1 wk postop VSG/Chole combo - advice? support?

on 6/23/15 2:12 pm
VSG on 06/17/15

So, I am completely new to posting on OH and not sure where the best place to start is.  I had VSG done last Wednesday (6/17) along with laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  So far, so good.  I am 25 lbs down from the start of my pre-op diet.  I am looking for friends/support from others who have had either the combo or just VSG.  It seems like the majority of people are a bit older and have had different experiences than what I have had so far.  I have read some horror stories about needing assistance walking to the mailbox 3-4 weeks postop and awful pain, etc - but this has NOT been my experience so far.  Mainly I am experiencing trouble with epigastric pain when sipping and diarrhea.


To start from the beginning - I had problems with my gall bladder being overactive (causing bowel dumping) since January.  When I met with the surgeon, I also discussed WLS.  A couple months later, here I am.  My starting weight/highest weight was 264.  I can't really say I "struggled" with my weight my entire life.  I gained the last 50-60 lbs a couple of years ago and just could not lose it/keep it off.  Every 15 lost would turn into 30 gained.  (I think most people on here have a similar experience). 

The preop diet was actually much better/easier than I thought it would be.  I had 5 days of soft foods, 3 days full liquid, and then 2 days of clear liquid with a bowel prep of 3 60cc doses of milk of mag.  The surgery went smoothly and I was only supposed to stay in the hospital one night.  My body, however, had another plan.  My blood pressures were all over the place (from pain, anxiety, and my reaction to anesthesia) so I stayed until Friday (2 nights).  The first day/night were AWFUL!  My entire body was sore and stiff.  Moving my legs and arms hurt - it was a struggle to lift myself into a sitting position to get out of the bed - but this was only temporary!  

However, I did what I was told and WALKED.  Within an hour of being given my room (after recovery) I was up and walking with help.  I did one lap on the floor with my nurse.  After realizing how much better I felt when doing this, I decided to walk every time I woke up.  It really helped stretch my sore/stiff legs and get my insides "moving".  The gas pain was awful - but it was all stuck high up and would not come out.  I had only little minor burps.  If you are considering doing this surgery - walk walk walk, it really was not bad for me.  My hospital routine was:  pain meds, nap 1-2 hrs, wake up, walk 2-3 laps on the floor, back to room/repeat.  After I passed my xray with contrast, I was given isopure and water to drink.  This was also a problem.  Every sip has caused cramping and pain to go across my ribs, followed by bubbling/gurgling noises and a small burp.  This is still continuing through today (5 days postop).  There were a few moments when I just wanted to cry from exhaustion and pain/soreness, but they were only moments.  The pain was practically nonexistent by the 2nd day.  The sore, tight feeling in my muscles improved with a nice shower and making sure i was up and moving every time I woke up.  While doing my laps on the floor, I would occasionally stop and raise my knees, one at a time, to stretch my quad muscles - this also felt very good.

I was discharged on Friday and so far have had minor problems.  Be sure to bring a pillow with you for the car ride home!  I put it under the seatbelt and it was a nice cushion for all of the bumps (which feel awful) along with the binder I was wearing to keep me in a nice position.  I am on a low dose of pain meds and a muscle relaxer and have almost NO pain whatsoever at this point.  If I lay in bed too long I become a little stiff, but walking and moving helps this tremendously.  I have been just walking down the street and back (10-20 minutes at a time) a few times a day.  My doctor also had given me an ON-Q pain pump that I had removed today (it delivered local anesthetic to my sternum - keeping my ribs and incisions from being sore  - I have had NO incision pain at all, only the itching, which I am told is a good sign of healing). 

My one major issue is heartburn - I have never had this before!  My doctor says it should get better with time, and for right now has put me on Prilosec twice a day with tums chews as needed.  I also have diarrhea several times a day - this may be from the gall bladder removal and is not typical of VSG from what I am told.  The cramping/burping with every sip is improving - apparently I inhale too much air when sipping, so I am consciously making an effort to not do this.  My biggest struggle so far is getting enough fluid and calories.  I have been mixing campbell's chicken soup (straining out the chunks) with Unjury's chicken soup protein powder, drinking Isopure, eating jello, and drinking water with powerade zero drops.  The water with powerade drops goes down the easiest for me.  My goal is 1-2oz every 15 minutes when I am awake - but this hasn't been easy.  Also, I am sleeping 2 hours, awake 2 hours, sleeping 2 hours, awake 2 hours - so it has been hard to get enough down.  My postop diet is:  2 weeks full liquid, 2 weeks puree, 2 weeks soft food, then slowly introduce regular foods.  Because of my digestive issues, I am staying on clear liquids for right now. 


If anyone has had any similar experiences or are at the same point in their journey I would love to chat/swap stories/advice/vent!  I have a friend who is planning on this surgery next month, but would like to have a larger support group.


Thanks for reading!  I know this post was long! :)



  5'6"  HW: 264 SW: 252 CW: 173 GW: 150

on 6/23/15 2:51 pm - Brush Creek , TN

Hey I had my surgery on the same day. I have been truly blessed I woke up and was in no pain. I was so surprised I walked and walked and helped move all that air which sounds like you had some to when you drank. I am doing good. I am on clear liquids for 2 weeks then 2 weeks of full liquids and the pureed food for 2 weeks my doctors are very picky on what we eat till 75% of our weight is gone.

on 6/23/15 2:54 pm
VSG on 06/17/15

Sounds similar to my diet!  I am walking a TON so I don't get why I still am having air pain when swallowing.  I've tried taking tinier and tinier sips and just letting the liquid flow into my mouth without sucking in any air - not much is helping.  :/  I am seeing my dr tomorrow for a followup so maybe he can give some advice.  So far the PPI 2x a day is mildly helping with this reflux - maybe that is part of the problem?  I'm glad you're doing well!  Keep in touch!

on 6/23/15 7:00 pm
VSG on 06/17/15

I had VSG on 6/17 also and was released on 6/19.  I woke up from surgery in no pain and for the rest of the day. The pain started when I first tried to drink something the next day. It didn't fell like gas but stomach spasms.  On the last day, I made sure to walk my laps hourly and that helped a lot.  The doctor gave me Omeprazole to take daily and a NSAID if needed. 

My diet right now is two protein shakes daily. I can also have decaf coffee,tea, broth Crystal light, diet drinks( snapple, vitamin water and powerade), and of course water. My biggest problem is learning how to sip and not gulp and the feeling of a gas bubble in my chest but I can't out. 

I planned my surgery when my vacation started so I can just focus on healing and getting all my fluids in.  Right now I'm not hungry or crave food, I just miss chewing if that makes sense.  

Best of luck




on 6/23/15 7:42 pm - Brush Creek , TN

My doctor prescribed an antacid for me to take for 3 months. He said it would help my stomach heal. I found that just chewing on some sugar free gum helps with the wanting to chew on something. I can only have clear liquid protien and low sugar low carb drinks like power aide zero and crystal light. I have felt better today but the sipping is hard I feel like I'm tied to a drink all day.



on 6/23/15 8:14 pm
VSG on 06/17/15

I do, too!  I am carrying around my bottle of isopure and sipping all the time.  I did actually get full - which was not pleasant - after taking some crushed meds with applesauce and then drinking some more.  I guess I didn't wait long enough.  I have a small vial type measuring cup - so I started pouring out 2 oz into it at a time and giving myself 15-20 minutes to drink it before doing it again, just to get used to how much I should be /can be drinking.  I think the sipping is getting easier - less cramping and burping.  Next week I am going to play with combining crystal light with nectar flavors to find good ones.  Preop I tried nectar roadside lemonade with CL peach tea and nectar twisted cherry with CL cherry/limeade and liked them both.  Right now I am sticking to Isopure due to having higher protein content.  


  5'6"  HW: 264 SW: 252 CW: 173 GW: 150

(deactivated member)
on 6/24/15 11:29 am

Sounds like overall things went well!  I had my VSG on 6/15 along with a small Hiatal (SP?) Hernia repair.  I'm about to post my lengthy 9 day update as well.  Keep in touch.

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