How long did you wait til the day of your surgery after you got your referal?

on 7/12/15 5:22 am

I go in to get my referral this Tuesday and I know that between then and my surgery date I need to go to a few different appointments in the meantime. What type of appointments will I need and how long did you guys wait til your actual surgery date? I'm getting kind of impatient here, I know lol but man oh man I just really wanna start a new life and get the surgery over with!! 

I hear Some people waited about 2 or 3 months or something. My mom had the VSG and she said she waited a couple months herself.

So how long did ya'll wait? 

on 7/12/15 6:06 am
VSG on 07/09/14

I had to go to my primary care physician for 6 months of dieting check ups and if I missed a month I would have had to start over (Thank God I made all my appts!) then I had to have the sleep study...the endoscopy and colonoscopy and a few other tests it's not like making up your mind and going and doing it...unless you are going to Mexico! My daughter went there and didn't have to have any of the tests that I had done, but Mexico was a self pay for her..Be doesn't happen overnight! Good luck!


on 7/12/15 6:21 am

2 months.  I was self pay and could have done it sooner, but wanted the time to get my head around what I was committing to.

on 7/12/15 7:11 am - Farmington Hills, MI
VSG on 07/30/15

It depends on what your insurance requires (if you are going that way).  From the time I saw the surgeon the first time until my surgery date, 2 months... but I was very proactive (aggressive) in getting all my tests booked and done as soon as possible.

on 7/12/15 8:06 am - kimper, KY

Mine was 6 months but I had to jump through insurance hoops there are always tests they require etc some require nutritional programs and I recommend those it's not.something to walk into blind you need all the info you can get and system with a nutritionist on board never hurts in case you need help ...good luck my surgery is tomorrow at 830'am I'm nervous lol 


HW 381/ pre op 345 /SW 312 Vsg 7/13/15 /CW 288

M1-24 lbs





















on 7/12/15 9:00 am

First Dr vist Jan 9th 2015 had my surgery on April 15th 2015, had most of the normal tests  done before surgery.

on 7/12/15 10:52 am
RNY on 02/17/14

It took 2 months for me.  I wanted to move very quickly as I was also scheduled to have knee replacement surgery about 6 weeks after my RNY.  Fortunately for me, my insurance approval came rather quickly and I managed to have a lot of my pre-op testing done quickly( EGD, sleep study, lab work). 


Donna L.
on 7/12/15 11:41 am - Chicago, IL
Revision on 02/19/18

Three months, but I had to get it done due to starting an internship.  Me and my surgeon's office hauled butt to get it done ASAP.

I follow a ketogenic diet post-op. I also have a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Feel free to ask me about either!

It is not that we have so little time but that we lose so much...the life we receive is not short but we make it so; we are not ill provided but use what we have wastefully. -- Seneca, On the Shortness of Life

on 7/12/15 1:10 pm
VSG on 09/08/15

My insurance required 6 months of medically supervised weight loss with my PCP before I could get a referral. I completed my 6 months and got the referral on July 2nd. My first consult with the surgeon is tomorrow and I'm hoping for surgery in September. When I got the referral letter, it said that I was approved to begin the process with the surgeon, but the official referral for surgery comes after I've met all of the surgeon's requirements, which I'm guessing is the psych eval and any other tests he requires. I already have the psych eval scheduled for Thursday, and I guess I'll know more about what else I need to do tomorrow. I'm shooting for September because I have a vacation planned for mid-August... though if it looks like I could make it happen earlier, I just might postpone vacation! I'm just excited to get it done and start my new adventure!

on 7/12/15 10:42 pm

With 3 month insurance required medically supervised nutrition and exercise visits and my own delays for vacation, I waited 5 months.  I felt it was best to really make lifestyle changes before to be better prepared, but I could have had it at 3 1/2 months.  Good luck!

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