on 5/4/15 4:36 am - Portland, OR

Thank you Stacy!

I am definitely looking for a short timeline as I would like to adjust to everything by the end of the summer (before I have to travel for graduation). Basically, I have a really busy summer but have definitely decided that this is what I am doing and need to have it done as soon as possible :)

All of your responses have been extremely reassuring and helpful :)

on 5/4/15 8:04 am
VSG on 10/30/13

It took about a month...the initial consult, the labs, getting my PCP to sign off on me being well enough to go under for surgery etc. Totally worth!

I'm 1.5 yrs out and haven't quite reached goal but don't have a problem maintaining my current weight. It's kinda surreal, really. I did miss chocolate and binged a bit for a few months, but I was able to lose it fairly quickly...I went from a size 24 to a size 9/10 in 11 months. I worked it, low carb, high protein, exercised when I could, kept hydrated. I think maybe I had a harder time than some because I am older (49 at time of surgery) and my blood sugar got crazy..I was pre-diabetic before surgery..I definitely have to take vitamins every day and hydration remains very important. I felt weak and dizzy for a few months post op, but I just sucked it up as part of the process. 

I would do it all again in a heartbeat...my blood pressure is 95/65, no longer pre-diabetic, I can do things like tie my shoes and paint my toenails..sit in a regular airline seat, my ankles don't swell up anymore, I ditched the cpap machine..so many pluses to having this surgery. 


Best of luck! 






on 5/4/15 8:30 am - Portland, OR

That is absolutely amazing! Congratulations!

I definitely hear it can be difficult. That is something no one really talks about (At least none that I've come across)- the weakness and the dizziness? You would think with the severe restriction of calories you would feel extremely weak when working out and stuff. Whenever I exercise on a somewhat empty stomach I always feel like passing out (Something that's probably pretty normal)- what is working out like after the surgery, if you don't mind my asking? I actually love exercising and obviously it's something that's necessary after surgery.

Thank you for your answer! Have a lovely day 

on 5/4/15 12:30 pm
VSG on 10/30/13

It took me a few months to get my mojo back. Others bounced back quicker than I did. I just felt kinda puny, I was staying hydrated, keeping my protein up, getting plenty of sleep but my blood sugar was kinda tricky for awhile there. Basically, your body goes from burning carbs (sugar) to burning fat for energy and it played havoc with my blood sugar. I had to be sure and watch that I ate every few hours and balance that with the rules of not drinking 1/2 hour before/while eating/1/2 hour after eating. It sounds simple, but when you have a tiny  new tummy, and only so much room for fluids and food, it becomes something that you really have to be aware of. 

I think, too, that when you lose weight, and your veins don't have to pump xyz amount around a larger body, the veins become a bit flabby and blood doesn't flow as quickly as it used to. It was suggested that I pump my lower legs a few times before standing up and that did work well. It took some getting used to though. These days, I don't have that problem..but I notice that when I exert myself, my veins stand out much more..something I didn't have before. As I said, my blood pressure is really low, not unhealthy low, but I think with the enlarged, flabby veins that it just takes a bit longer for the blood to get to where it needs to be.

Another odd thing that happened to me:  my 2nd and 3rd toes on each foot kinda separated...apparently being morbidly obese for so long put pressure on my feet and they reacted a bit oddly to it. I didn't notice it when I was heavier, my feet weren't a big concern then except for the difficulty doing my toenails, tying my shoes etc. 

Exercise is no problem. I actually use an elliptical machine because I find treadmills to be completely boring. The elliptical kept me engaged and I just turn on my Sansa and get after it.  I went to the zoo with my son prior to surgery and had to sit down at every bench because I was so out of breath and sore..being morbidly obese HURTS..your back, your feet..and 4 months after surgery I zipped through that zoo like nobody's business 






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