calling all pre op dieters how are you doing????

on 6/19/15 3:18 pm - kimper, KY

Facebook is the devil lol my is flooded with food recipes lol is yours??? I'm going to.start reporting them as porn lol (joking) 


HW 381/ pre op 345 /SW 312 Vsg 7/13/15 /CW 288

M1-24 lbs





















on 6/21/15 4:15 am
VSG on 03/16/15

Lots of good posts here. "Keep your eyes on the prize" Thats what I am doing. This preop diet is the hardest part, no restriction assistance. You all got this! You all will be on the other side of surgery soon enough. Keep fighting th good fight.

Ht:6'5 Start weight 427, surgery weight=362 current weight 238 goal weight unsure?

on 6/21/15 6:24 am - kimper, KY

Yesterday was good 

Protein shake

Lunch tuna packet

Snack tuna packet

Dinner tilapia filet

Lots liquids 

And I even went to the movies and passed on the popcorn and junk lol 


HW 381/ pre op 345 /SW 312 Vsg 7/13/15 /CW 288

M1-24 lbs





















on 6/21/15 6:54 am - Canada

11 more days until my surgery!  Very exciting!  Going through all of the before/after pics on this site helps to keep me in check.  Day 4 of the optifast shakes.  4 a day totalling 900 calories with a 2 cup allowance a day of green veggies.  The first day was torturous but it has gotten better for me. Also helps that I have lost 25 lbs so far... 15 were from transitioning before the shakes.  Cut out all of the sugar and breads and what i call Carbage. Can't wait!

on 6/21/15 7:56 am - kimper, KY

I've only lost 4lbs so far according to my scales I don't know what I'm doing wrong lol I have been eatting like a bird since the 16th but it hasn't been that bad I have been so motivated lol there has been ice cream in the house and pizza twice and so far so week how ever will be harder we will be taking a overnight trip to to a small amusement park with my inlaws...that will be the real.test HAHAHA my new daughter in law will be along too about stress if I make it through this I will be golden...They will all want to eat out and guess where??? The golden corral lol I will do a salad and meats or meats and veggies and one trip only no breaded meat I got this #iwillnotfail lol I leave Wednesday I'll post when I get back ..We are also shopping the next day HAHAHA with 5 kids my son 20 his wife 20 and my other 3 kids daughter 17, son 10 daughter 3 school shopping was hubby idea lol I think he will be sorry his parents are like kids too they have to be watched lol so it will be FUN!!!


HW 381/ pre op 345 /SW 312 Vsg 7/13/15 /CW 288

M1-24 lbs





















on 6/21/15 1:21 pm

I'm also pre-op dieting and (again) fell off the wagon recently. It's that time of the month and sometimes it's more difficult than not to deny the pizza (yes pizza is the BEST food on the planet) and chocolate but I know I must get it together and for my health. I have my second NUT visit on the 25th of this week and things do not look good.

I wake up sometimes and think I may not be the type to be lean or skinny or even healthy I can't seem to get it together at ALL. My NUT eating plan is at about 1500 calories and there I have a protein drink a protein bar a sensible meal and 3 snacks. I have gained weight and I am miserable. Plus it seems like everywhere it's incredibly hot and heat does not go well with fat ladies!


on 6/21/15 4:56 pm - kimper, KY

Talk to your nut that plan isn't working try something else don't give up keep.trying 

on 6/23/15 9:19 am - kimper, KY

Im still hanging on but today I have a migraine I don't know what I did to deserve this but it better go away...Lol how is everyone else doing? So far.since the 16th I have lost about 8lbs I'm ok with that :) 


HW 381/ pre op 345 /SW 312 Vsg 7/13/15 /CW 288

M1-24 lbs





















on 6/24/15 6:24 am

Hi There, I am having my surgery tomorrow.  I have been on pre-op for 12 days.  So far I have lost 12 lbs.  You should find the time will pass by quickly.  Just keep yourself occupied take a walk, smell some flowers, really take time for yourself.  Use this time to do some inner thinking and praise.  You will feel better soon!

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