New member intro!

on 6/30/15 2:22 pm

Hi all!  I am a new member and wanted to introduce myself.  I am scheduled for sleeve surgery next Thirsday, July 9.  Yay!  My big reason for the surgery is that I am an older mom with younger kids - 12 and 14-years old - and along with being overweight, I have several co-morbidities, and I want to ensure that I'm around for a long time!  Several people think that I shouldn't be doing it because I'm 'not that heavy.'  This kind of bothers me as I don't go around wearing a sign that says I'm diabetic, have high cholesterol, high BP. AND need to lose at least 65 pounds.  I carry my weight all over, so I guess I don't look at heavy as I really am to some people.  I just don't think it's their business and don't want to get into it with the.  

My family is behind be 100%.  I've told a couple of friends as well and they're supportive, as well.  

Ive already lost 11 pounds pre-op on my shakes.  I am a little nervous about surgery, mostly becuase of my kids, but I think that's probably normal.  

Glad to be part of this group!!  

on 6/30/15 2:55 pm
VSG on 06/16/15

Congratulations on your date like you said no one knows your struggles I myself weighed 300 lbs at my initial consultation I only lost a total of 4lbs before my final preop appt on May 28 then started my preop liquids on June 2 surgery on June 16 down to 273 as of yesterday!  Im sure you will do fine!

on 6/30/15 3:10 pm

Thanks!  I'm hoping!  

on 6/30/15 6:45 pm
VSG on 07/16/15

Welcome. Its hard when people don't understand your struggles. I am with you as far as numbers. I only need to lose around 60-70lbs. Unfortunately underlying conditions make it time sensitive so waiting to try and walk it off isn't going to help. Ive had people say you don't need surgery and your not big enough. even my surgeon told me I am one of the smaller people they operate on but because of diabetes and others, im a good candidate. I wish you all the best as you begin your journey. my surgery is scheduled for july 16. Keep us updated on your progress

on 7/2/15 8:38 am

You sound like me.  I know how I used to feel - back 20 years ago - and I want to feel like that again.  One of my doctors told me three ti,es she can't believe I qualified. Made me feel bad, even though she's been after me to lose weight.  

on 7/2/15 4:14 pm
VSG on 07/16/15

It's definitely discouraging when people aren't as supportive as you want them to be. I have only told a couple people that I am having the surgery. Mainly because I don't want to hear how I don't need to do it. The only approval I need is from my ins. Everyone else can worry about themselves. I'm excited for this new journey. 

on 7/1/15 8:50 am


You sound a lot like me - not "too heavy" but certainly not healthy.  The way I think about this is long term - this change will enable me to be healthier, more fit, more active and more able to enjoy my life and my children now and in the many years to come.  My surgery weight was 202 (down from a high of 228 eight months ago).  After almost three weeks post-op, I'm down to 187 and already feeling better.  I didn't tell really anyone (except my husband and oldest daughter) so I'm not getting the "helpful" advice from others.  What I would say is tell them you're working with a physician who is helping you make the right choice for your entire health picture, not just your weight.

Surgery was a little nerve-wrecking for me to, but I did fine.  It's an adjustment, which requires time.  But within 6 months, I'm confident you will be thrilled with your improved health and already forming your "new normal". 

Hang in there - be strong - we're cheering for you!

on 7/2/15 8:36 am

I'm a bit nervous, too!  Glad yours worked out well!  Hoping I do as well as you did!

Karla Phoenix
on 7/1/15 4:23 pm

Hi!! Wow your surgery is coming up very soon. I am new too. I'll be getting the VSG sometime in August or December. Those are the time frames that I can get off from work and school. I paid my deposit this week for my surgery though. So I'm locked in and committed. Best of luck to you!! Keep us updated on how you feel after the surgery. 

Sleeved: 12/17/15

HW: 284 lbs.     SW: 266 lbs.

CW: 251 lbs.   GW: 140 lbs.

on 7/2/15 8:43 am

I took an early retirement last summer, so I have the time I need.  It took me three years to arrive at the decision to get this done and now that it's one week away, I'm nervous.  However, every doctor I needed clearance from told me I'll do great.  Good luck to you and I'll post an update when I go from my final pre-op weigh-in.

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