1 year 3 months out. I think I've lost enough.

on 6/2/15 5:16 am - Harrisburg, PA
VSG on 03/07/14 with

I had my VSG on March 3, 2014. My stats were as follows:

Highest weight: 289

Starting weight: 280

Surgery weight: 264.

By June 20, 2014 I lost my breasts to cancer

By October 29, 2014 I had lost 94 lbs

December 10, 2014 I had my new breasts created from stomach tissue (tummy tuck)0

By February 8, 2015 I had lost 108 lbs

Now it's June 2, 2015 and I have lost a total of 121 lbs. 

I weigh 159 lbs. Huge difference between here and 289. I run into people I haven't seen in a long time, and they don't recognize me, unless they hear my voice, then they are still in disbelief. It's kind of cool. It also allows me to walk right past someone and not have to talk to them if I don't want to. A couple of weeks ago, I took a selfie and started freaking out. You can really see the bones in my chest thru my skin (sternum & ribs). I went to a friend's house yesterday that I haven't seen in a month, and she said, "I don't think you should lose any more, you're too skinny now". Then she cautioned me about becoming addicted to losing weight. Hmmm.

Since I hit my goal of 110 lbs lost, I haven't really been disciplined. I still weigh myself every week, some weeks I gain 1 lb, some weeks I've lost 3. I eat a little pasta here, a piece of bread there, a few M&M's here and there. I am thinking that I need to find a good maintenance spot to hang out in, but that's proving difficult. I think my metabolism is used to running fast, so no matter what I do, I'm gradually losing. Never imagined in a million years I would have this problem!!!  My restriction is still there and in full effect. This morning I had one scrambled egg, one slice of sausage (i.e. polska kielbasa) and a big slice of potato and 3tbsp of oatmeal. I was stuffed. I have a hard boiled egg and a few pieces of fruit lined up for a mid morning snack, jerky and cheese for afternoon snack, lunch is undetermined, but probably 1/2 of a chicken breast with some broccoli, dinner is up to the man, but he knows how I eat, and is always picking places I have no menu problems with.

I just had my (hopefully) last breast cancer surgery yesterday. I'm getting used to who I am and what I look like, but still have a hard time shopping for clothes. I hold the clothes up in front of me and I feel like I'm looking at my daughter's baby clothes LOL.

After typing all this, I'm not sure I really had a point. Sorry about the rambling. Any comments or questions/suggestions are welcomed. Have a wonderful day!

     42 y/o, 5'7", HW 289, Start Weight 280. SW 264 on 3/7/14. Diagnosed w/IDC 5/16/14.



Laura in Texas
on 6/2/15 6:19 am

Congrats!! You have done an amazing job battling your weight issues and cancer. I highly recommend continuing to weigh yourself regularly. Weight gain can easily sneak up on us the further we get out. I follow a similar philosophy as you at almost 7 years out. The scale keeps me in check.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Tracy D.
on 6/2/15 7:03 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

My husband went through the same thing with trying to figure out maintenance.  The guy kept losing weight!  He had to increase his calories a LOT but of course he couldn't eat a lot more.  Try adding in more high calorie foods like avocadoes, olives and nuts.  

The boniness that you see in your chest area absolutely will fill out in the 2nd and 3rd year.  I'm already seeing that.  The fat that is left truly does redistribute itself.  You've also had the stresses of additional surgeries so I'm sure your body will settle in once it's done recovering.  

You've done a great job, Red - with the weight loss and handling your cancer recovery with grace and humor.  You're a real inspiration, lady! 

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 6/2/15 7:46 am

Most sleevers have to deal with a bit of regain when they hit maintenance, so your problem is a bit unusual. I'm far from maintenance myself, but I find that daily tracking of calories and nutrients is invaluable in losing weight (and I assume, in maintenance). Keep track of how you trend over a few weeks and adjust accordingly.

Best of luck to you!



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 6/2/15 8:21 am

Congratulations!  You have done such a great job.  Being mindful and figuring out maintenance is HARD!  But you are engaged in the process and I think that is the best first step. 

VSG: 12/12/13, LBL, small TL, BL/BA: 11/7/14 Twins 12/9/18 HW after Twins 260. 5'10 37 years old - Stacy_WLS (MFP)

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 6/2/15 9:24 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Ramble away!, this is the place for it. You've gone thru a lot & hopefully you've found a weight you can be happy & healthy at. I heard maintenance is a challenge in itself so you'll have to find your balance. Best wishes & a speedy recovery.  

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 6/2/15 9:30 am

Congrats on everything !!!


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 6/2/15 10:10 am - PA
VSG on 05/13/13

Congrats! I have been thinking of you and hoping that your breast cancer fight has been going well. Fingers crossed that yesterday was your last surgery!!!

Keep doing your thing!!

For more info on my journey & goals, visit my blog at http://flirtybythirty.wordpress.com


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 6/2/15 2:40 pm
VSG on 10/09/12

Congratulations!!! You did it! And no, trust me, the boniness will go away magically. What Tracy said is absolutely right. Things redistribute and settle into place a couple of years down the road. Personally, I would not try to stop losing unless you are hitting the bottom of a healthy weight range - I don't recall how tall you are. I kind of let things settle naturally and now I wish I had gone down a bit more when it seemed easy. It's a whole different ball game now to lose a pound. 

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



on 6/3/15 7:48 am - Harrisburg, PA
VSG on 03/07/14 with

I'm 5' 7". Thank you so much for reaffirming the boniness issue.  I want to get to the low end of the healthy range, that way i have some wiggle room, but i don't want to look sick, either.  The fact that I'll continue to redistribute helps! 

     42 y/o, 5'7", HW 289, Start Weight 280. SW 264 on 3/7/14. Diagnosed w/IDC 5/16/14.


