Liquid Diet

on 6/30/15 10:50 am
VSG on 07/06/15

I feel like my body is betraying me. I had cottage cheese, protein drink, and yogurt at breakfast. Lunch was just a protein drink...I'm not hungry but my appetite is not what it was. I know to keep my energy up and my mood in a good place I have to eat more...just not feeling it. :(

Noticeably irtitable with those around me and myself. 6 more days.



on 6/30/15 12:30 pm

Same here, man - except mine is more like mood swings.  One minute I'm super happy and energetic, and in a couple of hours I'm a huge jerk to everyone.  Hang in there!  I agree, it's not a real hunger that I'm feeling.  Just mood swings.  I'll be right behind on the 8th.  

on 6/30/15 1:06 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

YES. The mood swings are pretty bad with me. I got to feeling blue and laid down for a while and watched some funny youtubes to get me through it. I find myself isolating myself as well and for my own reasons...mainly because I don't want to lose it in front of somebody...My mood swings are quicker...would rather get it out of the way now. 



(deactivated member)
on 6/30/15 12:52 pm

You've already lost a boat load of weight in only a week. With rapid weight loss comes hormone dumping. (Yes, for men, too.) You may find yourself getting irritable, moody, and even weepy. It's all part of the process. You cn look at it this way: at least you won't be hormone dumping post surgery. You're doing it now. I dumped after surgery and was a freakin' blubbering idiot. It was Christmas time and I cried at all these stupid commercials!

Make sure you are getting at least 80-100 grams of protein per day - even during the liquid pre op diet phase. It will help keep you balanced and feeling as best you can.

This will pass. Just wait until you're cold all the time. That one is a real ***** and it lasts FOREVER! Though, I loved it the first two summers. I could tolerate major heat!

on 6/30/15 1:12 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

I do feel like I am losing my mind. LOL. Yes, it's all of those emotions. Today I have had the giggles, the rage monkeys came for a visit, and a Budweiser commercial with the dog when he gets lost and the Clydesdales chase off the wolf got me all weepy. 

I am drinking a Premier protien drink with every meal...and I do feel better after I drink that. My NUT at pre-admission testing was like I am seeing and hearing lots of liquids...How about some protein? She gave me samples and said some people like these brands. 

Right now it feels like I am having hot flashes and I am 33 and a guy. I am so warm. LOL...well looks like I have a reason to move to a warmer climate post-op...soooo cold here in Ohio. 



on 6/30/15 1:00 pm

You guys sound like you all have PMS! I'm gettin' out of here before one of you goes postal!

Seriously, the pre-op diet is difficult even without the hormone dumping. You'll get through it and the surgery okay. Good luck to you.



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 6/30/15 1:13 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

Luckily PMS meds won't solve this...big juicy steak on the other hand....LMAO!!



on 7/1/15 8:55 am

Hang in there - this is all normal.  You've got this!  Let yourself feel all of it, don't judge it, and be kind to yourself.  You're making a very important change in your life - to ensure you are healthy for years to come!  It's worth the mood swings.  Get up and walk outside in addition to funny videos or TV.  Reading helped me pass the time.  Get enough protein, water and sleep.  We all deal better when we're well rested.  Praying for you!

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