Feeling a bit down...

on 10/6/15 9:57 am

three weeks post op today ...with the one week of liquids it's been a month ...n I feel like I'm not losing as good as I should ....n wondering what I need to be doing differently. I'm getting around 60 proteins a day whi*****lude my protein shake which counts for 24 of them. My calories I wasn't old to track but I have been n I usually get 375-500 is this not enough should I eat more....DIDNT KNOW IF IT HURT TO GO OVER 60 proteins? I get 55-64 oz water in daily n taking all vitamins n calcium. I've loss 18 pounds as of today just seems like I should of loss more...I know each persons different but I thought I would have done betterð??"...I don't weigh in with Dr until 8 weeks or so...Mid November.

vitamins...I hate would like to try patch not sure if I would still need calcium chews and if taking thyroid pill is ok with patch?

on 10/6/15 10:08 am

Hi Sunshine, I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I lost 20 pounds on my 2 week pre op diet but only 5 pounds since my surgery 2 weeks ago. I think I'm losing inches though. Are you getting any exercise I? This past week I've been doing 10-15 minutes on the elliptical and maybe walking too. Try and weigh yourself only once a week. I know that's hard to do. I was weighing myself every day and it would depress me. Your calories sounds low to me. I've been getting around 640 per day. Keep us posted on how you're doing. You're doing a great job



on 10/6/15 10:23 am

I wear a Fitbit n was 5000 steps a day n upped to 7000 last week n I think I may up that next week to the full 10,000. I walk most days 20 minutes with dogs nothing crazy fast I probably walk 5 days out of the week...ya think I should do more then I'm doing I'm kind of tender on right side so didn't try pushing anything to hard yet.

on 10/6/15 10:45 am

I think you're doing great! Only do as much as what you are comfortable with. You don't want to over do it. Keep up the good work and like everyone else has said, just because you aren't losing pounds doesn't mean you're not losing inches.



on 10/6/15 2:01 pm - TX

I'm curious....just how fast did you think the weight was going to come off? You don't wake up from surgery thin (I wish!), and it's never going to come off as fast as you'd like it to. The reality is that it'll come off in its own good time. You'll creep down, you may even creep up, then have a loss, then stay the same for awhile, and repeat this process until you're down where you want to be. I AVERAGED ten pounds a month over 16 months, which means some months were less, some were more. As long as you stick to your program and learn how to eat properly for life, you'll do fine.

Yes, you can go over 60g of protein a day. 60g is the minimum. And you can drink more than 64oz of water a day as well. Your calories are fine for where you are - no need to increase or decrease. Stop sweating it and enjoy the ride!

on 10/6/15 6:47 pm

Ty...I wish I would of woke up thin too! ?. I'm not sure what I expected I just thought the first month was normally peoples biggest loss...and so far I didn't think mine was that great. I am not discouraged so much I will fall of the plan or anything...I really am not all that hungry just now and then wish I could have a hamburger patty not chicken,fish,or turkey...lol. I haven't really craved anything other then popcorn and I was at the theatre and made it through the movie just fine. I was told today that I need to only have one shake a day and try to eat protein only at meals 2-3 oz. and when I can get 3 oz in at each meal then I should add veggies...not what my book says but what nut is saying? So a little confused now and she said when I can get that much protein in to drop the shake. She did say this will take a long time to do but I thought they wanted you to have some veggies n fruit even if small amounts ...calling her back tomorrow...she's got me totally confused. Thanks for your words of wisdom...?

on 10/6/15 8:10 pm - Vancouver, WA

Actually right now and for at least the first 6 mos or so protein should be your main focus so you don't lose muscle while losing weight. Veggies are that important right away and fruit is nothing but straight up sugar so not really needed at all, you can ge the same nutrients from veggies which have much less sugar in them. Do watch carrots, corn, peas and potatoes of any kind they also have lots of sugar in them, but green beans, cauliflower, brocolli and that type of veg are great. Now go get 'em!

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