Eventual capacity

diane S.
on 7/28/15 9:58 am

Thanks for posting this. every new sleever should see this and think about it.  At 5 plus years, this is about all i can eat of dense protein items.  if it were gy, i could do a cup.   but serious slider foods i could do more.  so it is all about making the right choices of what to fill your sleeve with.  thats why the big emphasis on protein first.  carbs and sugar pack in more calories and somehow take up less space or work through the system faster.   diane

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diane S.
on 7/28/15 10:00 am

P.S.  Saw a promo for  a new documentary called "That Sugar Film"   which is all about how much sugar is in foods that are supposedly healthy  and how it can affect you.   gonna have to see it.   diane

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Zee Starrlite
on 7/30/15 12:59 pm

You eat so little . . . yet you have gained and struggle?  Well, me too!  I do this exactly if I go out and when I eat real food.  I get to max eating real food (protein, fiber, texture - stuff you have to work to eat) fairly quick.  I never allow myself to feel stuffed and will push food away way before then.  I also do not get hungry.  Yet I struggle.  A big problem too is this small portion can be eaten over and over again if spaced.. . if compulsive   . . . if someone is an emotional eater  . . . food addict, whatever.

I love to eat crackers w. peanut butter or cheese,  best especially when I am watching tv at night.  True confession.  I alternate between wheat pretzels and saltless crackers.  I also eat frozen yogurt 4x's per week with trail mix and a teaspoon of dark chocolate chips.  I feel like I have tons of capacity when I eat what is easy.  This week I've put on the breaks, it is hard to come down off of carb and sugar addiction.  I am like a "junkie" needing a hit 

Standardized sleeve size or not, it is our actions that win out.

People think I eat like a bird when we sit down to a real meal.  Truth is 1300 calories and I am not losing.  What am I willing to give up?

Sorry to go on and on - it just struck me because I am like I've been eating like that for years and years.  All my Lap Band years I learned to ask for a take out box when my meal was served so that I could freshly pack half to go before I started eating - this is a solid habit.  It's what happens between the meals.  It is our choices that reign supreme even when we have the perfectly restricted stomach.  And I'd say my Sleeve was made pretty loose - still I have a bottom.  Still I screw up.  But I will try and do, try and do until the day I have not breath. I am better than I was yesterday.



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

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