Suture pain

on 8/17/15 6:13 am, edited 8/18/15 6:01 am
VSG on 08/05/15

Hi all! Sleeved on 8/5, recovering very nicely up until last night.

I was all ready to go back to work and have a fabulous, pain-free day...and then, last night, my allergies kicked in and I sneezed 4 times in a row. Now, my intra-muscular sutures are hurting me just as much as they did when I got home from the hospital. The incision isn't oozing, itching, or warm to the touch, and I don't have a fever or any other signs something is wrong, other than pain when I move in certain ways (not weird ways, just normal, everyday movements).

I'm not sure what I should I call my surgeon and tell him? Do I go to the hospital? I don't know that there's anything they would be able to do for me short of opening me up and seeing what's going on. I took two Tylenol, since I can't take my hard-core Tylenol w/ Codeine that they gave me when I went home (I can't drive for 24 hours after taking it, so I'd like to avoid taking it if I can--the last time I took it was 3 days after surgery and I haven't needed it since then). Has anyone else experienced this?


EDIT: Thanks for the replies all. I've got a call in to my surgeon's office, so he'll call me as soon as he's in. I was feeling good and pain free, but then I got up to walk around the office and the pain came back. Hopefully he'll tell me it's just a) normal pain that I don't need to be concerned about and b) that I can start taking my allergy meds again--when they released me, the hospital told me to stop taking it, but I don't see any reason why, at 2 weeks out, I can't start taking it again.

Edit Two (Electric Boogaloo): Doc called me back and said that it's normal suture pain and not to be concerned. He also said I can take my allergy pill again, so this shouldn't be an issue again.

~*All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney*~

Sleeved on August 5th, 2015 |  HW: 292 | SW: 275 | GW: 135

on 8/16/15 11:38 pm, edited 8/17/15 11:31 am - Canada
VSG on 04/27/15

one of my incision points hurt for 6 weeks. More if I sneezed or over exerted it. completely gone now.

Call your surgeon to be certain. They explained to me that muscle is cut and some incisions more than others. Takes time to heal. Call them at the very least!

Male 55, Initial weight 388#, and 6'1" / surgery weight 360#/Current Weight is 296#

on 8/17/15 7:34 am
VSG on 08/05/15

I've got a call in to my surgeon; the receptionist said she'd have him call me as soon as he's in.

~*All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney*~

Sleeved on August 5th, 2015 |  HW: 292 | SW: 275 | GW: 135

on 8/17/15 7:11 am
VSG on 07/24/14

When in doubt, call. You probably don't need to go to the hospital, though, doesn't sound like you have the major warning signs of infection or anything. There are internal stitches that dissolve and sometimes "pop" as you heal, and it just plain hurts. I would get random incision pain deep inside up to 3-4 weeks out.


32F 5'8" High weight: 432 | Consult weight: 396 | Surgery weight: 335 | Current weight: 170

on 8/17/15 7:34 am
VSG on 08/05/15

I've got a call in to my surgeon; the receptionist said she'd have him call me as soon as he's in.

~*All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney*~

Sleeved on August 5th, 2015 |  HW: 292 | SW: 275 | GW: 135

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