Second guessing myself

on 8/1/15 4:51 pm

It is definetly a scary thing. I thought that WLS was the easy way out but it isn't. The first couple of day SUCK!! Don't let anyone tell you different. But I can tell you that I had my VSG surgery on 10/13/15 and I am down 115lb. I went from 291 to 177. The results make you forget about all that. Stick to the plan, don't fall off the wagon. Enjoy the success. I am sure you will do great. GOOD LUCK!

on 8/2/15 1:20 am
VSG on 08/08/14 with

We all have pre-surgery  jitters. I had surgery almost a  year ago Aug 8.  I remember how scared I was and questioned my decision.  I honestly have zero regrets other than not doing it sooner.  The first few months are an adjustment for sure but if you follow your plan this tool is nothing short of a miracle.  I feel like I have been given the gift of a new lease on life.

This is the first summer in 20 years that I didn't gain weight.  I have maintained all summer! I am still adjusting to the new me. I love being outdoors walking, biking, gardening, anything to keep moving.  I started golfing again which was my passion when I was a healthy weight years ago. My kids hug me every morning and tell me how nice it is that they can get their arms around me.  I could go on and on about the benefits of being a healthy weight.

Focus on the reasons you decided to do the surgery.  I created a vision board that really helped me achieve my goals.

Good luck on your journey.  

on 8/3/15 7:00 pm
VSG on 08/20/15

Thank you so much for posting this!!! I am scheduled for surgery on 8/20 and have all of the pre-surgery jitters. The whole reel is running through my head... I can do it on my own, I don't need to do this, it's so extreme, etc.... but I know I can't do it on my own. I have tried so many diets, spent so much money and am at my heaviest weight. So, with that being said we can be nervous together and in a year we will remember each other and laugh at how silly we seemed. 

Surgery Date: 8/20/2015 - CW 233 - GW 140


on 8/4/15 9:42 am - Candor, NY

That's exactly how I feel, I just keep going over and over about what I want to do. I'm scared that afterwards I'll be sorry or something. I have wanted it for so long and now that its only 9 days away, I'm scared stiff.

on 8/4/15 10:48 am
VSG on 08/20/15

You are going to love it and be so incredibly happy! I compare it to having my gall bladder out last year. I was so paranoid about the surgery. I spent way too much time researching on the internet and freaked myself out. I told my husband about 3 hours before surgery that I wasn't going and to call the doctor to cancel it. He really calmed my nerves down and helped me to relax. Now 1 year out I am so happy that I had my gall bladder out, I would do it again in a heart beat. I am sort of in the same boat with my VGS. I'm so nervous but at the same time really believe that at the end of the day I will be so happy I made the choice that I am making. I'm tired of living the life I live today. Tired, overweight, uncomfortable, cranky, etc... I just want to live again. 

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