Just Curious?

on 5/30/15 10:30 am

Happy Saturday folks!

I had a couple questions I couldn't find answers to in all the information I was sent home with 5 weeks ago so I was hoping you could help!

1. Where do you all get your vitamins, is there a good website for cheap/quality vitamins or am I better off just going to the drugstore? (also, concerning vitamins, from my paperwork it appears that for life certain vitamins, not all, have to be chewable/liquid form, do you know why?)

2. The last food stage in my booklet is "soft foods" which starts week 4, do you know how long this phase lasts or if this is like the life stage?

3. Completely out of curiosity, not because I expect any of you to be my doctor/nutritionist but I was just wondering on average how many calories and carbs you think you eat a day? I'm currently just focused on getting 60 - 80 grms of protein each day but was wondering how many carbs/calories us people with teeny tummies fit in, in a day?

4. Every once in a while starting around week 3 I have pain in my right side.  Nothing terrible, but random.  Doctor kind of blew me off when I mentioned it so just wondering if any of you have had this or know what it is?  I was confused by this since the stomach is on the left and from what they told me they only move the liver on the right side so wasn't sure what would be uncomfortable over there?

Anyways, I hope you all are having a great weekend!  


(deactivated member)
on 5/30/15 11:21 am

1. I get my vitamins at CVS and Costco. My labs are fantastic. Vitamins are much less expensive in those stores than the bariatric on line stores. Granted, I did use chewable calcium for a year or two, but not any longer. I don't take any chewable vitamins at all.

2. I was on soft foods until about 8 weeks. Then it was a gradual step up to solids. I was back and forth between softs and solids for quite sometime.

3. During my WL phase I tried to stick to 80 grams protein, 40 grams of carbs per day (or fewer), and no more than 800 calories. Sure a few days were over once I was farther out, but not often. At 5 weeks out I ate between 600 and 650 calories per day.

4. My surgeon took my remnant stomach out on the right side. It was the largest of the small incisions and was "tight" for about 8 weeks. On occasion I would get little stabbing pains in that area. My surgeon said it was nerve pain from healing nerves. Made sense to me and it was completely gone at 8 weeks. Of course, if your pain persists or gets worse, please contact a health care professional immediately. I'm just sharing my experience, not making medical recommendations.

You have a good weekend, too.


on 5/30/15 11:29 am

Great! Thanks for the info! 

on 5/30/15 5:54 pm

I started real food at 8 weeks.

As far as vitamins I buy on Amazon my multi

the batriatric advantage brand.

Everything else I buy at Walmart .



on 5/31/15 12:20 am

I was told to slowly introduce a little solid food after two weeks on soft stuff. That's easier said than done, at least for me.

It was a slow process, I am 7 month out and still limit my intake of solid food.

I still find it necessary to supplement my protein with a shake or a bar just about everyday.

Youll start to feel the restriction when you start adding more hard protein. I have excellent restriction, and get uncomfortable if I eat past it, SO I DONT.

Just keep up with the protein numbers and the water, everything else is pretty automatic. I haven't counted calories at all, though I am very mindful of them.

My vitamin regamin is very simple now. a Centrum 1 a day, and 8000units of D-3. about 10 bucks a month. Some may need other vits but I don't.

I too had the right side pain, I think I was drinking too soon after eating, started waiting longer and it went away. Something to do with digestion I was told.

im at about 40 or 50 gr of carbs a day now, but the less of that stuff you eat, the faster the weight comes off. at least in my case.

I stayed around 30 gr a day for 6 months, had to add a few due to workout schedule.

Still losing 2 0r 3 lbs a week average, was a pound a day for a few months.

Hope this is of some help.



on 5/31/15 9:05 pm
VSG on 02/04/15

My plan called for soft foods from day 12 through day 45 (so happy to leave puree behind). My vitamins & calcium w/d3 could be purchased at any retail store. I started taking them before surgery so I would have an idea how they would be.

I started with Centrum Chewables, but they made me terribly nauseous. After surgery when I met with the doctor & the hospital's bariatric specialist they both suggested Flinstone Complete Chewables (2/day). After surgery, I also had a lot of trouble swallowing the Citrical Petites (even cut after cutting them in half) so I started taking Vitafusion Calcium (3/day). I will be 4 months out this week and have started taking the Critical Petites again. Only reason is that I didn't want the added 45 calories & carbs that came with the Vitafusions. 

After meeting with my nutritionist, at 2 months, she suggested that I try to keep my daily intake close to 600 calories per day. I was starting to consume 700-800 calories a day & she thought it was too soon to be eating that much. I think that the added calories had too many carbs & now I seem to have less than 40 gr/day.
