How my surgery went! Long update for anyone who loves details

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 12:04 pm

I've been meaning to post sooner but thought I'd share my experience from my VSG surgery on 6/15.  It might share more details then needed but hoping it will help with those in process or considering surgery.

On the day of I honestly had no anxiety or fear on my 35 minute drive to the hospital.  My husband kept commenting on how brave I was.  It must not have sunk in yet or I was finally at a place where I knew this was the absolute best decision I'd be making.  Either way my journey to the hospital was a good one.  When I arrived I was quickly taken back and put in my fancy gown.  It was a huge bear paws bariatric gown that I swam in.  I was 248 that morning.  That's when a little bit of doubt kicked in.  I was left alone for 30 minutes or so and kept thinking that I shouldn't be doing this, that maybe this was all just a big scare that I needed to get motivated enough to lose the weight on my own.  Maybe this surgery is only meant for people much larger than me.  I have no co-morbiditys and I'm just over the 40 BMI.  Then I reminded myself that I've never lacked motivation to lose weight, I just couldn't do it alone.

Anyway after that I was poked and prodded.  IV went into my hand, blood was drawn, hooked up to EKG.  I kept thinking "hey aren't they supposed to give me something to relax already"  In came the anesthesiologist with my ****tail and I had a fun brief ride back to the OR and I remember being told about lovely beaches and sunshine.

Finally out of nowhere I'm being waken up just a little groggy but I was in a lot of pain and feeling like I couldn't breath.  I really had the impression that you wake up from surgery very slowly and unaware of what happened, numb still from all the medications and slowly throughout the day/night the pain crept up.  Well I wa**** like a ton of bricks.  I kept telling the lady in recovery that I was in pain and she'd put something in my IV, wait a few minutes check on me and I said I'm still at a 9,  come back and check on me and I'm still at a 9.  Finally she called the anesthesiologist for approval to give more meds to which he came to my bed side and I overheard them say how the hell is she still conscious.  I can only describe it as an elephant on my chest and abdomen.  I imagine this is the gas pain as I didn't really feel like my incisions or anything else hurt.

I was wheeled up to my room and asked a million questions by the nurse after finally getting myself into a nice 7 pain zone and shortly after able to see my husband.  I was more anxious to see him so he'd know I was doing okay than I was to see him for my own needs.  The day went by quick, I had my parents and my in-laws come visit.  It's almost like being in the hospital after giving birth and you want left alone but everyone is popping in your room.  Only problem is I had no baby to show for the whole ordeal.  I was up walking through the halls by 5pm that day and the only thing that bothered me while walking was the sensation that my catheter was going to plop out on the floor.   I was really thirsty and the swabs helped marginally.  I think it was the thirst and craving for water that caused my nausea.  I had a really watery mouth just twice this day without physically having my stomach do the quenching thing it does when vomiting.  I had on the ear patch but the Zofran was amazing.  The nurses were great and managed my pain very well.  I was given morphine a few hours later toradol and some sort of tylenol through the IV.  That evening I was greeted by all sorts of guests.  I had blood drawn, shots of heparain in my stomach and blood pressure and vitals taken.

I slept great in between all the visitors at night and was up by 7am anxious to have my barium test.  In part because I was so damn afraid that they'd have to cut me back open to fix a leak and second because I was actually looking forward to the thought of swallowing something even something disgusting.  I was given the okay to drink by about noon and loved every second of it.  Of course only able to slip tiny amounts.  I think I even drank slower than what I could have but I was so afraid. I finally got my catheter out which wasn't too bad.  I had a fear that having it out would feel like a ripping sensation through my urethra.   like somehow it'd fused in there lol.  It's just a weird slippery sensation.  Did a bunch more walking.  Nurse commented a few hours later when doing my belly shot that I was allowed to wear underwear, OOPS!   Husband came to visit again that afternoon, more blood drawn, few more shots throughout the day, vitals non stop.  Slept great day two.

Day 3 I was so ready to go home.  I remember hearing the carts and smelling the food coming around for breakfast, lunch and then again for dinner the previous day and feeling a little down.  My nurse came in around 8am with some broth and crystal light and you would've thought I got a steak dinner!  I think I sipped on the small amount of broth and CL for about an hour and a half and only got in a quarter of what they brought me.  I had a very pleasant fullness sensation that I can't describe.  My husband came up and helped me shower and OMG that was the most amazing thing ever!  I was most anxious about my drain coming out but the nurse told me that people describe it like the catheter.  I was more relieved because I knew it was more of that weird slippery sensation then it was the ripping or tearing.  DON"T FEAR THE DRAIN REMOVAL.  Yes it was weird but no it didn't hurt.  It was so relieving to have the IVs taken out, the cuffs off, the drain out and the EKG off.  I finally felt free.  Surgeon came in for final visit around 5pm and I was free to go.  I plan to post a hopefully shorter update on how the last week at home has been.  Overall though I am SO happy that I made this decision.  Everything has been more than worth it.   I'm down 18 lbs in 9 days.  I am doing wonderful at home and by day 5 I was at an outdoor carnival with my son.  If anyone has any questions please contact me.  I hope to help others as much as others here have helped me!

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 12:28 pm
on 6/24/15 4:02 pm

Great post!! Glad you are doing well :)

Mel :)

on 6/24/15 4:33 pm


Hi your post was very informative. I should be having my sleeve done in August. I'm sooooo looking to having my surgery. I'll keep everyone informed as my surgery get closer.

on 6/24/15 5:25 pm
VSG on 07/06/15

I am 11 days out from my surgery. Thank you for the brave post and sharing with us. 



(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 6:58 pm


(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 6:59 pm

Good luck to you!  No regrets and I'm sure you'll be just as happy with your decision. 

on 6/24/15 6:55 pm

Thank you thank you so much. I'm losing my mind and getting really anxious! Congratulations I'm so happy for you. Happy losing



(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 6:58 pm

Thanks and best of luck. So happy with my decision and you will be too!

on 6/25/15 11:49 am

Thanks for posting this!  I have my surgery scheduled for July 8th, and I'm 2 days into my liquid diet.  I have been reading as much as I can find about patient experiences.  Good luck to you!!  And thanks for this post!!  

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