My hubby means well...

on 8/9/15 7:17 am
VSG on 08/20/15

Murphyjo..  first of all we are surgery buddies!! Scheduled for the same day!!! 

So I have a very up and down husband. One minute he is all about the support and the next he claims I am going to leave him after I get all hot :) I just say, "what, I'm not hot now??". We know a few people that have had weightloss surgery and they were all divorced after surgery and I think that is his biggest concern. That I am going to leave him once my confidence and self esteem comes  back. First off, I have a HOT husband so that isn't a concern for me but secondly it's been all about me for the past year. I have to stop and remember that he loves me just the way I am, jiggles and all.  

I don't know your situation but I would try to get to the bottom of why he doesn't want you to have surgery. Is he self concious? Does he think you will leave him? Is he worried about the risks of surgery? Find out the real why behind his hesitation and address it. That might really help. 

You are doing this for you. Make this decision for you and no one else. If you listen to him make sure you don't resent him down the road for talking you out of something you really wanted. 

Surgery Date: 8/20/2015 - CW 233 - GW 140


on 8/9/15 11:55 am

This idea was also an issue for my husband, although he was not able to admit to it until I had plastic surgery. It was hard on him having my look great, and thus making him feel very old and tired... and insecure and worried I would leave him. He got over it. Don't let this stop you. 

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

Join the Instant Pot Pressure Cooker group for recipes and tips! Click here to join!

on 8/9/15 2:19 pm
Revision on 07/07/15

Mine wasn't really on board either until he came with me to my pre op appointment and after meeting my Surgeon (same one did my lap band 6 years earlier but he was out to sea and never met him) and seeing my Surgeon explain the procedure and give his complication rates along with the successes changed his frame of mind.

Maybe a little visit with the Surgeon is in order. Mine was also apprehensive because I was self pay for the sleeve portion of my revision and I am paying it on my own. I did what was right for me, I will be paying on it for a few years but I did it.

You will make the right decision for you, he'll stick by you either way I'm sure. He is just concerned, guys just deal with things differently.

Lapband 6/08 90 pounds lost!  Band slip and esophageal dilation diagnosed 5/15

LapBand removed, hernia repaired and sleeved 7/8/15



on 8/10/15 10:51 am

Well friends, I am going to go ahead as planned!! I am ready to get back to my active self. I am ready to be able to keep up with my kids on the slopes this winter, and teach them to water ski next summer. I am ready to be healthy, strong, and excited for life again. I am ready to fly comfortably, wear a bathing suit without feeling yucky,and meet new people!  I AM READY!!!!

on 8/11/15 7:29 am
VSG on 08/20/15


Surgery Date: 8/20/2015 - CW 233 - GW 140


on 8/11/15 11:09 am

Hey there do I get my weight ticker to appear?

on 8/10/15 12:29 pm

I was sleeved one month ago tomorrow, and it has made loosing a lot easier.

You have to do what is right for you, and not for anyone else.  It is okay to be selfish on this one; in fact, I wouldn't call it selfish - I'd call it self-preservation.

Finally, I made my decision based on the numbers.  Dieting is successful 3% of the time.  Weight Loss Surgery is successful 80% of the time.

Good luck in making your decisions!

on 8/11/15 10:32 am

How's the pre-op diet going?  I know you're only 2 days into it, but interested to hear your thoughts.  I start my pre-op diet tomorrow.  Scared and excited all at once.   Knowing that this is "it" kind of brings it all home.  My husband is supportive of the surgery, he wasn't as supportive when I looked into it 3 years ago.

Good luck to you!

on 8/11/15 11:08 am

It's required diet products contain a lot of sugar and sweeteners.  I can feel my blood sugar rise and fall, and that sucks.  I haven't had much refined sugar for over 2 months, so this is different for me.  The wt loss office will not budge on substituting a shake with less sugar, so I'll just have to deal with it. 

The count down is ON!!!

Zee Starrlite
on 8/11/15 11:13 am

You will not regret!  YOU owe it to YOU!  He is scared and will get over it once he sees that you are the same just super improved and healthy you.  You will feel very normal once you are healed.

Best, best, best to you!



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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