Thigh Lift/LBL Revisions Update at 5 Days Post Op - Pics Available

on 6/2/15 10:35 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Thanks to everyone that wrote to me and wished me a speedy recovery from my thigh lift last Thursday! I appreciate all of the support as I continue to hack up my body in an attempt to feel normal again after losing about 260 lbs! lol

It has been five days since surgery and I'm doing probably as good as humanly possible. I have been incredibly fortunate, with every surgery I have had in the last few years, to have a pretty much painless and complication free recovery. I was very concerned about the pain of the thigh lift, because a few people I know in the online world that has no troubles with recovering from other surgeries found it incredibly painful. A few people that occasionally attend the in-person support group I attend said it is the plastic surgery they would never do again.

Good news for me is that I was done taking pain medication before I even hit 48 hours post-op, yay! I have been moving around ok. It's a bit uncomfortable, but the incisions are painful (believe it or not). As you can see in the pics (link below), it LOOKS really bad. But, the worst part of the experience really is just the drains and the rubbing of the high inner thigh area. And, to be honest, not being able to shave my ladybits and legs very well LOL - but that is neither here nor there.

So far, I'm glad I did this, but as things settle we will see how it goes. As things relax and loosen, I may find the return of my good friend "the sag" but at least I feel now as though work I put in at the gym will be able to be seen through the excess.

As far as a weight update goes, I was on the very high end of my weight range when I went into surgery - about 192.4 lbs after some Memorial Day travel. I've been losing water weight and real weight like crazy and weighed in at 186.8 this morning - even with the drains. Since the removal of 10 lbs of fat/skin in September, I have been mostly maintaining 185-190. I won't lie, when things settle after this surgery... I would really love to move that to 180-185, but mostly improve the 29.9% body fat % I had at the beginning of the year. Either way, I'm happy.

My blog has pictures, but beware... they are nudes and not safe for work. View at your own risk, lol! The password is capella2014

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


Tracy D.
on 6/2/15 10:49 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

OK - you look TERRIFIC...but those thigh scars are TERRIFYING!   That's the one surgery I proably won't ever even contemplate.  

So glad you're feeling good and bouncing back quickly.  And your arm scars look fantastic! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 6/2/15 11:11 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Thank you! 

I didn't think I would do a thigh lift either. But, I kept looking at my upper body and just loving it so much, that it really bothered me that the bottom half of me didn't match. I won't lie... finding things that fit properly has been incredibly difficult. Once I saw how well my arm scars were fading, I figured if my thighs looked like that too then it would be worth it in the end! :) Here's hoping that's true lol

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 6/3/15 7:26 am

Those scars will calm down and fade over time. Just protect them from the sun for the first year. You surgeon did a fantastic job!! You look terrific!!

Congratulations on your dedication and hard work!!


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 6/2/15 12:13 pm
RNY on 02/19/15

It looks like you heal really well, but yes those thigh wounds are a little scary! I completely understand why you did it (in fact I've been contemplating a thigh lift in the future), but still, ouch! You look incredible BTW :) 

Height: 6'0" HW 5/2013 295. Consult 7/29/14 275. SW 261. RNY 2/19/15. M1:-33! M2:-13.5. M3:-12. M4:-10.8. M5:-9.7. M6:-5. M7: -4.5. Pregnant 8/15-5/16. 10 weeks post partum: 173.

on 6/2/15 1:27 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

I promise, they look much scarier than they feel LOL!

Thank you!!!!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 6/2/15 1:09 pm
VSG on 05/01/13



I did NOT think that's what I thigh lift entailed...thats SCARY!😬😬😬

I am setting up a consultation with Dr Capella

my stomach and arms really bother me so I may just go for it!!

can I ask you how long was your down time ( no driving, feeling yucky)

after your body lift? 

trying to fit this all in the schedule just keeps going round and round in my head

and makes me shut down...


on 6/2/15 1:27 pm - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Dr Capella is the best! I can't recommend him enough... when you see him, tell I sent you and said hi! lol

It's hard to say what the downtime of just a LBL would be - since I had breasts and arms done too. Although, I know I could have gone back to work in 2 1/2 weeks if I absolutely had to - though I took off 4. I was only on pain meds for about 4 days and was driving in about 7, but not super long distances!

Thank you!!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at


on 6/2/15 2:10 pm
VSG on 05/01/13

I think I'll get my arms done too

hubby wants boobs included also, 

but I could take or leave them LOL!!!

I was thinking a month or 2 for recovery depending 

if all goes off w/o a hitch..

want to schedule it either before or after winter as he's an hour form me 

and I'm scared that I may have a complication and couldn't get to him in inclement weather..

also have to schedule around my boys sports schedule..although, I may just say F* it 

and miss their season..


on 6/5/15 6:11 am

Holy hell- 2.5 weeks? I went out for a 4 with my abdominoplasty, and could have used more time! You do heal fast! I am so happy for you that you can get though the process with minimal bumpts!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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