on 5/1/15 12:36 am
VSG on 05/01/13

I cannot for the life of me believe it's 2 years since my surgery..

the time has flew by...like many on here,I was obsessive on this site

for the first year, asking every question I could ask..multiple times and over and over again!!

this year, even though I check in everyday,I don't post as much,

mostly because I don't have much to say..

I did have my share or heartache and worry at the end of this past year..

my mother in law died in December,  much too soon ( bad heart and Guillme-barre syndrome)

and my husband had to have eye surgery(November)  for a partially detached retina..

These stresses led me to..WAIT FOR IT....

a 25 LB...


I have no excuses other than I went right back to my drug of choice and stuffed myself silly..

which is actually too easy with cookie carbs for me...

Funny thing my hubby was even more stressed, obviously 

his mom...his eye.. and lost 20lbs!!

I got a grip and 15 came off quick..like 7 in 2 days (water) 

anywho, here I sit at 150 (which is my comfortable "winter" weight)

going towards my summer weight which is 145...

140 is my party/special occasion weight😜

if you look in my pictures I was 150 at my nieces wedding and I look pretty good..

in my own head though, I'd rather be closer to 100lbs..than 200lbs..

so anything under 149 is better in my pea brain..

I struggle with body issues, looking at my size 4 jeans and thinking there too big..

Im broad shouldered and big chested and most of the times I feel like a Linebacker..

no matter that everything I own shirt wise is a Medium w/ some Smalls...

these are trivial issues that I will at some point come to grips with...

I've been thinking of a tummy tuck..my apron is quite annoying...

I see when I lift it up, what I could look like...

I cannot stress to you newbies or those waiting for surgery


I was UNHEALTHY (type 2 diabetic on 4 different meds..2 being shots and still waking at #'s of 200++)

I had high blood pressure (140/90 w/ meds).. High triglycerides ( Highest recorded 2400. YES! 2400!!!)

was depressed and anxiety ridden!

I felt like I was getting slower and slower..slowly dying..

my reason for this surgery was to get healthy and be there! REALLY there for my boys..



I'm ACTIVE, AWARE, PRESENT AND HAPPY in my life and my kids..

the little ones don't remember me heavy and my only sadness is that my oldest (20) does.

I should have done this 10 years ago, but I'm glad it did get done...

wishing all those either new to the process, waiting for surgery, or playing the maintaining game

continued success.. Because we deserve it!!!




on 5/1/15 12:49 am - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

Excellent post...you GO GIRL!!!!!

on 5/1/15 1:09 am

grayC, I'm so happy for your being able to bounce back after a significant gain. Your positive attitude, in spite of a stressful year, is inspiring. Your description of your life before surgery is almost exactly like mine, and you've given me a glimpse of what to look forward to. Thank you!



  "Live for what today has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away."

on 5/1/15 1:13 am
VSG on 12/04/14

Awesome post, thank you and congratulations!!! You look amazing. I just recently went through the same surgery with my husband having retinal detachment. Surgeon was awesome and he's doing great! Had to keep his head down for 6 days, this was the hardest for him. Keep up the good work!!!



on 5/1/15 1:29 am

Great post !!!!

Congrats on 2 !!!!

You look great and thanks for keeping it real !!!!

SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

                                      VSG Maintenance Group Forum

                                           CAFE FRISCO at LapSF.com

                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 5/1/15 1:45 am - MI

Continued success to you! What a two years it has been for you!

Age: 40 Height: 5'8" Highest Weight: 325 Starting Weight: 291 Current Weight: 166 Goal Weight: 160

 VSG 10/24/14 with Dr. David Chengelis

Joanna B
on 5/1/15 1:48 am - MI
VSG on 03/12/15

I absolutely love your post! Post like this inspire me!!

Congratulations on you weight loss and your 2 year anniversary!! 

on 5/1/15 1:59 am

I appreciate you sharing your personal journey. I think its good for me to see what life post-op entails beyond the euphoric first year. All the best to you!

on 5/1/15 2:18 am

Congratulations on 2 years!  It sounds like you've got things under control, and did not let your stress-induced detour permanently send you off the rails.  That's awesome!  You're an inspiration!


"I know things about stuff."         

DISCLAIMER: User must apply appropriate Snark and Sarcasm fonts to above post.  Failure to apply may result in feelings of irritation and/or insult.


Sleeve 7-25-14 / HW 333 / SW 316 / CW 155.8

(deactivated member)
on 5/1/15 3:03 am

Congratulations on 2 years! Pretty awesome what you've been able to accomplish!

Glad you have been able to take care of that regain. That's important. I urge you to really work on those "trivial issues" because they really aren't so trivial and have the potential to hang you up down the line. Believe me, I know and wish I had done the same earlier than I did.

And, you look GREAT!

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