Low sugar level? Day 4 post -op

on 9/6/15 7:15 pm

I had the gastric sleeve wed. 9/2/2015 on sat. I called my sleeve dr because my sugar was like 48 he told me to got to the ER.and on the way drink orange juice (which then confused me). After going to the ER. They gave me an iv for fluids and more juice and a sugar Popsicle Apple juice this time. Then after it came up to 85 was sent home. But I was told to drink a little apple juice ,grape juice try to avoid orange to acidic.they also told me to suck on hard candy and continue to drink my protein shakes and water.has anyone experienced this I'm. Worried about how to keep my sugar up. And will any of that harm  my staple line I want no leaks!!! Any advice see the nut. Wed. 


on 9/7/15 5:41 am
VSG on 04/02/13

this early out, you really have to follow your doctors recommendations.  but moving forward, things like juice or candy are not he best.  you want slow digesting carbs with fiber ... this will help keep your blood sugar up and stable for longer periods.  everything will balance out once you get on mushy food stage.  having something like a small amount of oat bran or oatmeal in the morning will fix you right up.  or berries, anything with not a lot of sugar, but contains a lot of fiber.  :)


HW: 407   Final Appointment : 376   Pre-op Diet Start: 367   SW: 350 (Apr2/2013) Add me on MFP


on 9/7/15 6:26 am - NC
VSG on 02/24/15 with

For the first two weeks (only) I was advised by my dr not to avoid full sugar items. He allowed us to have diluted apple and grape juice to keep blood sugar stable. After those first two weeks we were told to back off the juice to avoid the liquid calories.

38 y.o. 5'7" HW 347 SW 332 M1 -22 M2 -18 M3 -19 M4 -9 M5 -18 M6 -11 M7 -13 M8-9 M9 -7 M10 -8 M11 -5 M12 -1 M13 -9 M14 -0 

on 9/7/15 9:42 pm, edited 9/7/15 9:44 pm

I had similar issues. It did eventually get much easier, but until then this is what I did:

1. Track your carbs faithfully. I would need to eat 30 carbs or so at a "meal" and 15 at a snack. 

2. I would eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day, carefully spaced with the goal of keeping the blood sugar steady.

3. Very, very early out I would have to eat a snack right before bed, in then eat a couple of carbs in the middle of the night. A Tums seemed to be just enough, but sometimes I would have to have the hubby get me 4 ounces of milk. 

4. Avoid juice if possible. They had you do juice because it quickly raises your blood sugar, and if you are that low that is the route to do. I always use milk- it brought the levels up nicely and the protein in it helped to not put me on a roller coaster with the blood sugar levels.

5. Monitor your blood sugar levels. If you don't have a glucose monitor- get one. Walmart sells "Relion" meters- they are not very expensive, and more importantly the test strips are much cheaper than some of the other brands. When purchasing one, be sure to check out the cost of not only the meter, but the test strips and lancets as well. Those can get pricey if you go with the wrong brand. Anyway, check your sugar levels when you first wake up, and before/after eating to get a sense of what the different types of carbs do to you. I used a spreadsheet to keep track for two weeks, and it did wonders for me knowing what to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat. 

6. You will see many on this site go low carb (under 40). This is not for you!!!!!!!!!!!

7. You may not react the same way, but just a warning... some foods can make you crash (and I do mean crash) an hour or two after eating it. Pasta for example, Every damn time I tried it I would crash. Even now when low blood sugar is pretty much a thing of the past I still won't touch it. Bread is the same way, or at least the highly refined white variety. I do reasonably Ok with a truly whole grain version, but I would highly recommend you just completely avoid it for now.

8. Be warned, a protein shake first thing in the morning would actually lower my blood sugar. There is at least one other poster here that observed the same thing. I would start my morning with 4 ounces of milk, then check the blood sugar level about 15 mintues or so after. Whatever you do, stay away from drinking sugar, unless it is the juice situation where you need to rapidly raise your level. 

9. Educate yourself on the glycemic index, and absolutely avoid high glycemic load type foods.

Edit: I just saw that you are a few days out. No solid food, and be sure to follow your eating plan. Milk will not hurt your staple line. Stick to full liquids (assuming that is what your plan calls for), but still monitor carefully blood sugar levels as described above. Protein shakes (Preimier protein was my go to brand), milk, cream of chicken soup (high protein variety, no chunks) etc. will all work to help keep your blood sugar stable. If you feel crappy, and notice after you eat (about 15 minutes or so) that you feel better- your sugar level was likely a little low. Monitor, monitor, monitor. The first 2 months for me it was critical that I monitored, but then my system seemed to start to adjust better. 

PM me if you have any questions or just want to check in once in a while. 

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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