NSV Pre-Op

on 8/10/15 6:34 pm

Great job, Suzy!

I am also pre-op...had to do 6 months w/NUT & it has actually been time well spent. I feel like I have set a better foundation for success by making changes pre-op. And in my case I needed lots of repetition to break old habits!

I started using MyFitnessPal to track my food & really learned a lot about carbs in particular. Each month I decreased my daily goal...even though I don't always meet it. I learned how to mix & match meals so I wasn't constantly craving. For the most part I am not hungry b/c I eat healthily and ALOT for my current goal of 1600 calories a day.

I had to let go of sweet tea..my downfall. I now make it w/Stevia. It was an adjustment, but now I enjoy it as much as I did before. Maybe once a month I will have a soda, but I was never a huge fan...it was the tea. But I have noticed when I treat myself to a soda I want another one for a couple days after. Hmmmm...sugar addiction?

I also gave up both fast food & eating out for the first 3 months and ate at home. These were 2 more huge downfalls for me. I have indulged a few times in the past few months, but I always kind of regret spending my calories & nutrients on eating out. I can eat more & much better at home for less. I compare spending calories to spending money. Why settle for a Walmart type meal when I can get a much better deal at Macy's?

You deserve a huge pat on the back. It is interesting to me that many doctor's apparently do not require much nutritional counseling beforehand or it is very little if they do. Plus, I have seen ppl get surgery within a few weeks of a consult...hardly time to even begin thinking of how we need to change post-op.

Keep up the good work. we are rooting for you!


on 8/11/15 8:23 am

Thanks!  I think I'll follow your lead and start tracking my food.  This has always been really hard (or I'm lazy!) for me to do.  I start off well then slowly trickle off before pretty soon (matter of days), I'm not tracking anything.  I know how important this is to do post-op so I better start the habit now! 

on 8/11/15 9:10 am

I was required to track my intake the first few months. It was actually useful b/c I was sorely lacking in nutritional info. Ppl would talk about good carbs/bad carbs, etc. & I had no clue what they meant.

It was also useful b/c all the NUT did was review what I was eating & make recommendations. She did not restrict anything although she really emphasized no calorie drinks. I understand why everytime I treat myself to a soda...the calories & carbs are ridiculous! I could have a good sandwich & side for what one 12 ounce soda 'cost' me.

I used to do handwritten tracking & then used a couple other online trackers. The handwritten was a pain & the trackers I used before MFP were a pain b/c they didn't always have the foods I ate. I just use my phone to track what I eat right after I am done & since it keeps your favorite foods in memory it literally takes me less than 3 minutes to enter. Plus, I have used my diary to search my low calorie/low carb days when I find myself straying. And I like the reports. AND I AM LAZY, TOO!


on 8/11/15 6:39 am

For me i eat whatever i can eat before surgery. I dont think this pre op diet is useful. 

on 8/11/15 9:17 am

This is what is so confusing to me...the different pre-op & post-op diets & recommendations!!!

I just had my last appt. before a surgery date is set, and the nurse really emphasized the need to follow the pre-op liquid diet...especially the protein drinks. She said the surgeon can tell if we do not follow the diet as our livers do not shrink thus causing possible problems during surgery.

I did ask why some surgeons do not require a pre-op diet & her response was she could not comment on them...she only knew mine did and his reasons for doing so.

I plan to follow the pre-op to be on the safe side...I am older & have a heart condition so I do not want to chance anything, but it really does make you wonder why ppl have different treatment plans!


on 8/11/15 2:43 pm

You are right dear kathy 

for me the surgoun didnt mention anything about this issue. I knew about it lately after i joined this forum. Hope for the best for you. My advice to u is try to walk as soon as u can after surgery to get the gases out. 

Gwen M.
on 8/11/15 2:57 pm
VSG on 03/13/14

It's never too soon to start working on the way you think and feel about food, and how you eat.  The surgery works for our stomachs, but we've got a lot of hard work to do to change our brains.  

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

on 8/11/15 9:49 am
VSG on 09/02/15

That's awesome Suzy! I too really used this time to make changes. I hope it makes things after surgery easier to adjust. Either way I lost some weight and feel super good! Keep us updated on your surgery progress!


Age 37 starting weight 301lbs, 5'6. VSG and Gallbladder removal September 2nd 2015

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