I am doing this!

on 9/13/15 11:58 am

Thanks, it helps talking to someone I as well am older...lol...a couple years older then you...how did we get this old so fast? Lol😉. I'm sure once it's done and I'm movinfpg around comfortably I will be relieved.  I haven't yptold my kids or family just my husband knows so wasn't sure how many days after til I can get around good enough to do stuff with out them questioning me?  I will be staying in hospital for a day or two then we have a small vacation spot to go to for three nights to recoup then headed home.  Do you think by Saturday I will pretty mobile?  Surgery is Tuesday...my husband is off with me until Monday so I have help.  Excited and ready..been on liquid protein shakes 3-4 a day n water n sf Popsicle n broth for six days now tomorrow is last day n surgery it is...scary stuff...did you have any problems with gas in your shoulder...stomach...etc after you woke up?  I did with the band in my right shoulder...but just like a day.  I too, will have catheter in not sure how long.  Did you give yourself shots in stomach?  Easy?  Thanks for all your answers I will let ya know how it goes.  

Tracy S.
on 9/13/15 12:56 pm

It's hard to tell how anyone is going to feel after surgery.  I was up and walking around the day before I left the hospital.  I had mine on Monday and was released on Thursday so I had time to rest.  I'm sorry if this is personal but why haven't you told your kids?  If it's so they won't worry that's fine but I'd tell them right after so they understand.  I'm 2 weeks out tomorrow and I'm still exhausted.  I walked for 15 mins and had to have my 14 year old help me up the stairs to bed after.  

As far as the gas this was a HUGE concern of mine.  I straight out said to the surgeon that I had a surgery previous and the gas hurt worse than the surgery!  He assured me he would remove as much gas as possible.  The man is an angel I swear.  I haven't had any gas other than when I drink.  I burp A LOT hah.  I am a huge chicken so my husband did the shots for 7 days.  Surgeon said not in stomach so I did it in my love handles and alternated spots and sides every day.  He thought it was fun lol.  The first time he did it I was tempted to let out a screech just to freak him out but laughing hurt at that point so I behaved myself and just got a chuckle thinking about doing it hahaha.    You will see your surgeon before you go in.  Make sure you address your gas concerns with him and ask him to remove as much gas as possible before he finishes.  Now a days it's not an issue to do.

on 9/13/15 10:05 pm

Ok....I was told they will me up walking day of surgery and if all goes well I will be released the next day.  Not sure if that's good or not but if I feel fine I'm all for it.  I will tell my surgeon about the gas...is was horrible on band removal but I had laparoscopic knee surgery the Friday before and had been put under anesthesia so I thought maybe two surgeries so close caused it to be worse but still it was horrible n lasted for weeks not days.  As far as my kids I just maybe thought it was my problem mine to deal with and maybe embarrassed as well that I have turned to surgery to resolve my weight issue...I'm really not sure maybe I never told anyone about my band for same reason...n I shared everything with my mom she was like my best friend but I never told her...now wether she assumed or maybe suspected I have no idea but she never asked me.  She passed away five years ago so she's not here to tell this time.  I kind of guess it's a personal preference for me my husband knows and I and that's it..lol...do you think that's wrong?  I don't want anyone worrying about me or questioning me why...I guess.  anyway, maybe I will share it with them in time.  Times closing in...this preop diet hasn't been bad at all I probably could have it done it two weeks like some have but my dr said one week...and with Labor Day weekend the weekend before I started I had family from out of state visiting so it was like my last weekend...with food.  Anyways, I'm ready for Tuesday and hoping I go through this with no complications.  Ty,for advice on gas n telling surgeon I will do this.  Why were you in hospital so many days?  

on 9/14/15 7:20 am
VSG on 12/01/15

I am not wanting to tell anyone other than my hubby. Is that bad? I feel the same way you describe but finally broke down to tell my mother. She doesn't understand why I do not want to tell my daughters, dad or sister. I don't want anyone worrying about me, questioning me, or watching me with a microscope to see if I fail.

Tracy S.
on 9/14/15 10:53 am

They will definitely have you up and walking first day.  They encourage you to walk every day.  I felt really GOOD about walking day 4.  I'm really surprised at the fast release but that's insurance for you now.  I was glad to stay a few days and be medicated through lol.  My surgeon is very old school and INSISTS on certain things..including a 4 day stay.  I was very surprised when he said I'd be there that long.  I made good use of the time though.  ZzzzZzzzz   

I was funny about who I told also.  One of my closest friends who I thought would really understand my decision is acting just rotten and jealous now.  She's also overweight and heavier than I was when I decided on surgery.  The thing is...she's an eater and I'm not and I tried EVERYTHING to lose and even on medical liquids gained weight.  My surgery NOW was knowing if I didn't do it now I'd be in trouble later on.  I wanted to do it while I was still healthy enough to handle surgery well.  It's a tough decision to share something like this.    I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mom.  I can't even imagine.  I just think that the more people...especially in your home...that can support you after the better.  It's not right or wrong..I just want you to have a good support system in place.  It sure does help.  Well it's Monday...you will become a new you tomorrow and I wish you all the health and happiness going forward.  I'll be praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery for you.  Please post when you can and let me know how you are doing!  Tracy

on 9/17/15 7:16 pm - , TN

I am only telling my husband, and the people necessary to help with coverage at work.  I told everyone about the Lap Band, and felt like my failure was under the microscope.  I want to enjoy the comfort of privacy this time.


 Living > Existing



on 9/13/15 12:27 am - WA

I also had my surgery on the 31st of August.  So far I have lost 12 pounds.  My only regret would have never gotten the band.  The exciting thing is you will never be hungry and will have to remind yourself it's time to eat...


Good Luck

on 9/13/15 9:00 am - , TN

The band wasn't only physically, but also emotionally crippling.  I had it removed almost two years ago, and I am JUST NOW mentally ready to have the sleeve.  I can not wait.

 Living > Existing



on 9/13/15 10:21 am

CJ, same here! I will be having my lap band removed soon, and surgeons are trying to convince me to have removal and revision done at the same time. They just aren't understanding that I am nowhere near ready to deal with another weight loss surgery after going through so much with thet band. Wishing you all the best with your sleeve!

on 9/13/15 11:28 am - , TN

There are many that are successful that way, but I had to heal my body and my MIND...I simply couldn't have done it all at once.

 Living > Existing



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