want to try. I'm also trying to get an idea of how often you all weigh. I don't want to become scale obsessed but I also don't want to get discouraged. I figure everyone weighs more often at first so I thought I'd start off at every other week then jump to monthly when the weight loss slows down. I'm not sure if this is the norm or if this would be the best plan for me. I wouldn't mind hearing your recovery times either. It seems like I take longer to recover from most things so that makes me nervous. Any input I can get will be comforting at this point and highly appreciated.

on 10/4/15 7:58 pm
VSG on 08/04/15

I'm 8 weeks out and weigh myself once a week. At first I was obsessed with weighing myself a couple of times a day, but decided that I was relying too much on what I weighed every day. Once a week is plenty for me.

My favorite foods have been scrambled eggs and canned chicken with light mayonnaise and some curry powder. Tomorrow I get to add some more foods, so my answer will probably be different in a week.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




on 10/4/15 8:06 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I'll have to try the chicken thing. That sounds interesting. I will probably not be able to resist weighing more often at first but I'm going to do my best. I know at first I'll gain from swelling too so that'll probably help me to be more reasonable with it.

Tracy S.
on 10/5/15 3:42 am

I finally stopped my obsession with the scale. I was getting all stressed out weighing myself. The first week and a half every time I got on the scale I was lighter...I'd pee...weigh myself...brush my teeth...weigh myself...then the big stall hit! I stayed exactly the same for almost 2 weeks! It was so stressful! I finally stopped the craziness and got on the scale only on Monday mornings and finally broke my plateau and started dropping again. You'll feel better if you don't pay attention to the scale. It's natural to want to look but try to keep it under control lmao. Hello...I am Tracy and I'm a reformed Scalaholic! :)

on 10/5/15 9:37 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

Haha.. Hello Tracy. The stalls and getting discouraged is definitely a fear. One of my issues is that I've had bad knee issues and fibromyalgia so working out has been a choice between making myself sick due to the rise in pain levels or taking care of my kids. I'll always choose my kids. The consequence of that has been massive weight gain. I'm seeing a couple of specialists about my knees and I've learned to deal with the fibro but hitting that stall is a scary thing for me. Everytime this has happened on all of my weight loss attempts those big stalls is when I feel like why bother! I mean I was making myself sick and it wasn't even working. I could never get in the mind set that it would pass. I'm pretty certain this surgery will prevent that. Knowing I've already been through so much is a motivation all by itself. Thanks for the tips.

Tracy S.
on 10/7/15 2:45 pm

Well the positive side of that is that after you start losing weight your body will feel SO MUCH BETTER than before. I suffered severe back and leg pain from my weight and as I'm losing I'm feeling more and more like I want to be up and active. My sister in law has fibro and it's a tough thing to deal with. Here's hoping it will be much easier to manage with your new bod! :)

White Dove
on 10/5/15 4:26 am - Warren, OH

I have always been a daily weigher. I accept that there will be stalls and fluctuations, but to me it was like waiting for a baby to take their first steps. I did not want to miss any of the fun of seeing a number go down.

If the baby gets up and falls down immediately, I would not stop watching for a few weeks to see if she improved. I would keep watching and being encouraging. I would do anything I could to help the process.

I wanted to see each of those tiny baby steps and rejoice when they happened. If the scale went up or did not go down, I just waited until the next day and usually was not disappointed.

I love tools and gadgets and modern technology. My surgery is a tool, My Fitness Pal is a tool, my fitness tracker is a tool and my scale is tool. I use them all.

As you get smaller and smaller the scale will be more and more your friend.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/5/15 9:41 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

That is a very positive way of looking at it. I wish I could get in that mind set but I'm just not sure I have it in me. I mean, catching a baby as they stumble in surprise is a lot more fun than feeling like I'm not succeeding. lol I'm going to do my best though!

on 10/5/15 7:13 am - Melrose Park, IL
VSG on 12/09/14

After reading so many people being frustrated by daily weigh ins, I committed to only weighing myself once a month on surgery anniversary day and when I see the surgeon. My husband who also got VSG 5 weeks before me, only weighs in at the surgeons office every 3 months. We're trying very hard to just let the program work and not get too crazy during the weight loss phase.

Egg salad worked for me early on, refried beans with low fat sour cream during pureed phase was very helpful, I even added unflavored protein powder to it to kick up the protein grams.

Surgery Date: 12/9/14 - Highest Weight: 349 - Surgery Weight: 305 - Current Weight: 137
Goal reached in 13 months - 212 total pounds lost including pre-op
(M1: -20) (M2: -18) (M3: -11) (M4: -11) (M5: -14) (M6: -1) (M7: -18) (M8: -7) (M9: -15)

(M10: -13) (M11: -7) (M12: -10) (M13: -10) (M14 -6) (M15: -7) - 168 lbs lost post-op


on 10/5/15 9:43 pm
VSG on 11/11/15

I will probably do the refried beans for sure and I did buy some unflavored protein powder a while back. I don't think I'll be able to go that long without weight though. I never weigh unless I'm headed to the doctor at the moment but I'm also not losing weight as of yet! haha.. Someone may have to hide it from me.

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