Let's talk about hunger!

Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 4/28/15 5:30 pm
VSG on 10/09/12

I am never hungry now and yes, recognizing the empty feeling is important for normal life and function. But I wanted to ask - how is it possible to 'forget to eat'? That has NEVER happened to me...hungry or not, when it is 'time' to eat, I am at the table. And yes, I also have a very busy life and all that but it has never happened to me that I have actually forgotten to eat. I may choose to eat something on the run or a snack instead of a proper meal but forget? I would like to be able to forget sometimes so please tell me if there is a tool for that!!!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



(deactivated member)
on 4/29/15 2:51 am

Sorry, no tool! LOL! It doesn't happen as often to me as it did in the beginning, but on the weekends when I'm not a regimented by school and errand schedules I often realize it is coming up on 3 or 4 pm and I haven't eaten a thing since breakfast. I've also found that when I'm over hungry because I haven't eaten - whether I feel hungry or not - it sets me up for eating more quickly than I should or would otherwise and I tend to eat a little more than I normally would.

I think it's really just a matter of being involved in something that requires a lot of your attention that is the trick to "forgetting" to eat. I think you are better off being at the table when it's "time to eat", though!

on 4/29/15 1:05 am

Once again kairk, great post !

I'm was actually supposed to be writing a paper on this subject.

You have connected the dots..... It is the same skill set to recognize where hunger meets satiety and where satiety ends and when hunger begins again. Getting in touch with the complete cycle helps define the phases.

There are many more points in between, like how much food does it really take to feed/cancel hunger?

Recognizing satiety after food passes the pyloric valve.

The sad thing is, in the big picture there is still cookies and Doritos that pretty much have little to do with hunger or satiety !!!!


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/15 9:43 am

Ah, but you see, I think Doritos and cookies do play into hunger....when I eat them, I'm hungry for more!

Seriously, I think it takes very little to satisfy actual physical hunger. I have experimented with eating various amounts and have gleaned that I am "satisfied" with about 2 oz of protein and some vegetables. However, with that portion size I get hungry again before I'd like to be. Eating 3.5 ounces of protein in a meal will hold me for several hours (4-5).

It does take some experimentation to figure out what works individually.

on 4/29/15 1:16 am - Omaha, NE
I'm five years out and I've maintained my weight within a 10 pound range during those five years. Right now I'm at my lowest weight ever.

My hunger depends on what I've been eating. If I've been eating carbs, my hunger feels like a "I need to eat now or I'm going to get really cranky or I might start getting a migraine." If I've been eating a low carb / non processed diet my hunger is normal and I can put off eating without any problems. From what I've read, this is called being "fat adapted" where the body relies more on your fat stores to create energy and replace glycogen instead of relying on carbs to replace glycogen.

As far as frequency of eating, I have a tight sleeve and I do get hungry frequently. I eat lots of small meals and snacks during the day. If I tried to only eat three times a day I'd be malnourished!
on 4/29/15 1:29 am - ME

Great subject Kairk!  I haven't experienced not getting hungry, even after surgery.  I never took a PPI, though my hunger seemed to come at the appropriate times, not immediately after eating.  However, most of the time, the hunger has been and still is manageable.  I have experienced being over hungry, when I've waited too long to eat.  Regular hunger is just an empty feeling and an awareness that it's getting time to re-fuel.  When it bumps into being over hungry, it starts to get painful, and my ability to wait until my meal is ready decreases significantly.  At those times, I am more apt to not make mindful choices about what to eat, and may make unhealthy choices.  I now have planned snacks, as part of my total daily calorie intake, and have found that I don't get to the over hungry phase as often.  I have read different points of view about whether or not to stick to 3 meals a day or eat 5-6 smaller amounts each day.  There are good and bad points for both, but the one that has stuck with me has been the analogy of fueling a car.  If you fuel the engine at a steady pace, rather than giving it a larger amount and then nothing, the engine runs more efficiently.  I'm finding eating this way keeps me from getting to the over hungry stage, which risks poor choices and over eating.  Just my 2 cents! 

HW (recorded) 323  Start of Journey 298.9  SW 263.6  CW 177.8  GW 180 
Tracy D.
on 4/29/15 2:34 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

I've finally clued in that one of my hunger clues is when I start feeling really "snappish" or crabby.  I may not actually feel hungry but when I start getting short with people or just feel out of sorts and crabby, it's typically a sign that I need to feed the body.  

Who knew?  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































Lee ~
on 4/29/15 1:16 pm - CA

Great topic Kairk!

i never really experiences lack of hunger. I try to do what I call Eating to Hunger. It works well most of the time unless I've delved into the world of carbs, then I want to keep going forever. Dense protein works well for me to feel full. Big salads topped with protein. 

i eat at least 3 times a day. If I've gone too long my body signals are headache, heart burn and being cranky. Truth is, I rarely let myself get that hungry.  I still get that fear of there not being enough. Got that from my mom. 

Early on post op, when I thought I was hungry, I asked myself if I wanted a hard boiled egg. If I answered no, I knew it was head hunger.  With true stomach hunger I would eat whatever was offered. Head hunger makes me just feel like I have cravings. Don't get me wrong, I still eat for the wrong reasons. That hasnt gone away.

I went in for my 5 year post op bloodwork today. February 17th came and went and I forgot. My weigh is stable. Tonight I'm wearing the same jeans that I bought in Jan 2012 after my LBL. All of my clothes are size 8 with some smaller.

i stay tuned into the food conversation by going to WW every Monday night. I made my lifetime goal in June 2011 and I've never gone over the 2 pound limit that would have me pay again, weighing weekly keeps me accountable and thinking about how I feed myself.  It doesn't allow for amnesia.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/15 4:07 pm

Hi Lee!

I am learning how to eat to hunger. It is very difficult for me to trust myself 100%, but I think I'm getting better and better at it. I've realized I'm happier with much less when I eat this way. I tend to eat 4 to 5 times daily during the week and usually 3-4 times on the weekends. I'm in an interesting place as far as food and eating goes.

Glad to hear all is well in your world! That's awesome! Hopefully, one of these days our paths will cross once more! I'd like that.


Lee ~
on 5/4/15 2:41 pm - CA

We should make it happen!  I'd love to see you and the others too.  It sounds like you're in a good place. I'm happy to read that.  Life is good.  All of this is manageable, if we do the work.  You're a good guy.  :)

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

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