It might be long, but I need to get it out.....

on 8/5/15 6:48 am

I had my VSG surgery in Dec 2013.  It was the best decision I have ever made.  I went from 5' 4", 236 pounds to my current weight of 137.  I still have 7 pounds until I reach goal, and even then I may choose to go a little further.  But I am healthy and strong right now- I run 5 days a week, do 5 and 10k races, and am planning on a half marathon next year.  I feel like I've been given a second chance at life. I know I would never have been able to do this without the VSG.  I still struggle with food- my emotional issues with food did not go away.  But I now have a tool that prevents me from doing damage to myself like I could before, and I have learned to do things like exercise regularly to keep stress in check so I am less tempted to eat to feel better.  The hard part for me (maintenance) hasn't even begun yet.  But I know I will tackle it like I have everything else so far- with a level head and a good, honest understanding of my weaknesses.  This whole VSG process and experience has given me a trust and confidence in myself like I've never had before, and I have a feeling the same will be true for you too.



(deactivated member)
on 8/5/15 2:42 pm
VSG on 08/15/15 with

Congrats on your weight loss!!  I can't wait until I can say I am 7 lbs from goal!!! And congrats on your exercise accomplishments!! I have a goal of completing a tough mudder next year! When I exercise regularly, it definitely helps with the 'head' and emotional stress of food battles. Thank you so much for sharing and I'm sure you will continue to hit all your goals!!!

on 8/5/15 6:58 am

It is comforting to me to know that I'm not alone in the HUGE waves of emotion that are constantly washing over me as I approach my surgery date!  Best of luck to you!  Stay strong and know we are all hoping for a huge success for you!!

on 8/11/15 5:03 am
VSG on 08/04/15

It's so funny how we all approach this whole journey differently.  My daughter had VSG ALMOST 5 years ago, and told no one but her dad, me, her brother, and niece, who had already had successful VSG.  She told work that she was having hiatal hernia surgery, which wasn't a lie, but then had to explain why she was losing weight so quickly.  She just didn't want to have any negativity about losing weight surgically, instead of the "diet and exercise" route.

I have done just the opposite.  I've told everyone I'm having VSG, and have had NO negative response.  I know that it's very personal and we all handle things like this differently.  Since so many people are supportive, it gives me a great system to work with on my way to good health and a longer life.

The best of luck with your future journey.  I had my surgery a week ago, and already feel so happy that I chose life.

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