I was told after my surgery that thrush was one of those things we needed to watch for and that it was common after this type of surgery. Well I got it. I have done two rounds of the prescription Nystatin swish and swallow and have take one dose of Diflucan. I can't get rid of it. Anyone else? Any other ideas??
Ask your doctor about probiotics. I haven't had my surgery yet but I've heard people mention some hardcore antibiotics before surgery that can kill off all of the good bacteria in your system and that can lead to things like thrush, etc.. Probiotics are always a good idea after antibiotics of any kind. Hope this helps.
My doctor tried to prevent that and prescribes three doses of Diflucan to be taken on day 5, 7, and 9 after surgery. Luckily, no yeast infection or thrush. I would certainly call the doctor again.